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TA is still ranting about carbon tax: get real, this is the least of the problem in Oz at the current time.
Incorrect, the carbon tax is one of Australia's biggest problems at the current time.
The well is dry, we are $270B+ in debt. Yet we intend to send tens of billions of dollars offshore and yet another massive Government bureaucracy has been set up costing further billions.
Dollars that should be going to paying off our nation's debt.
Money that will be sent to the socialist bent agenda of the UN and to 3rd world countries with no audited checks-and-balances. Money that will end up where a sizeable amount of all foreign aid already ends up.... in some dictator's pocket, his families bank accounts or the accounts of shady Government cronies and the anointed 'elite'.
Money will be funneled away from cheaper, proven effective energy sources to be crammed into expensive inefficient energy projects, that are yet to be proven to be able to supply the bulk of a nation's energy demands, and which will cause costs to rise for every single Australian whether they can afford the price rises or not.
Sure they may receive a few shekels at the start to shut them up, but the carbon tax is an insidious one that is hidden, unlike the GST. You won't see a carbon tax component on any retail shopping docket or any invoice for that matter, you can bet on that.
Will we ever know exactly what we are paying? No.
Worst of all it is a tax on the private sector, why is Government exempt from the carbon tax? Because it is designed to have a shrinking effect. The last thing the policy makers that worship 'big Government' want is for the very tax that fundamentally destroys to be placed upon themselves.
Projects will be scrapped on the premise of not being carbon efficient, costing jobs. In fact if the carbon nutters had their way there would probably soon be a 'carbon clause' on every new development, with a carbon assessment being the critical factor as to whether the project goes ahead or not.
If you want proof of the destructive effect of the carbon policy, see Obama's comments on the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline. Where will those jobs on that project be created elsewhere on a 'carbon efficient' project in such a short timeline?
Will investment be made in *cough cough* green projects? Sure. However they are inefficient and most importantly subsidised by our tax dollars. If they were efficient and effective they would have already found a major place in the free market. Any project or industry funded to that extent via Government (tax payer) subsidy has no place in a free market system, they are the playthings or those with ideology and agenda.
The carbon tax is designed to slow consumption. When you slow consumption, you slow the economy. When you slow the economy you cost tax revenue and jobs. Jobs, the very thing the Labor Government tout they are the party that protects and creates. Jobs = consumer dollars. Consumer dollars keep small business afloat, there are yet more job losses. At this point we have a Government enforced slow down on both big and small business.
So with Government revenue decreasing, how do they plan to maintain the handouts to the low income earners, whom they are trying to shield from the carbon tax? They either raise the carbon tax, some other tax or stop the handouts.
Please don't bother quoting the environment, the carbon tax is a faulty policy of wealth redistribution and nothing more. If you believe in wealth redistribution come out in the open and do it transparently.
Don't hide behind fanciful 'global threats' where data is taken from only a minuscule fraction of the earth's existence, misconstrued to suit an economic agenda and then quoted as gospel truth.
Funny, and convenient, how 'global warming' became 'climate change' all of a sudden wasn't it?
If you don't believe carbon tax is one of the nations biggest issues and threats, your priorities are sadly misplaced.