Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

Laura Tingle got it right after the last election as far as I can see nothings changed

There are two possible explanations for how an opposition presenting itself as an alternative government could end up with an $11 billion hole in the cost of its election commitments.

One is that they are liars, the other is that they are clunkheads. Actually there is a third explanation: they are liars and clunkheads.

But whatever the combination, they are not fit to govern.

Liars and clunkheads? Not fit to govern? I think Tingle got her notes mixed up, sounds more like the government to me :rolleyes:
Ms Tingle's affections are well known. Little point in expecting any objectivity from her.
Poor old IF will get his cataracts treated later this year. ;)

Then he'll see what a pack of galahs this government was.
Tony Abbott may be the first PM ever to reconcile this nation.

I have discussed with Tony Abbott, involving Paul Keating, in our rapprochement with the Indigenous Peoples of Australia.

I will discuss it with Keating when I am next in Sussex St. or Parramatta or wherever the NSW Right now lurk..

There is much agreement in the non-muppet sphere of politics on reconciliation.

What a great speech by Tony Abbott at the Sydney Institute. A speech driven by the experience of a people's pain.


There is no other issue in Tony's paltry quiver that gives me any hope of Australia being a better place, if we are to suffer his bumbling leadership in the house. But on this one there is some light. Howard played and prayed to the black angles drawn raised from the crypt by the One Nation troglodytes, his 10 point abomination to placate the fevered minds of a Mining claque and Squatocracy that know no limits their greed, along with his infantile pride and forelock tugging to empire standing in the way of simply saying...sorry. And diminishing a nation by extension.
Tony may be able to drag to the reactionary lard that swaddles the all to much of the coalition into the post racist present. We can only hope.
There is no other issue in Tony's paltry quiver that gives me any hope of Australia being a better place, if we are to suffer his bumbling leadership in the house. But on this one there is some light. Howard played and prayed to the black angles drawn raised from the crypt by the One Nation troglodytes, his 10 point abomination to placate the fevered minds of a Mining claque and Squatocracy that know no limits their greed, along with his infantile pride and forelock tugging to empire standing in the way of simply saying...sorry. And diminishing a nation by extension.
Tony may be able to drag to the reactionary lard that swaddles the all to much of the coalition into the post racist present. We can only hope.

Indigenous peoples have a deep distrust of the ALP, unions, and the promises never delivered.

Why do you reckon so many Indigenous have been reps for the Libs, LNP and CLP, in our Houses of Parliament and Senate.

And why are so few pre-selected for the ALP.

We now have a Chief Minister no less who has Indigenous forebears in the Northern Territory representing the Country Liberal Party.

It is the ALP who are reactionary.

Indigenous peoples have a deep distrust of the ALP, unions, and the promises never delivered.

All the indigenous people I know love the Libs. The last Lib PM did so much for them. They can't wait for Tony to become PM.

The nasty ones say they're all the same.:confused:
Indigenous peoples have a deep distrust of the ALP, unions, and the promises never delivered.

Why do you reckon so many Indigenous have been reps for the Libs, LNP and CLP, in our Houses of Parliament and Senate.

And why are so few pre-selected for the ALP.

We now have a Chief Minister no less who has Indigenous forebears in the Northern Territory representing the Country Liberal Party.

It is the ALP who are reactionary.


It's exactly the push me push you political equation at play that can be so manevolently manipulated at the street level that does nothing but add heat and no light to this festering ulcer on our national dignity. Blaineys black arm band is a bastard of a thing to wear but without it you cannot begin to have any understanding of the fractured wreck to be delt with. It is only in the very recent past that the national ciriculum has begun to expose the extent and historical state complicity.
If you ever listen again to Keatings Redfern speech there were a lot of boo's through particularly the begining of that oration... Who'd boo it now?
Would of Howard, only after being dragged to it, have run a grain of sand into the hand of Vincent Lingiari(who lead a union) with out thinking of how much it would cost, not least his next dinner invitation to Arvi Parbo's joint.

Somethings cost a lot more than money, Understanding. It's on this that Tony has a handle. As opposed to say an IronBar, Lucky, for australia
Would of Howard, only after being dragged to it, have run a grain of sand into the hand of Vincent Lingiari(who lead a union) with out thinking of how much it would cost, not least his next dinner invitation to Arvi Parbo's joint.



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We now have a Chief Minister no less who has Indigenous forebears in the Northern Territory representing the Country Liberal Party.

If they cannot afford bread, then let them eat grog.

That's the campaign that they ran. Bess Price and Larissa Lee have also made massive amounts of money from the intervention and their politics are motivated by their personal financial interests. Nothing to do with indigenous rights.

