Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

This is my favourite election ad. Note the excellent job Plibersek does as a nodder.

Kevin Rudd will win imo.

He is held back by his party.

If they just recognised him as the Messiah he is, the Coalition would be even further behind.

My adoration of Kevin knows bounds.

With regards to that so-called budget black hole, I did note this in The Australian's description of events.

Doc, stand by for fire works next week indirectly from Gillard and Swan.

They certainly won't sign thier names to it as it will be done indirectly as she did through Martin Parkinson who had dined with her at her farewell dinner during the week.

There is a lot of venom left in Gillard and she is out to poison Rudd when ever she can. She wants to see Rudd humiliated.
Kevin Rudd did the following which no other politician has been ever able to do
  • Got us a seat on the UN
  • Gave us unlimited free downloads, some of us anyway in the cities, in some suburbs in some streets, on some sides of streets via the NBN
  • Cured the scabies
  • Increased migration to Australia
  • Introduced migration to PNG from Iran
  • Stopped the pestilence of Salary Sacrifice for Nurses and Allied Health Workers
  • Opened up the Northern Territory to Lower Taxes
  • Saved Bathurst for Holdens only
  • Reversed Global Warming
  • Invented Ugg Boots
  • Moved the Navy with pure wind
  • Built a Rail Line between Sydney and that other southern city ? Melbourne
  • Walked on water

So why anyone would vote for anyone else other than Kevin, has got me beat.

The three lying conspirators have been caught out and don't even have the decency to apologise.

As Hockey would's not in their DNA.

Some good news... about Julia ( She's Gone! )
But wait, there’s more!!
Did you ever wonder why Julia originally chose the 14th of September for an election date?
For a Prime Minister to receive FULL parliamentary pension and perks, they need to be leader/PM
for three years within a full term of government.
Julia Gillard was sworn in as PM on the 14th of September 2010 and would have been eligible for the
full parliamentary pension and perks on the 13th of September this year.

Someone sent me this, any comments ?
True, False ?
Kevin Rudd did the following which no other politician has been ever able to do
  • Got us a seat on the UN
  • Gave us unlimited free downloads, some of us anyway in the cities, in some suburbs in some streets, on some sides of streets via the NBN
  • Cured the scabies
  • Increased migration to Australia
  • Introduced migration to PNG from Iran
  • Stopped the pestilence of Salary Sacrifice for Nurses and Allied Health Workers
  • Opened up the Northern Territory to Lower Taxes
  • Saved Bathurst for Holdens only
  • Reversed Global Warming
  • Invented Ugg Boots
  • Moved the Navy with pure wind
  • Built a Rail Line between Sydney and that other southern city ? Melbourne
  • Walked on water

So why anyone would vote for anyone else other than Kevin, has got me beat.


GG when Rudd gets crucified on the 7th it would be impossible for him to walk on water with holes in his feet.:D:D

- - - Updated - - -

The three lying conspirators have been caught out and don't even have the decency to apologise.

As Hockey would's not in their DNA.

View attachment 54161

So which one of the trio blew it?

You whistle and I will point.
I must admit to never having seen a Labor Party so stuck in the headlights of adverse public opinion since the Split in 1955.

Then unlike now decent workers were split over Communist influence versus Democratic.

Now the dregs of the Upper Middle Class and Tory Labor Right fight for the splintered bones of a once great Workers Movement.

Vale the ALP.


I must admit to never having seen a Labor Party so stuck in the headlights of adverse public opinion since the Split in 1955.
Then unlike now decent workers were split over Communist influence versus Democratic.
Now the dregs of the Upper Middle Class and Tory Labor Right fight for the splintered bones of a once great Workers Movement.
Vale the ALP.

What do they expect, they give us Mark Latham, Julia Gillard and Rudd ..............twice.

How stupid are there people ?

They expect the media to support them ?, they expect people to vote for them ?

