Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Poll: Should all political threads be merged into one?

Should all political threads be merged into one super thread?

  • Yes: Merge all current and future political threads into one super thread.

    Votes: 20 47.6%
  • No: I like it the way it is, no change.

    Votes: 22 52.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Contrarian Averager
31 August 2007
The Poll question is: Should all political threads be merged into one super thread, like the Real Estate thread.

I think it works well for real estate and see no reason why it wouldn't work for politics, as each new event happens a new conversation starts...would reduce the one sided clutter in the general section of the forum, while still allowing those interested to vent etc.
Oh come on SoCynical, you Ifocus and a handfull of chardonay socialists, are coping a bit of flack at the moment.
Just think how much fun you will have saying "I told you so next year" :D
Funny you should start this thread now. I'm in the process of starting a new thread for the general discussion of each of the major political parties and one for the general discussion of all minor parties.
Just for the record, I think having all political discussion in one thread isn't really feasible.

Real Estate in Australia is a single topic while political discussion has many dimensions. While I'm all for trying to cut down on the amount of single political threads started, I don't think that it's possible to fit so many discussions into one thread.
I think it's only socially responsible to have a place online where socially delinquent old people and rabid white picket fence conservative can congregate and rattle on about whatever it is that is bothering them. I really don't care how many threads are dedicated to nescient vitriole just as long as they stay in the general ignorance section of the forum. Just as I don't care what nonsense the shock-jocks on 2GB have to say because I don't listen to it.

It's no surprise to me that there appears to be an inverse relationship amongst the membership between those that post in the political threads in the general ignorance forum and those that post in the stock market forum about actual stocks.

Some people think and act. Some people would rather whinge. Regardless of political persuasion, people seem to spend too much time worrying about governments rather than worrying about getting on with their own lives. Hot tip - when you vote, you only get to choose amongst a bunch of politicians.
I voted yes, but maybe there are other options, I am not sure if its possible to filter all the off topic and political stuff out, but that would help.

I only come here for the shares and investment discussion, but its very annoying when I click on the new posts button, to find a long list of threads that are of no interest to me.
Funny you should start this thread now. I'm in the process of starting a new thread for the general discussion of each of the major political parties and one for the general discussion of all minor parties.

I think it could be ordered better but would be a bad move to take away the ability to start new threads for new political topics, such as Labors latest stuff up or something else important, if these topcs were buried in a merged thread I don't see how that would work.
Someone mentioned the property prices thread. If one thinks about that then more people on average would be interested and concerned with their home of property investment that politics.

Yet we have political threads dominating everything in the discussion area. The used to be an old saying, "when in company never discuss politics and religion". And it brings out the worst in people so needs to be controlled well.

I note a number of posters only on the forum for political purposes and the ill feelings being created is turning people away from ASF so we are therefore losing our way. You yourself Joe consolidated the Property threads and would urge you to revisit your feelings and reasoning for that in coming to a decision on the political arena.

Worth mentioning that I have felt that the wording of the climate change thread with the word "Hysteria" is a stir up and have often thought of starting up another thread to counteract that. Basilio did to no avail and my feelings were to keep it in the one place. And lets face it, like property the climate one gets plenty of attention.

And one thread it will be better monitored
I think it could be ordered better but would be a bad move to take away the ability to start new threads for new political topics, such as Labors latest stuff up or something else important, if these topcs were buried in a merged thread I don't see how that would work.

So you are looking for headline grabs. They are close to opinions which is a far cry from a topic category.

I would be further disappointed if we have fallen to that level.
I only come here for the shares and investment discussion, but its very annoying when I click on the new posts button, to find a long list of threads that are of no interest to me.

I do understand how this could be annoying. My suggestion to those who have no interest in threads in the General Chat forum is to ignore them completely and increase your posting in threads on individual stocks and investment related topics. If there was more posting in these threads, the percentage of General Chat threads to show up when the "New Posts" link was clicked would be significantly less.

The best way to combat the apparent dominance of General Chat threads is simply to post more in threads you are interested in. Posting in a thread is like voting for it. It also makes others more likely to post in it as well and odds are a constructive discussion will be generated as a result.
I posted this on Joe's Liberal party thread.

