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The Health and Fitness Thread

I do this using a foam roller I bought off a physio website (cost me about $35 plus postage). Using a foam roller is great because it is cheap and allows you to stretch by yourself (no need to rely on someone else, or pay for expensive masseur or physio treatments).

Thanks gav, can you give me a link to this product?
So what is optimum for muscle growth? stretching before exercise, straight after exercise or much later after exercise?

before ,during and after.... funny thing is if you stretch 'too' much before and during you can reduce the explosiveness and thus the strength of the muscle your trying to work
Re: Brain Food

Omega-3 Deficiencies Linked to Mental Disorders

Press TV
Sun, 20 Dec 2009 15:29 EST


Deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids may place individuals at an increased risk of developing mental disorders, a new study finds.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that cannot be produced by the body and are supplied from food intake. Oily fish like salmon, walnuts and ground flax seeds are rich sources of these fatty acids.

While the cardioprotective benefits of these fats had long been recognized, the new study, however, is the first to report their benefits to brain health.

According to the study published in Behavioral Neuroscience, two omega-3 fatty acids known as docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid play a critical role in maintaining the health of the nervous system.

Low omega-3 levels, hence, are linked to information-processing problems commonly found in mental disorders such as schizophrenia, and bipolar, obsessive-compulsive and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders.

Scientists concluded that omega-3 supplements not only have mood-stabilizing and antidepressant properties but also play an important role in brain development, encouraging the growth of neurons that control impulsive behavior.

More at:

An informative article about muscle and weight training appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald today. Although I doubt many people would have noticed, with the Rudd/Gillard fiasco...

No such thing as free muscles

There are multitudes of myths about muscle, especially where athletes are concerned. So here's some myth-busting.

Firstly, nothing will put muscle on you that you have not worked to get. Not even steroids. If you take steroids but don't work out, you'll just be a puffy mess.

The truth is that there's no modern miracle that will make you bulk up as if by magic. No powder, no supplement, no protein, whey or egg white will give you free muscles.

There are nutrients and diet plans that will make your training more efficient and help you gain more muscle bang for your workout buck, but stuff that you swallow won't make a really significant difference in how quickly you get firm muscles or build big ones.

The details of your workout - the sets, reps and types of exercises - should be designed for a specific end goal.

Disclaimer: I have family members who have had melanoma
but fortunately caught early enough...


I've had Squamous cell carcinoma as well as a stage 3 Melonomia... so it seems I had too much sun per se according to that article... which sounds right as I worked outdoors all my younger life.

But ironically, now I spend little time in the sun, mainly apparently at the wrong time (acording to that research), in the early morning or late afternoon.
I've had Squamous cell carcinoma as well as a stage 3 Melonomia... so it seems I had too much sun per se according to that article... which sounds right as I worked outdoors all my younger life.

But ironically, now I spend little time in the sun, mainly apparently at the wrong time (acording to that research), in the early morning or late afternoon.

People I know who have/ had Skin cancers
Tend to stay out of the Sun almost totally

As people get older, if they are unwell ,-- same..

long time in Hospital etc

When you look at some of the research on Vitamin D status

With almost you name it

Cancer , Influenza , HIV etc etc

That could prove deadly... That is plunging Vitamin D levels
Just when they are needed most..

Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Another good site

From the Quote Page

Vitamin D Quotes
Humans make thousands of units of vitamin D within minutes of whole body exposure to sunlight. From what we know of nature, it is unlikely such a system evolved by chance.
~ Dr. John Cannell, Executive Director, Vitamin D Council.

If this theory is true, the path towards effective prevention ”” and perhaps a treatment effect if adequate physiological doses of vitamin D are given ”” is so simple, so safe, so inexpensive, so readily available and so easy, that it defies imagination.
~ Dr. John Cannell on his Vitamin D Theory of Autism.

Vitamin D truly is the center of the universe.
~ Dr. Russell Chesney, professor and chairman of pediatrics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis.

