Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Best Antidote for a Hangover

15 May 2008
I don't have one yet:dance:

Thought this will provide very interesting treatment techniques. (please refer to your Doctor first for medical advise for any pre-existing aliments).

What hangover are we fixing :drink: neat, mixed lollie water, bubbles....

New ideas and old
Exercise - what form, how long....
More of the same………………………..

Please provide you receipes with ingredients and measurements.
Dont get one!

Drink water between drinks. 2 glasses between spirits 1 between beers and wine.
Carry a self testing breath unit/s with you. May save your life and someone elses.
Eat before you drink.
Drink 2 litres of water before bed If your Drunk!
If your head is spinning when in bed hang your feet out of the Dunna---you'll stop spinning.
When you get up even to go to the loo and then back to bed---- drink a litre of water.

Dehydration is the killer so you must re hydrate.
I always find shutting the hell up, stop being a weak prick and getting off ur ass and doing some work, works for me. Nothing like man-ing up and sweating it out to get you ready for the next nights drinking session :nosympath
Yeah I always try to drink a lot of water before I go to bed if I've had a few - and keep a good container and drink more water during the night.

As far as cures go, hair of the dog is always a pretty safe bet. Probably not the responsible choice though.

2 Panadol, a greasy breakfast, a bucket load of water, followed by two or three hours of hard labour or exercise, then hit the lounge and crash for a couple of hours.
From the young ones.....

Rick: What's the best thing for a hangover?

Mike: Drinking heavily the night before.

It all started yesterday with the usual celebration of Australia Day.

I decided to cure my hangover this morning with VB, just one initially, then a few more.

It's now World War 3 in the Gumnut residence with the fourth Mrs Gumnut in constant Facebook contact with the second, and talk of family court/solicitors.

Was it thus with the First Fleet?

I'm going for another VB.

My hangover is better, I would attribute it to the VB, and I feel friendlier.

Why are women so?

It's now World War 3 in the Gumnut residence with the fourth Mrs Gumnut in constant Facebook contact with the second, and talk of family court/solicitors.

:DNo wonder you spend all your time at the Ross, just one rule, never eat on an empty bladder.
Seriously, VB? And to think, I used to hold you to such a high esteem :(

I am very susceptible to advertising.

From VB

"A full flavour and full strength beer for a hard earned thirst."

So I asked the yardie to bring me up a carton.

And now I'm in the ****s.

Am I a victim?

Can I sue someone?


I'm a man.

With a thirst.

Never found a really effective one so now avoid them but I am one of the fortunate ones that knows when I'm getting drunk and can just stop drinking. From my dim distant, I mean recent :eek:, youth I seem to recall Berroccas were quite good, I think it's the vitamin B. Vegimite on toast helped for the same reason. Time is a great healer ;)
Starts the night before. A litre of water and a berocca before bedtime, works wonders.

Another tip that the home brewers out there know about, drink you're own brews, along with a little of the secondary fermentation bottle yeast, which contains B group vitamins. Beats a Victor Bravo any day.
Starts the night before. A litre of water and a berocca before bedtime, works wonders.

Another tip that the home brewers out there know about, drink you're own brews, along with a little of the secondary fermentation bottle yeast, which contains B group vitamins. Beats a Victor Bravo any day.

Agree dehydration is an unfortunate side effect of being pissed, upsetting in laws, bowls club grandees, and the missus.

It seems so much fun at the time.

Does rehydration prevent one from the dreaded " Oh ****, what did I say to Craig Emerson last night."

Agree dehydration is an unfortunate side effect of being pissed, upsetting in laws, bowls club grandees, and the missus.

It seems so much fun at the time.

Does rehydration prevent one from the dreaded " Oh ****, what did I say to Craig Emerson last night."


It's called "alcoholics remorse" nasty affliction......the only cure is a smack in the head from the husband of the woman you proposed to last night.:rolleyes:
Yes, good one. Nothing better for a hangover.

Can't believe anyone is reaching for one of those yellow coloured cans. Yuk.

I love VB, drank it like water when the north wind was a blow'in...makes me miss Australia sooo much. There are better beers in Australia i know...i guess its the sentimental value in it for me.:aus:

The mythbusters showed that atleast with mixing beer and spirits that the mixing left the guys with a little to no hangover the next morning.

For myself, if I've had quite a bit to drink I will force myself to drink at lest a litre of water before going to bed. Your liver will use a lot of water when it's metabolising the alcohol to get it out of your system. Admittedly I'm up to the loo more than I'd like, but I'll take that over a handover

Now a couple of things to note:

DO NOT take paracetamol or nurafen as they will damage your liver while the alcohol is still in your system.

Do take asprin if required.

remember your poor liver can only process about 1 standard drink per hour