Joe. The Liberal Party is not the Coalition. I think it would make more sense to have one thread for the Government and one for the Coalition.

Barnaby Joyce for instance is National Party, but he is part of the Coalition. Under your new rules a post about him would be consigned to the Minor Parties, along with the LNP and the Greens. The LNP is not a minor Party Party in Queensland.

The majority of political posts are about Federal politics. Applicable threads would be, subject to change;

The Gillard Government

The Abbott Opposition.

The Greens.

State Politics

Just :2twocents
I voted Yes because there was no third, "middle-ground" option to tick.
One each per party, maybe even split into pro and con, along the lines Joe has already suggested, would be ideal.
At my last count we had 35 threads with Gillard or Abbott in the title, and 58 with Rudd in the title. My system would cut this back to two.

This would also appease newbies like galumay who are upset by General Chat threads.
I voted Yes because there was no third, "middle-ground" option to tick.
One each per party, maybe even split into pro and con, along the lines Joe has already suggested, would be ideal.

And I voted 'No' for the same reason :) I'm in favour of some rationalisation (the doubling up of comments is the part that I find most frustrating) but I think more than one thread is required.
OK, I probably should have consulted more before starting the new threads as there seems to be different views about the best way to structure the new political threads.

My intention was to have all federal, state and local party politics located in the one thread. There is one for Labor, Liberal, the Nationals, Greens and one for all other minor political parties.

Calliope has presented an alternative format, are there any other suggestions?

If you prefer one format over the other please express your preference in this thread.
My intention was to have all federal, state and local party politics located in the one thread. There is one for Labor, Liberal, the Nationals, Greens and one for all other minor political parties.

I posted this on the other thread;
Good luck with that.:dunno: I think that these days political discussion is all about personalities. That's why there are 58 posts with Rudd in the title.
My intention was to have all federal, state and local party politics located in the one thread. There is one for Labor, Liberal, the Nationals, Greens and one for all other minor political parties.

This would seem the sensible solution in my view and goes a long way to meeting those at variance half way.

ie. separate thread for each ALP, Lib, etc

And an overrider simply called "Australian Politics"

I posted this on Joe's Liberal party thread.

Joe. The Liberal Party is not the Coalition. I think it would make more sense to have one thread for the Government and one for the Coalition.

Barnaby Joyce for instance is National Party, but he is part of the Coalition. Under your new rules a post about him would be consigned to the Minor Parties, along with the LNP and the Greens. The LNP is not a minor Party Party in Queensland.

The majority of political posts are about Federal politics. Applicable threads would be, subject to change;

The Gillard Government

The Abbott Opposition.

The Greens.

State Politics

Just :2twocents
I agree.
OK, I probably should have consulted more before starting the new threads as there seems to be different views about the best way to structure the new political threads.

My intention was to have all federal, state and local party politics located in the one thread. There is one for Labor, Liberal, the Nationals, Greens and one for all other minor political parties.

Calliope has presented an alternative format, are there any other suggestions?

If you prefer one format over the other please express your preference in this thread.
Joe, I don't think it's appropriate to have just the one thread for both Federal and State versions of any party.
As Calliope has pointed out, the actual title of the Opposition is the Coalition. In several areas it is only represented by either a National OR a Liberal member. Non-liberal representatives cannot be consigned to minor parties.

Further State politics are very different from Federal. eg if I want to follow a discussion about either the Federal Labor Party or the Federal Coalition, I don't want to have to - amongst it - trawl through discussions about Eddie Obeid in NSW or the various factors involved in the coming WA election. It would be hopelessly messy imo.

I agree absolutely that there are far too many frivolous and silly threads started, in all areas for that matter.
I don't know, however, why people who are just not interested can't simply ignore what doesn't interest them.
When I log on I just go to Quick Links, then to Today's Posts and scroll through to read what interests me.
Hardly seems such a big deal that some people seem to feel obliged to express what they feel is their intellectual superiority on the basis of not being interested in any political discussion. I see some pretty underwhelming comments in some of the stock threads.
Some people think and act. Some people would rather whinge. Regardless of political persuasion, people seem to spend too much time worrying about governments rather than worrying about getting on with their own lives. Hot tip - when you vote, you only get to choose amongst a bunch of politicians.

One of the best paragraphs i have read on ASF :)