Wow, where has this stuff been all these years?
~ Dr. Russell Chesney, after citing a long list of potential health benefits of vitamin D at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Adults with decreased serum 25(OH)D levels have significantly higher risk of death from HF and premature death, and this may beget additional justification for the study of vitamin D supplementation...
~ Howard J. Eisen MD, chief of cardiology division at Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia.

As is usually the case with medical research, once breakthroughs in knowledge firmly establish the importance of a compound such as vitamin D, interest and research dollars begin to flow. We may soon learn just how many of yesterday's maladies could have been prevented by a simple, cheap daily vitamin pill.
~ Dr. Dan Gold, board-certified family physician who treats U.S. military veterans.

For hundreds of thousands of years, man has lived with the sun: Our ancestors were outdoors far more often than indoors. We developed a dependence on sunshine for health and life, so the idea that sunlight is dangerous does not make sense. How could we have evolved and survived as a species, if we were that vulnerable to something humans have been constantly exposed to for their entire existence?
~ Dr. Frank Lipman, internationally recognized expert in the fields of Integrative and Functional Medicine and practicing physician.

A closer study of the action of solar radiation on the body might well reveal the nature of cancer immunity.
~ Dr. Frank Apperly, concluding remark of his 1941 study on cancer rates vs. latitude.

The big mistake was that the idea that sun exposure causes melanoma went public before it was proved. In fact, we don't know what causes melanoma.
~ Sam Shuster, Professor Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, Newcastle University and Honorary Consultant to the Department of Dermatology, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.

Suntan is an evolutionary device, it protects against burning...A suntan is just a sign of increased pigment, melanin, in the skin and is a natural biological response to the sun, not a sign of skin damage.
~ Sam Shuster, Professor Emeritus, Department of Dermatology, Newcastle University and Honorary Consultant to the Department of Dermatology, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.

In terms of getting more bang for your health care buck, Vitamin D testing and supplementation for the population is one solution which is guaranteed to improve overall health of the population at a ridiculously low cost.
~ Jeffrey Dach MD.

The danger of too much sun is minimal ”” the danger of too little sun is enormous.
~ Dr. Michael R. Eades.

I would recommend that every patient, every person in America get their vitamin D checked, because so many people are low and the ramifications of having low vitamin D are so severe.
~ Dr. Richard Honaker, family practice physician.

If you think of it evolutionarily, it's the oldest hormone on this Earth. I don't think that this is going to be a flash in the pan.
~ Dr. Michael F. Holick, Vitamin D expert.

Because vitamin D is so cheap and so clearly reduces all-cause mortality, I can say this with great certainty: Vitamin D represents the single most cost-effective medical intervention in the United States.
~ Dr. Greg Plotnikoff, Medical Director, Penny George Institute for Health and Healing, Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis.

I believe [vitamin D] is the number one public health advance in medicine in the last twenty years.
~ Dr. John Whitcomb, Aurora Sinai Medical Center.

I do think vitamin D is one of the most promising nutrients for prevention of cardiac disease and cancer, and I believe in it strongly.
~ Dr. JoAnn Manson, Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Chief, Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital.

My goal as a physician in our community is to improve the health of of our community, and Vitamin D testing and supplementation is one way to achieve that goal with no adverse side effects and enormous cost savings.
~ Jeffrey Dach MD.

Light is the basic component from which all life originates, evolves, and is energized. Light and health are inseparable.
~ Ken Ceder, former co-director Hippocrates Health Institute, Boston, Massachusetts.

Natural sunlight's benefits are not limited to vitamin D production. As light enters the eyes, photoreceptors convert the light into nerve impulses that travel along the optic nerve to the brain. These impulses trigger the hypothalamus gland to send neurotransmitters to regulate the automatic functions of the body, such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiration, digestion, sexual function, moods, immune and hormonal modulation, and circadian rhythm.
~ John Maher, DC, DCCN, FAAIM.

This is like the Holy Grail of cancer medicine; vitamin D produced a drop in cancer rates greater than that for quitting smoking, or indeed any other countermeasure in existence.
~ Dennis Mangan, clinical laboratory scientist.

No other method to prevent cancer has been identified that has such a powerful impact.
~ Dr. Cedric Garland, Vitamin D expert.

