Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Poll: Should all political threads be merged into one?

Should all political threads be merged into one super thread?

  • Yes: Merge all current and future political threads into one super thread.

    Votes: 20 47.6%
  • No: I like it the way it is, no change.

    Votes: 22 52.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
In 2010 soon after Ms Gillard assumed power, I started a thread "The Gillard Government". I fail to see how every post after this time, on Gillard, or the Labor Government or members of the Government could not have been accommodated under that title. It has had 5891 posts.

I think a similar thread titled "The Abbot Coalition" would serve the same purpose. Ancillary threads for important political topics such as "2013 Election", "Boat People", "Climate Change", "Greens", "State Governments" etc. would still be needed. It would be important that each title should have a Key Word so the thread can be easily found in "Advance Search", to prevent duplication.

As Julia has suggested, threads with pejorative titles should be banned.


Calliope, mate,

You are peeing in to the wind.

I resurrected the BHP thread on the weekend, as a contact indicated to me something was afoot with the CEO.

I was unable to confirm so did not post that exact information hoping some silly bastard would post clarification.

I returned to the BHP thread today.

A day on which the CEO of one of the most important Australian companies had a change of CEO.

Number of posts today. None.

Number of posts since the weekend. None.

Best of luck.

I'll post similar on another thread

Perhaps the best idea is to just merge all the Julia Gillard threads, rename the end result, "Julia Gillard" and go from there? If we do the same to all the Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Barack Obama threads we'll probably turn close to 100 threads into around half a dozen.

Or to save yourself some work maybe some of the really old ones could be deleted.
I returned to the BHP thread today.
Sorry and all, but wake me up, when this behemoth's earnings cycle has reached the bottom, their wasteful investment becomes less unpredictable, and even better the irrationality (and hence uncertainty) of the underlying commodities that they partake in resides!!!

At this very point in time, whilst I definitely admire what they have achieved, it is impossible for me to put a value on it - so there really is no point commenting in a way other than I just did (and believe me, you will soon get sick of me screaming mean reversion and earnings cycle every 2nd post). :(
Sorry and all, but wake me up, when this behemoth's earnings cycle has reached the bottom, their wasteful investment becomes less unpredictable, and even better the irrationality (and hence uncertainty) of the underlying commodities that they partake in resides!!!

At this very point in time, whilst I definitely admire what they have achieved, it is impossible for me to put a value on it - so there really is no point commenting in a way other than I just did (and believe me, you will soon get sick of me screaming mean reversion and earnings cycle every 2nd post). :(

You are a dyte Ves.

I couldn't give a stuff about all that.

I'm only interested in making money out of the share price.

And BHP can be more volatile than..................whispers..................PEN.

...If it were up to me, after reading this feedback i would have:
Gillard/Labor Government
Abbot/Liberal Opposition
Other politcial chat...
Consolidation of threads would make life much easier for the mods. Prawn's suggestion is as good a place to start as any. I'd call it the Lib/Nat Opposition.
The more threads the better the political environment is forever changing just like political promises if you turn the forum into a bland number of threads titles then I think discussion will wither some what IMHO.

Note that some threads take off and some die as the interest varies across the topics the thread title inspires contribution.

I couldn't think of any think worse than just a political party name for a thread. A bit like having threads like stocks, futures etc forums need to be vibrant and active, threads titles convey this to me it makes no sense unless its affecting Joes bottom line..

Really liked Tin Hats comments cracked me up.
The more threads the better the political environment is forever changing just like political promises if you turn the forum into a bland number of threads titles then I think discussion will wither some what IMHO.

Note that some threads take off and some die as the interest varies across the topics the thread title inspires contribution.

I couldn't think of any think worse than just a political party name for a thread. A bit like having threads like stocks, futures etc forums need to be vibrant and active, threads titles convey this to me it makes no sense unless its affecting Joes bottom line..

Really liked Tin Hats comments cracked me up.

Much as it goes against every fibre in my liberal being to agree with him..

I agree with IFocus.

Seriously, you can't just ignore the political threads in general chat.
We have numerous forums to discuss everything stock related.
FFS if you don't like it don't read it. If a new thread pops up that looks similar to a heavy traffic thread then merge it.
A lot of the old threads could have just got merged without all the hoo haa.

