Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I will shortly be leaving ASF, temporarily I would hope, for 6 months, should Joe Blow allow me back.

I have found religion and am moving to Germany to enter a Nunnery.

This will occur on June 30th, as I do like to sort out my tax affairs once every 10 years.

I have found a dream job as a gardener in said Nunnery which is dedicated to attracting new members.

I am looking forward to the peace and contemplation that will be offered.

The 4th Mrs Gumnut is not happy.

I will post less and less, to tidy up existing posts, before the end of June, and promise I will not start any new ones.

I wish you all well and look forward to engaging with you all around Christmas.

You are all without exception a good bunch, and even though at times I may disagree with you, you do care.

Come on Numnut,sorry Gumnut tell the truth,you will be a guest of Her Royal Highness doing time for
for unpaid fines for not wearing a helmet,child support arrears for Mrs Gumnut the 3rd.
Stay safe and remember do not pick up soap.
Come on Numnut,sorry Gumnut tell the truth,you will be a guest of Her Royal Highness doing time for
for unpaid fines for not wearing a helmet,child support arrears for Mrs Gumnut the 3rd.
Stay safe and remember do not pick up soap.

Thanks sval62,

I shall sachay through Amsterdam sans helmet and indulge in such delights as freedom.

I have always advised my fellow guests in Stuart Creek Correctional Centre to pick up the soap as if one were greeting the Queen.

All the Mrs Gumnuts are well provided, 1 to 4., though the fourth does not yet realise it.

All the best Garpal -

If all else fail just burn your documents and ask for asylum :roflmao:

All the best Garpal -

If all else fail just burn your documents and ask for asylum :roflmao:


And Peace be with you too NC.

I have luckily, paperwork attesting my citizenship and devotion to all of the Stans, so it will be a matter of merely burn one, burn all.

Have the best time possible whilst on sabbatical. Don't buy a small European country whilst there, even if they are cheap.
I will shortly be leaving ASF, temporarily I would hope, for 6 months, should Joe Blow allow me back.

I have found religion and am moving to Germany to enter a Nunnery.

Best of luck.
But I understand you will be going to Germany via Canberra, where you will be compiling some sound policy's for the politicians before you leave our shores.
Have the best time possible whilst on sabbatical. Don't buy a small European country whilst there, even if they are cheap.

Thanks mate,

Entities associated with Manny Cassimatis have tried to sell me Greece. I jest.

Stay well mate.

Best of luck.
But I understand you will be going to Germany via Canberra, where you will be compiling some sound policy's for the politicians before you leave our shores.

Thanks joea,

I will not be on the internets, as I will be gardening and keeping the nuns safe. I have advised Tony, Joe and Julie as to the proper course once in Government.

Not that they need any advice, it's pretty obvious.

I would say that, I would not be the only member of ASF who would like to actually meet GG in person to see where the jest ends and the real man starts.

Good luck to you.
I would say that, I would not be the only member of ASF who would like to actually meet GG in person to see where the jest ends and the real man starts.

Good luck to you.

Thanks Mac,

I very much enjoy your posts and wish you well this year. I may write a book in the nunnery, if I am allowed time, and if I can get cartridges for my Montblanc. Being in Germany this should be a whiz, but then one is dealing with nuns.

I certainly hope you're joking gg

Without you ASF will instantly change from brilliant colour to black and white.

The only good to come of this is that I will find solace in fine spirits and drink your good health.

Bon Voyage, it wont be the same around here........Vale bene
I certainly hope you're joking gg

Without you ASF will instantly change from brilliant colour to black and white.

The only good to come of this is that I will find solace in fine spirits and drink your good health.

Bon Voyage, it wont be the same around here........Vale bene

Thanks Burnsie,

As Macarthur said, I shall return, as long as Joe lets me back in.

I was worried about you for a while, but you have shaken off the ABC virus known as St.Leftist Dance, and you now twirl with normal folk such as I.

Keep up your incisive posts and I will keep you in my prayers.

Thanks Burnsie,

As Macarthur said, I shall return, as long as Joe lets me back in.

I was worried about you for a while, but you have shaken off the ABC virus known as St.Leftist Dance, and you now twirl with normal folk such as I.

Keep up your incisive posts and I will keep you in my prayers.


Take care mate;)
Enjoy your sabbatical GG! ASF isn't going anywhere and you're welcome to return whenever you like.

All the best!
Thanks Joe,

ASF is the best Stock Forum in Australia and I feel privileged to be a member, even though I have never won the stock competition !

Keep up the good work Joe.

Encourage your members to go back through old posts, there is much gold there, particularly in the stock and trading/systems threads.

I shall soon be 12 months without an infraction.

Is this a record?

See you in December.
