Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Male chauvinist pigs

23 November 2004
I’m p’d off. I’m p’d off with Julia Gillard.

I’m no fan of hers or the Labor party so if you think this is just another of my rants then read no further.

What I am sick and tired of is the continual attack by society on men.

Don’t get me wrong at different times some men have deserved to be attacked for their actions and deeds. I am sure that the words that follow could easily be applied to the way females are sometimes treated. But two wrongs don’t make a right and I am only voicing the male side of the argument.

But when the Prime Minister accuses a man of being a sexist and misogynist, with the thinnest of evidence, in Parliament and on National TV, purely for the sake of trying to score political points, then that is an insult to that man, his wife, daughters, his family, friends and men in general.

For too long men have been the brunt of an anti men campaign whether it be in the family court, women’s magazines, TV programs, comedians jokes or negative articles by females who think they know about men.

I think the tide is turning. But last Tuesday’s tirade by the PM has turned that tide back again.

Are there males who are sexist? – yes. Are there misogynists? – yes. But to use these labels in a slapdash manner on the majority of men on any feeble excuse is doing society an injustice.

The majority of men in our society today are not sexist nor misogynistic but they are in fact the complete opposite.

Are men to cower within their caves now of fear of saying or doing something that will bring out an accusation by some women that will label them as sexists and/or misogynists?

The Prime Minister has set the tone now. It is OK for women to use the most feeble of excuses to label a man a sexists and misogynist. She should know better.

I think she owes Tony Abbott and his wife, as well as his family, an apology.
I think she owes Australian men an apology.
I think she owes Tony Abbott and his wife, as well as his family, an apology.
I think she owes Australian men an apology.
In a broader sense, she owes the entire nation an apology and by the time she's finished, she'll owe her own party an apology.

Don't hold your breath.

I note that not too many of her fellow Labor politicians are standing by her comment that Tony Abbott is a misogynist.


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Gillard is a manipulative backstabber with no morals, cheating lying all in the game.
But she weaseled her way up to become PM of Australia, not bad going for someonhe like her.
What does that say about the system, what does that say about us, are we asleep ?
Gillard, Roxon, Plibersek,and Wong are female chauvinist pigs.:rolleyes:

Female Chauvinism

The opposite of male chauvinism, female chauvinism is a misguided belief that women are superior to men, as opposed to being equal. This view is held by many feminists.
Gillard, Roxon, Plibersek,and Wong are female chauvinist pigs.:rolleyes:

I think "feminism" (in its present form and practice) suffices to describe this attitude.

I would think some new word where equality of effort and reward is recognized, yet acknowledging the differences between the genders, is in order.