No offence the property thread has just been three years of talking $hit.
I do see the underlying reasoning but "GST", "NBN", "Liberal Party", "Climate Change" and "War in the Middle East" are all fundamentally political topics. I can't see how that lot could rationally be placed in the one thread.

I don't see a problem with them being in a "General" section which is clearly not for discussion about investment, finance or share market topics. It's no different to how someone wanting to post about their share purchases on a car forum would put them in a "General" thread. Or posting about sport on a music forum.

If the political threads are dominating the "general" part then how about just having a "political" section as such?


Seriously, you can't just ignore the political threads in general chat.
We have numerous forums to discuss everything stock related.
FFS if you don't like it don't read it. If a new thread pops up that looks similar to a heavy traffic thread then merge it.
A lot of the old threads could have just got merged without all the hoo haa.

No offence the property thread has just been three years of talking $hit.

I do see the underlying reasoning but "GST", "NBN", "Liberal Party", "Climate Change" and "War in the Middle East" are all fundamentally political topics. I can't see how that lot could rationally be placed in the one thread.

I don't see a problem with them being in a "General" section which is clearly not for discussion about investment, finance or share market topics. It's no different to how someone wanting to post about their share purchases on a car forum would put them in a "General" thread. Or posting about sport on a music forum.

If the political threads are dominating the "general" part then how about just having a "political" section as such?




Agree wholeheartedly with you both.

PC likes to quarantine thought.

Much as it goes against every fibre in my liberal being to agree with him..

I agree with IFocus.


I had you in mind GG you are far and away the thread title master in creativity and provocation the very essence for a successful start to a political conversation long may you continue :)
I had you in mind GG you are far and away the thread title master in creativity and provocation the very essence for a successful start to a political conversation long may you continue :)

Thanks IFocus,

I have long maintained that those passionate at either end of the political spectrum have more in common than the newt, dullards in the PC centre.

Thanks IFocus,

I have long maintained that those passionate at either end of the political spectrum have more in common than the newt, dullards in the PC centre.


I withdraw any suggestions I have made on this issue. I'm with you GG and Ifocus. Let a thousand flowers bloom.
I have decided to wait and see if any more feedback comes in before making a final decision.

If you have an opinion on this issue, and haven't aired it in this thread yet, please do so as soon as possible.
Politics. There's always more than one point of view.

Create a sub-forum within GC for it. That way, those who wish to engage in a little friendly pub style banter can do so and those who arn't interested can avoid it altogether.
Politics. There's always more than one point of view.

Create a sub-forum within GC for it. That way, those who wish to engage in a little friendly pub style banter can do so and those who arn't interested can avoid it altogether.
Good idea. Some forums have major headings, say one of which would be "General". Under this would be various sub forums, e.g. Politics..
Then that sub forum can have its own threads, and surely to god this is totally avoidable for those who find any political discussion beneath them.
The results of this poll show how divisive this issue is. There clearly needs to be some kind of permanent consolidation of the political threads on ASF. The question is how do those who participate in political threads want this to be organised? What is the most satisfactory arrangement?

What ever action is taken some people wont be happy, there can be no perfect outcome and consensus is impossible.

Perhaps the best idea is to just merge all the Julia Gillard threads, rename the end result, "Julia Gillard" and go from there? If we do the same to all the Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Barack Obama threads we'll probably turn close to 100 threads into around half a dozen.

On thinking about it and reading thru the comments i tend to agree that we need personality threads and perhaps the 3 main party threads and probably a few major policy threads....and that leaves us with maybe 12 political threads.

  • Coalition
  • Labor
  • Greens
  • Other Partys ?
  • Abbott
  • Turnbull ?
  • Gillard
  • Rudd
  • Obama
  • Climate change (policy)
  • NBN
  • Mining tax
  • Ministers behaving badly (corruption & stupidity all partys) ?
  • The election

Still a little messy. :dunno:
What ever action is taken some people wont be happy, there can be no perfect outcome and consensus is impossible.

On thinking about it and reading thru the comments i tend to agree that we need personality threads and perhaps the 3 main party threads and probably a few major policy threads....and that leaves us with maybe 12 political threads.

  • Coalition
  • Labor
  • Greens
  • Abbott
  • Turnbull ?
  • Gillard
  • Rudd
  • Obama
  • Climate change
  • NBN
  • Mining tax
  • The election

Still a little messy. :dunno:

Can we have a nasal polyp thread as well, for those of us of a twee nature who wish to avoid disease?