Just go away, fix it , then we'll talk.
Kevin Rudd did the following which no other politician has been ever able to do
  • Got us a seat on the UN
  • Gave us unlimited free downloads, some of us anyway in the cities, in some suburbs in some streets, on some sides of streets via the NBN
  • Cured the scabies
  • Increased migration to Australia
  • Introduced migration to PNG from Iran
  • Stopped the pestilence of Salary Sacrifice for Nurses and Allied Health Workers
  • Opened up the Northern Territory to Lower Taxes
  • Saved Bathurst for Holdens only
  • Reversed Global Warming
  • Invented Ugg Boots
  • Moved the Navy with pure wind
  • Built a Rail Line between Sydney and that other southern city ? Melbourne
  • Walked on water

So why anyone would vote for anyone else other than Kevin, has got me beat.


Apologies GG, but I feel I cannot allow your post to pass without correction.

I've no doubt that Rudd possesses many of these attributes, however, the concept of UGG boots predated Rudd's genesis by many decades and aquatic perambulation hardly needs mentioning given that this quality is currently a mandatory prerequisite for acceptance into Government office.

Beyond the aforementioned criticisms, your post is clearly beyond reproach.
This is my favourite election ad. Note the excellent job Plibersek does as a nodder.


Calliope, if you really study that video thoroughly, you will also notice that she also breathed.

How dare she breathe.:banghead:
Well the election is over but to all the Labor voters out there I ask , who's fault is it that you lost ?

Don't blame the Murdoch press or anyone else it's entirely your fault, you let the Labor party offer up Mark Latham, Julia Gillard and Rudd.............twice.

How absolutely hopeless are you ?

You expect the press to support you ?, you expect people to vote for you ?

It's just lucky some of your lot aren't in jail ......yet.:2twocents
I switched over to Rudd's campaign launch for a few minutes only to catch Therese Rein in the middle of a heart-rending tale about the time when the Rudd family had to sleep in the family car for a couple of nights after being turfed off the family farm by the wicked landlord after the death of his father.

Well, this hoary old tale worked well in 2007, so why not trot it out again? There wasn't a dry eye in the house after Therese's teary tale. It makes you want to take Rudd in your arms and cuddle the poor pet.

In 2007 in the Telegraph;

In fact any childhood home poorer or smaller than Mark’s (Latham) would technically be considered a chook shed by planning authorities.

As a result Kevin Rudd had to dig deep for his campfire tale. Houses, he told the electorate, were for toffs. He was raised in a car.

This is a bold claim to make, and the Australian media have largely consigned it to the “colourful truthiness” category. And even if the claim is not an exaggeration, Kevin Rudd is not the first person to sleep in a motor vehicle.

But the international media have embraced the Rudd legend with the sort of fervour that leads to US tourists coming to Sydney and asking where to find the kangaroo rides.

Try this from the Los Angeles Times: “The youngest of four children, he grew up poor on a Queensland dairy farm and was raised by his widowed mother, a nurse who was once evicted and forced to sleep in her car with her children.”

The Kuwait Times was no less impressed. In an article headed “Farm boy Rudd ousts Howard”, it states breathlessly: “Australia’s incoming prime minister Kevin Rudd could scarcely have imagined as his penniless family slept in a car during his childhood that one day he would lead the nation.”
Did everyone receive the CD from Clive Palmer?
I just browsed through it - and I can imagine a lot of voters might give his candidates serious consideration.
"Tony Gillard and Julia Abbott" LOL
Well the election is over but to all the Labor voters out there I ask , who's fault is it that you lost ?

Don't blame the Murdoch press or anyone else it's entirely your fault, you let the Labor party offer up Mark Latham, Julia Gillard and Rudd.............twice.

How absolutely hopeless are you ?

You expect the press to support you ?, you expect people to vote for you ?

It's just lucky some of your lot aren't in jail ......yet.:2twocents

I'm asking myself, how have i left you off my ignore list for so long? what the hell was i thinking?


At least there is a good chance that we will control the senate...i just hope they give Tony back some of what he paid out, block everything.
Apologies GG, but I feel I cannot allow your post to pass without correction.

I've no doubt that Rudd possesses many of these attributes, however, the concept of UGG boots predated Rudd's genesis by many decades and aquatic perambulation hardly needs mentioning given that this quality is currently a mandatory prerequisite for acceptance into Government office.

Beyond the aforementioned criticisms, your post is clearly beyond reproach.

My apologies, mate.

Nonetheless, I still believe Kevni, to be capable of winning this contest.

Long live our Dear Leader Kevni.