P.S. Giles was born and bred in NSW and only moved to the NT some 5 years ago.

He isn't initiated and has been subject to racist taunts from his now supporters because of it.

It's not as simple as it seems. And you shouldn't think the clolp isn't a shemozzle just because they're desperately trying to save their own arses.
Poor old IF will get his cataracts treated later this year. ;)

Then he'll see what a pack of galahs this government was.

Given the chaos reigning in the NT and Victorian state governments driven by the Liberal faceless men sticking the knife into leaders backs ( I heard Ted was a nice bloke) I am shocked at the silence coming from the Abbott cheer squad.

Surely there are screams of undemocratic elected leaders.

How about shrill screaming of a illegitimate government.


Thanks for the concern for my eye sight but its good enough to see Tingle was and still is right and unlike some of the previous comments Tingle was indeed objective so much so it won her a award should they care to be objective and research.
If they cannot afford bread, then let them eat grog.

That's the campaign that they ran. Bess Price and Larissa Lee have also made massive amounts of money from the intervention and their politics are motivated by their personal financial interests. Nothing to do with indigenous rights.

P.S. Giles was born and bred in NSW and only moved to the NT some 5 years ago.

He isn't initiated and has been subject to racist taunts from his now supporters because of it.

It's not as simple as it seems. And you shouldn't think the clolp isn't a shemozzle just because they're desperately trying to save their own arses.

Interesting thanks Chops
Given the chaos reigning in the NT and Victorian state governments driven by the Liberal faceless men sticking the knife into leaders backs ( I heard Ted was a nice bloke) I am shocked at the silence coming from the Abbott cheer squad.

Surely there are screams of undemocratic elected leaders.

How about shrill screaming of a illegitimate government.


Thanks for the concern for my eye sight but its good enough to see Tingle was and still is right and unlike some of the previous comments Tingle was indeed objective so much so it won her a award should they care to be objective and research.
Don't lose hope IF.

The federal political scene will turn at some point in the future.

It could hardly be more barren for Labor supporters than it is now.
Don't lose hope IF.

The federal political scene will turn at some point in the future.

It could hardly be more barren for Labor supporters than it is now.

It actually not Labors position thats worries me (swings and roundabouts Labor needs a good clean out) more what's coming from Abbott and his front bench I simply just don't see any glimmer of light or talent.
It actually not Labors position thats worries me (swings and roundabouts Labor needs a good clean out) more what's coming from Abbott and his front bench I simply just don't see any glimmer of light or talent.

Compared to what we've had it will seem like Camelot:)
Compared to what we've had it will seem like Camelot:)

OK under Abbott

Do you think unemployment will fall further? (it will actually rise and thats a given)

Interest rates fall lower?

Benefits flow to the less privileged?

More tax cut's?

How about less waste by giving big company's hand outs for CO2 emissions?

No leadership tensions when the right flexes its muscles when they want payback?

Surpluses under Hockey? (if so how?)

Better health and education? (how)

I know they will stop the boats..........once Australia pulls out of Afghanistan push factor will be x 10.

Looking forward to watching pigs fly :)
IF - you just don't get it do you? Or is there none so blind as those who won't see?

We have TWO alternatives. Just TWO. One is to continue the massive debt, boat arrivals, carbon tax and all the other debacles. The other is to give the libs a go who have a better history of management.

The libs will have a tough job as it seems Gillard is determined to wreck the place financially as much as possible on the way out making it very difficult for the libs. I guess that is her idea.

If so, it is shameful that she can't put the interests of the country first before her spiteful revenge on the libs (and the majority of voters).
I know they will stop the boats..........once Australia pulls out of Afghanistan push factor will be x 10.
Push factor ?

Labor gave up on defending their failure on that line long ago.

What we have is Labor subservient to the biggest pull factor of all, the Greens.

The so-called closing down sale just goes on and on and will as long as Labor remains in office.
It actually not Labors position thats worries me (swings and roundabouts Labor needs a good clean out) more what's coming from Abbott and his front bench I simply just don't see any glimmer of light or talent.

IFocus, everyone in W.A was worried $hitless, when they voted in Barnett.
One term on and going by the election results, most seem to be happy enough to give him another round.
My guess is he will get a third term if he stays.

Most indicators show Labor and Gillard are extremely unpopular, that is despite two terms of office, for Labor.
It is a bit baffling to keep saying "be scared of Tony and the dark". When obviously most are scared of the current government.
So you recomend staying on the current roundabout? Jeez:rolleyes:

We really won't know what talent or lack of it, the Libs have untill they are in office.