Amazingly, there are whole entire online communities (and even books) on frugality and living well below your means. I find the topic fascinating. There are people out there who retired before 30 (after building a capital sum) and live like this. I visit a site called Early Retirement Extreme every now and then. For an American site based on conditions over there, it is surprising that there are quite a few Australians who post there.The public discussion is less than accurate with the reference to "could you live on $38 per day?" That's what a single person without children receives plus rent assistance of around $70 pw, so probably around $330 p.w.
I think the site originitator got his budget down to $6k per annum in US dollars.
The two extremes of this debate "inhumane" vs "freedom" are very interesting.
sorry I didn't exactly add anything to the debate.