Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

The two biggest reasons why I can't wait to see this current Government gone .

1. I will not have to listen to Rudd 24/7 on every channel calling us Good Folks.
For Gods sake Rudd we are not country bumpkins . It comes across like he is above everyone , what he really means I'm sure is,
" All those below him and not at his level".

2. I will not have to listen to an ever increasing sour twisted woman like Penny Wong.

Yipppppe :xyxthumbs
I don't usually see the content of your posts due to having you on ignore for the past 2 years or so.

Don't know about Nokia.


Calling us wreckers?

I should have apologised earlier when I apologised to sydboy, but I thought you had me on "ignore". If you read this S_C, please accept my belated apologies for equating you with the Greenies.
small business might not agree with you:

The Coalition is tearing up around $4.2 billion of Labor’s SME assistance measures across forward estimates:

– $2.9 billion in instant asset write-offs on investment items costing up to $6500

– $900 million in the ‘loss carry back’ scheme

– $400 million in accelerated depreciation for cars.

That’s not the only supply-side pain in the Coalition’s plans. The 1.5 per cent tax cut for companies big and small doesn’t begin until 2015, but the 1.5 per cent levy on big business to fund Abbott’s paid parental leave scheme begins in 2014.

That’s a one-year tax hike, followed by years of ‘no change’ for big business and a modest tax cut for small business.

Libs screwed small business over a little with some of their policy imo. Libs are more labor then what labor is in certain policy.
And from the Australian News paper as well.

Me thinks Martin Parkinson and David Tune might just be good friends with Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan and are out to spoil RUDNEY RUDES party.

I have been saying for quite a while now that Gillard and Swan will be seeking revenge on Rudd in the last week of the campaign and this is just the start of a bad last week for Rudd.

Watch the polls hit rock bottom next week.

Some more on Labors self destruct.

I am not the only one who believes Gillard and/or Swan are friends of two Treasury public servants who exposed Rudd, Bowen and Wong.

I also believe we will see more this in the last week of campaigning.

Gillard and Swan are after Rudd's blood.
That’s not the only supply-side pain in the Coalition’s plans. The 1.5 per cent tax cut for companies big and small doesn’t begin until 2015, but the 1.5 per cent levy on big business to fund Abbott’s paid parental leave scheme begins in 2014.
Where did you find that start up data for the 1.5 per cent levy ?
I would find it difficult to describe myself as a Rudd backer, though, I take your point.

Rudd will win.

He is a campaigner par extraordinaire.

But a devious little one.

Like vampire on ice, he has destroyed the ALP, and now he is intent on doing it to Australia.

The ALP tried a stake through his heart to rid it of him, but forgot the garlic.

He will get the large muppet vote out there, 2 or 3 generations of welfare dependent voters, who he will target in the last week.

I will never vote again if he gets in.

I fear he will.

They put the garlic on when they resurrected his rotting political corpse. The thought that would keep the underlying stench hidden.

They were wrong.
Errr... did you forget the 4 deaths that occurred as a direct result of poor policy implementation (pink batts).

Your delusional

A safe workplace is the responsibility of the employer...installation of safety switches the responsibility of the home owner...WTF has the Govt financing insulation got to do with that.

Its like this coming election win has given ever right wing, red neck nutter licence to voice all their bias and prejudice.
Your delusional

A safe workplace is the responsibility of the employer...installation of safety switches the responsibility of the home owner...WTF has the Govt financing insulation got to do with that.

Its like this coming election win has given ever right wing, red neck nutter licence to voice all their bias and prejudice.

Mate it's up to the installer to make sure the house they are working on has safety switches, a home owner is not required to have them. Only 168 hours more and we can take back our BROKE country.
Mate it's up to the installer to make sure the house they are working on has safety switches, a home owner is not required to have them. Only 168 hours more and we can take back our BROKE country.

Who said a home owner is required to have a safety switch? i simply pointed out the FACT that its the home owners responsibility to have a safety switch IF the home owner doesn't want anyone electrocuted in their home...simple.

Our country is broke, Jesus H Christ give me a seem to be confusing us with the rest of the world, AAA & AAA+ is not something that country's that are broke or are going broke have..
Labor's sin with its home insulation program was that it overwhelmed that particular part of the economy with money. This resulted is all sorts rushing in for a quick buck.

The outcome speaks for itself.

Jesus H Christ give me a break...

Prayer for salvation from the ballot box isn't going to help Labor now.
Seems one restaurant has the correct take on election signs.

Who said a home owner is required to have a safety switch? i simply pointed out the FACT that its the home owners responsibility to have a safety switch IF the home owner doesn't want anyone electrocuted in their home...simple.

Our country is broke, Jesus H Christ give me a seem to be confusing us with the rest of the world, AAA & AAA+ is not something that country's that are broke or are going broke have..

Your name is so appropriate, So Synical, had the ALP held power for 4 more years we would be BROKE.
Rudd will win.

Not by very much.

But he will.

He is such a stable, intelligent, intuitive, caring, considerate and empathic man, it is difficult to believe him not.

I think he had his last say yesterday -- all over red rover.

They even turned out the lights in the middle of one of his conferences, an early sign -- Goodbye.

It looks like Labor is going to be wiped out of all our marginal seats, which is no surprise.

Not long now :)
GG what in the hell are you drinking to make you so delirious?

GG and Kevin Rudd are both Queenslanders, and Queenslanders stick together.

GG is just putting out the "QUEENSLANDER" call.

If you ever watch a State of Origin match, you will understand.;)
GG and Kevin Rudd are both Queenslanders, and Queenslanders stick together.

GG is just putting out the "QUEENSLANDER" call.

If you ever watch a State of Origin match, you will understand.

Here are some QLD-ers and NSW-ailers watching a State of Origin match....

:bananasmi :bananasmi :bananasmi
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Can you spot the difference?
GG and Kevin Rudd are both Queenslanders, and Queenslanders stick together.

Judging by the way the polls are going in Queensland, it hardly looks like Queenslanders are sticking with Kevin Rudd. Or Peter Beattie either.
Both of these clowns have run their race in Queensland, as has the toxic Labor movement which they represent.
Us Queenslanders are heartily sick of Rudd, Beattie and Labor, and we'll show it with a vengeance on September 7.
Thought this would turn into a Abbott like rant from his love in supporters which is interesting given his polices will certainly damage a lot of the posters here in some way.

I'll actually gain but what the hell, the bottom 1/2 of Australian incomer earners are about to find out what class warfare is and who the losers are.

Abbott will win at a very slow canter will be fascinating listening to the screams from here once reality kicks in.

Talking about reality (open the link for a chart for those that cannot read about any good news from Labor)

Life is much better under Labor after all, says study

The Gillard government oversaw the smallest increase in cost of living of any Australian government for at least 25 years despite the introduction of the carbon tax, a new study has found.

Moreover, Australian households have seen real incomes - disposable income minus cost of living increases - rise 15 per cent since just after Labor took office, giving the average household a $5324 a year boost, or $102 a week.

The results of the survey by the University of Canberra's national centre for social and economic modelling go much of the way to answering the question Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has asked repeatedly throughout the election campaign: ''Are we better off than we were six years ago?''

The answer, at least in terms of family incomes, is an emphatic ''yes'' according to the centre's research. Since Labor took power, the ''standard of living'' - the centre's term for rises in disposable income subtracted by cost of living increases - has risen 2.6 per cent a year, the exact same average annual increase as during the 11 years of the Howard government.

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