Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

No point, if he took over the Libs would rightly point out that they (Labor) hate his guts and will roll him after the election anyway,
What a choice for Labor.

One between the devil they know and the devil they know.
I am returning to Townsville from Stasiland.

I believe the endgame has occurred.

What an interesting time in which to live. Ole Rudd back. LOL.

Kevin 07 is back with 57 to 45 votes. Gillard will resign.

Shorten controls 7 votes. Had he stayed with Gillard she would have won 52 to 50. Shorten's numbers has twice changed a PM.

Country Lad
I really do feel for the ALP true believers. The grassroot Labor supporters are a good lot, badly served by the Unions, Factions and Rich Leftoids in power.

Having to chose between Gillard and Rudd is akin to being left with two pieces of bait at the end of a hot days fishing, both limp, wet and coming apart, an eskie empty of grog and catch, and an ominous storm brewing between your anchorage and harbour.

Let us hope for the sake of a good opposition during the inevitable Coalition government to come, that the ALP chose a good compromise candidate.


Yes, for the good people in Labor and their supporters it looks like the party can get back to some stability for awhile and focus on policy, rather than the voting public focusing on the party and it's internal troubles.

As a good fisherman knows, often the smelliest old bait is the best for a big catch. ;)
Yes, for the good people in Labor and their supporters it looks like the party can get back to some stability for awhile and focus on policy, rather than the voting public focusing on the party and it's internal troubles.

As a good fisherman knows, often the smelliest old bait is the best for a big catch. ;)

To be fair to Labor, something had to give, and it gave tonight.

Rudd is a challenging little control meister.

Interesting times ahead, they have lost many good frontbenchers and recalled a man described by their own as a psychopath.

As in all these situations I feel sorry for Julia Gillard.

Yes, for the good people in Labor and their supporters it looks like the party can get back to some stability for awhile and focus on policy, rather than the voting public focusing on the party and it's internal troubles.
Oh lord, Whiskers, you must be dreaming. The Labor Party is a divided debacle. Any superficial papering over the deep fissures by Rudd's egocentric presentation will be short lived imo.
I'd be surprised if he didn't capitalise on his honeymoon period by moving to an early election.
The 2 party preferred from the poll released today has the Noalition and Labor 50/50 with Rudd as leader...i would say that the case for change is now compelling considering the time left before the election.

Kevin 13 has a kind of ring to it? :dunno:

And so it has come to pass, and a great wrong has been righted.

We have half a chance now, a reinvented Rudd that's humble and has learnt from his mistakes has some appeal, certainly more than Julia.
We have half a chance now, a reinvented Rudd that's humble and has learnt from his mistakes has some appeal, certainly more than Julia.

The change of leadership may save a few seats and even hold off a Senate majority for the libs but the die has been cast. We are still destined for at least one term of Howard's protege and darling of the far right. Say goodbye to the moderates of the Liberal party as we usher in economic rationalism and the policies of the far right.

The champagne corks will still be popping in the boardrooms of the business elite who can count on policies that will entrench their power, influence and wealth at the expense of the 99%. The pending election of Abbott will be a journey back in time, we've been there before with Howard and the results will be the same except with a harder edge.
That will be the day! Rather, a Rudd who has been extraordinarily successful in his quest for revenge.

Doubt it. Once a wanker always a wanker.

I would agree.

Rudd has white anted continuously the efforts of the ALP in a hung parliament, in quite a nasty sick way.

There will be some caucus ALP looking for retribution, an investigating media and continual ads from the Libs reminding people of his cockups.

A contact in caucus tells me he was the greatest leaker of well informed source information to the media when things were tough for Gillard.

Rudd is a very flawed man.

He made the task of Gillard passing some good legislation in a hung parliament very very difficult.

The change of leadership may save a few seats and even hold off a Senate majority for the libs but the die has been cast. We are still destined for at least one term of Howard's protege and darling of the far right. Say goodbye to the moderates of the Liberal party as we usher in economic rationalism and the policies of the far right.

The champagne corks will still be popping in the boardrooms of the business elite who can count on policies that will entrench their power, influence and wealth at the expense of the 99%. The pending election of Abbott will be a journey back in time, we've been there before with Howard and the results will be the same except with a harder edge.
Yeah it will be great can't wait :xyxthumbs
The change of leadership may save a few seats and even hold off a Senate majority for the libs but the die has been cast. We are still destined for at least one term of Howard's protege and darling of the far right. Say goodbye to the moderates of the Liberal party as we usher in economic rationalism and the policies of the far right.

The champagne corks will still be popping in the boardrooms of the business elite who can count on policies that will entrench their power, influence and wealth at the expense of the 99%. The pending election of Abbott will be a journey back in time, we've been there before with Howard and the results will be the same except with a harder edge.

Or we could have meandered down the stream of entitlement, casting money overboard to all and sundry.
Open our welcoming arms to anyone who wants to come, then supply them with our hospitality and gifts.
While taxing those who can afford it, untill those who can afford it, have nothing and they themselves are on welfare.
Then we gather everyone for a chorus of Kumbaya my Lord. Jeez

Europe is full of that ideology.
I've got to admit Abbot's not the best the Libs could do, I'd prefer Turnbull...even though he's an ex banker:cautious:.

I've got to admit Abbot's not the best the Libs could do, I'd prefer Turnbull...even though he's an ex banker:cautious:.


Yeh, everyone prefers Turnbull, untill they get him.:D
A bit like Rudd had to go and everyone would love Gillard, what a joke.

Laborites, would love Turnbull.
ding dong the witch is dead ive never so much wanted to vote
to get rid of the rubbish running our country into the ground.

sweet revenge for rudd must be a good feeling to get her back...tb
Yeh, everyone prefers Turnbull, untill they get him.:D
A bit like Rudd had to go and everyone would love Gillard, what a joke.

Laborites, would love Turnbull.

I strongly disagree, Turnbull would have avoided Gillard and saved so many billions for Australia by not having her on the second term.
Turnbull was the choice for Australia's interest, Tony was the choice of the old vendicative guard who does not place Australia first.
TA is still ranting about carbon tax: get real, this is the least of the problem in Oz at the current time.
Do not be surprised if we even end up keeping the current clowns in place at the next election.
and yes i am supporting a banker :(

- - - Updated - - -

To be fair to Labor, something had to give, and it gave tonight.

Rudd is a challenging little control meister.

Interesting times ahead, they have lost many good frontbenchers and recalled a man described by their own as a psychopath.

As in all these situations I feel sorry for Julia Gillard.

Please gg, anything but sorry for the b.
She got back what she sow, I just hate her as much as she hates me: male, entrepreneur, heavy tax payer,seeing her as the tool for unions working against their constituency, and deserving to rot in jail for the frauds she took part in (and i mean before taking over a PM position in a so called democracy)
at least one good new yesterday, and the state of origin of course :D