And another thing. Occasionally all is not as it seems.
I had a working relationship with one parent over a few years as our kids were involved in the same sporting activities.
Hers went to public high school whereas mine went private. She was always giving me heaps over my choice and saying how wonderfully well her children were doing "Grade A students" and all that - as if I could verify what she was saying was true as she wasn't handing over the report cards or getting the school to send me a copy.
Anyway, her husband was, hmm, how to say it, more open? One day he inadvertently let slip they had wanted to send their kids to the private school but could not afford the fees.
A good lesson for me about people and one I have borne in mind ever since.
I had a working relationship with one parent over a few years as our kids were involved in the same sporting activities.
Hers went to public high school whereas mine went private. She was always giving me heaps over my choice and saying how wonderfully well her children were doing "Grade A students" and all that - as if I could verify what she was saying was true as she wasn't handing over the report cards or getting the school to send me a copy.
Anyway, her husband was, hmm, how to say it, more open? One day he inadvertently let slip they had wanted to send their kids to the private school but could not afford the fees.
A good lesson for me about people and one I have borne in mind ever since.