Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Malaysia Airlines taken down again!

Going off topic but imagine if NATO didn't expand, where would that leave Poland, Romania and Latvia etc? neutral country's left as some kind of East/West buffer, or if left with no choice joining with Russia in a new pact?

Given their geographic position and history NATO had to offer membership and they had to accept. :2twocents

It would leave those countries in the European Union with its mutual defence obligations but out of NATO. Finland has a huge border with Russia but has never been part of NATO. It gives those countries adequate protection from Russian aggression without being viewed in Russia as the West encircling Russia.

I wouldn't put Poland or Romania in the same boat as the Baltic states or the Ukraine, the latter were part of the Soviet Union, the former were not. They also don't have a border with Russia, with the exception of the Kaliningrad Oblast.

Three of the victims. The Maslin children, Evie, Mo and Otis, 10yo who were killed in the downed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.


Three of the murderers. Armed pro-Russian separatists block the way to the crash site.


The man with no conscience.
You've got to love how Qantas has spun this whole incident. They didn't fly over that part of the Ukraine because, if you looked at a map, it doesn't really follow a route from London to Dubai, but they did it for safety reasons. Now they say Iraq is safe to fly over, except today it's no longer safe to fly over for "safety reasons".:D
Yes, well said, Calliope, very sad.
Our hearts go out to all these families.

Three beautiful children and their grandfather.
We also had all those specialist doctors arriving in Melbourne for the conference, that perished in that plane.

In a damning report dated Aug 3, headlined “Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts”, Associated Press reporter Robert Parry said “some US intelligence sources had concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame”.

Yesterday, the New Straits Times quoted experts who had said that photographs of the blast fragmentation patterns on the fuselage of the airliner showed two distinct shapes ”” the shredding pattern associated with a warhead packed with “flechettes”, and the more uniform, round-type penetration holes consistent with that of cannon rounds.

In the CBC interview, the reporter in the video preceded it with: “The wreckage was still smouldering when a small team from the OSCE got there. No other officials arrived for days”.

“There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machinegun fire; very, very strong machinegun fire,” Bociurkiw said in the interview.

Retired Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko had also weighed in on the new shootdown theory with Parry and pointed to the entry and exit holes centred around the cockpit.

“It had to have been a hail of bullets from both sides that brought the plane down. This is Haisenko’s main discovery. You can’t have projectiles going in both directions ”” into the left-hand-side fuselage panel from both its left and right sides ”” unless they are coming at the panel from different directions.

“Nobody before Haisenko had noticed that the projectiles had ripped through that panel from both its left side and its right side. This is what rules out any ground-fired issile,” Parry had said.
Strange how news of MH17 has dropped right out of the news reports.

Perhaps because, regardless of all their bluster, the government has failed to actually achieve anything in the way of international cooperation in the recovery of bodies or the gathering of evidence as to the culprits in this tragedy.

Mr Abbott and Ms Bishop were lauded by some for a supposed appropriate response, but their efforts have fallen on deaf ears, and even our great ally the US doesn't appear to give a toss.
Your post reminds me: what also has happened re the other Malaysia plane which simply disappeared?

There was a very brief news item a few weeks ago saying the search was moving to a different place.
I've asked many times and never had an answer: is Australia the only country funding this search if indeed it's still happening? And if so, why? Surely several other countries would seem to have a greater responsibility than Australia which simply happened to be the nearest country to where someone has guessed it might have gone down. In fact, no one seems to have a clue about what might have happened.
Strange how news of MH17 has dropped right out of the news reports.

Perhaps because, regardless of all their bluster, the government has failed to actually achieve anything in the way of international cooperation in the recovery of bodies or the gathering of evidence as to the culprits in this tragedy.

Mr Abbott and Ms Bishop were lauded by some for a supposed appropriate response, but their efforts have fallen on deaf ears, and even our great ally the US doesn't appear to give a toss.

IMHO I believe the ABC and Fairfax have dropped news on the Malaysian MH17 because it was giving too much credence to Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop.
Flying to KL next week on Malaysian if no more posts it was a bad decision.Four days for a dental visit.With fares like this who could resist?
IMHO I believe the ABC and Fairfax have dropped news on the Malaysian MH17 because it was giving too much credence to Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop.

The ABC is now a part of the LNP collective.

Resistance was futile.

They have been assimilated.
