Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is Abbott PM material?

Seriously Abbott is a 1st class tosser from Howards bully boy / hit man, Mad Monk organising the chasing and jailing of Hanson through to his continued lies on top of lies and clear lack of ability to formulate and articulate a policy thats actually fair and addresses the current issues.

Hang on let me help your reply Labor fault Gillard / Rudd sucked and its not fair on poor old tosser Abbott blah blah.

Has the water been mixed with your seed again IFocus? It is not my fault that Rudd/Gillard/Rudd cranked the economy into the ground by running up the National debt and I am pretty sure it is not Abbott's either. Just unfortunate that someone has to pay it back. In this instance it just so happens to be a Liberal government that is being tortured by independents and PUP in the senate.

So you know Tony Abbott personally to form such a critique on the man or are you relying on the media drivel that has been proven to make or break governments?
Howard was hated during his first term with a lot of screeching coming from the left, at one point he was thought to be a one term government as well.
I wonder if Abbott will turn it around by the next election?
Has the water been mixed with your seed again IFocus?

LOL might have been

It is not my fault that Rudd/Gillard/Rudd cranked the economy into the ground by running up the National debt and I am pretty sure it is not Abbott's either. Just unfortunate that someone has to pay it back. In this instance it just so happens to be a Liberal government

Rudd / Gillard when they were not changing positions faced falling revenue and failed to raise fresh revenue sources (poor politics, bluffed etc), the GFC was $40 bil Swan held spending at or below 2% (lower than the economic genius's Howard / Costello)

The Coalition screamed there was a budget emergency until they got into government then its the adults in charge its all OK.
They have increased spending and failed to introduce new revenue or spending cuts mainly because of sheer arrogance couple with inept stupidly, some of their efforts failing to win over support from a majority of right wing independents will keep politic uni students in pHDs for years.

that is being tortured by independents and PUP in the senate.

Has given me a great deal of smug pleasure knowing that Abbott would fail at this.

So you know Tony Abbott personally to form such a critique on the man or are you relying on the media drivel that has been proven to make or break governments?

Have followed his progress in politics almost from the day he started, opinion formed over a long period of time it horrifies me to see him as PM knowing where he has come from and that he was put there by the extreme right to block moderates in the Liberal party.
Howard was hated during his first term with a lot of screeching coming from the left, at one point he was thought to be a one term government as well.
I wonder if Abbott will turn it around by the next election?

Any thing is possible but Abbott was a second string Howard minister no where near the political capabilities of Howard plus Howard had real talent on his front bench most of Abbotts talent is sitting on the back bench the front bench is ridden with poor performing right wing party hacks.
LOL might have been

Rudd / Gillard when they were not changing positions faced falling revenue and failed to raise fresh revenue sources (poor politics, bluffed etc), the GFC was $40 bil Swan held spending at or below 2% (lower than the economic genius's Howard / Costello)

The Coalition screamed there was a budget emergency until they got into government then its the adults in charge its all OK.
They have increased spending and failed to introduce new revenue or spending cuts mainly because of sheer arrogance couple with inept stupidly, some of their efforts failing to win over support from a majority of right wing independents will keep politic uni students in pHDs for years.

Has given me a great deal of smug pleasure knowing that Abbott would fail at this.

Have followed his progress in politics almost from the day he started, opinion formed over a long period of time it horrifies me to see him as PM knowing where he has come from and that he was put there by the extreme right to block moderates in the Liberal party.

Maybe he is just what the country needs right now ;)