Vitamin D is a hormone... powerful, potent, and paleo-to-the-core. Since pre-paleolithic times, Vitamin D has been produced in our skin from the UVB radiation of sunlight. The sun indeed powers nearly all life on earth. It is essential and signals reproduction, energy and longevity for not just humans but all land and marine plants, prokaryotes, and animals.
~ Dr. BG, pharmacologist.

I would challenge anyone to find an area or nutrient or any factor that has such consistent anti-cancer benefits as vitamin D. The data are really quite remarkable.
~ Dr. Edward Giovannucci, Vitamin D expert.

In all my many years of practice of medicine, I've never seen one vitamin, even vitamin C, have such profound effects on human health.
~ Dr. Soram Khalsa, board-certified internist and medical director for the East-West Medical Research Institute.

We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition in the world.
~ Dr. Michael F. Holick, Vitamin D expert.

Our most important hormones depend upon adequate reserves of cholesterol for their production and nowhere is this more important than as the precursor substance for the synthesis of Vitamin D, known also as calcitriol. Researchers in this field are sufficiently concerned from the results of their studies to pronounce that we are in the midst of an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency of immense proportion.
~ Duane Graveline MD MPH, former NASA Astronaut, former USAF flight surgeon, and retired family doctor.

The problem is that vitamin D is not really a vitamin, it's a hormone. If your thyroid hormone level was low, you'd gain 20, 30, or more pounds in weight, your blood pressure would skyrocket, you'd lose your hair, become constipated, develop blood clots, be terribly fatigued. In other words, you'd suffer profound changes. Likewise, if thyroid hormone levels are corrected by giving you thyroid hormone, you'd experience profound correction of these phenomena. That's what I'm seeing with vitamin D: restoration of this hormone to normal blood levels (25-OH-vitamin D3 50 ng/mL) yields profound changes in the body.
~ Dr. William Davis, cardiologist.

The Sun is the cosmological phenomenon which is mainly responsible for what the world has become and it would be impossible to remove from the skies without ending the existences of most of all living beings in the same process.
~ Unknown.

Vitamin D is cholecalciferol, a hormone. Deficiencies of hormones can have catastrophic consequences.
~ Dr. William Davis, cardiologist.

Vitamin D deficiency is an unrecognized, emerging cardiovascular risk factor, which should be screened for and treated. Vitamin D is easy to assess, and supplementation is simple, safe, and inexpensive.
~ James H. O'Keefe MD, cardiologist and Director of Preventive Cardiology, Mid America Heart Institute, Kansas City, Missouri.

It has been clearly established that the only way for your body to synthesize vitamin D is in your skin once it's exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Hence, the current guidelines to avoid sun exposure, and the fervent pushing of sunscreen, are perhaps some of the most misguided and dangerous health recommendations out there.
~ Leif Grunseth, certified neuromuscular therapist.
I thought I'd share a bit about my own health story.

This might get a bit long... ;)

Diagnosed with schizophrenia at 13, hospitalised at Redbank (Westmead Children's Hospital) for something like 4 months.

Two years later, another 6 week or so stay at Redbank, and this time I am kept under a closer watch and they say I have bipolar instead.

Struggled with self harm and suicidal thoughts, and have attempted to OD more than a few times...

I have been through a lot and wouldn't be OK today if it wasn't for my family... Along the way I stumbled onto a website owned by a Dr Lawrence Wilson. Started reading one article a day, then I realised I wanted to do a nutritional balancing program. I won't post the link here... you can find it on Google easily enough.

So now I take 8 supplements a day, eat a much cleaner diet, and I am a changed person. I am no longer severely depressed, no wild mood swings, and feeling more content and more stable. I started my nutritional balancing program this time last year, one year later my doctor has reduced my meds by a third. And I'm in a better place mentally than ever. Also lost a little bit of weight, and fitness has improved.

I just wanted to share my experience just in case there are people on this website that know people with a mental illness or have one themselves...

A NB program isn't the holy grail, but through my own experience, I can say it's damn close.
Is the world ready for a more realistic Pudgy Barbie?
