Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Enjoy your break GG :)

Is this true? I saw a movie about the Camino Way last night, it's looks like it would be an interesting challenge (although, like Julia, I never know whether you are just stirring :( ).

Thanks Miss Hale,

I will be on the camino in Dec, starting from Biarritz where I will be staying with some old Basque mates from my youth, and playing the tables after my stint in the nunnery.

So if you see a poor pilgrim with a wide brimmed hat, stick and backpack on the road from Biarritz to St.Jean PdP, and thence to Santiago do give him a wave. And pray for not too much snow.

I shall return once I've got all my indulgences packed away at Santiago de Compostela.

GG any chance you cans slip by Lourdes and pickup a few gallons of that magic elixir and send it to the Philippines as they are 98% Christians and have a strong belief in Faith Healers as well which I am sure you know from your religious studies. I will split the profits after expenses have been taken out.

Maybe we can call it GG Good Gear or WEE Deliver and Have Faith in your Water as the slogan.
If you can't get sufficient stock of the magic potion I am sure your knowledge of chemistry and being in a garden watering plants you can find some way to increase the volume I will Google to find out the correct ratio to make sure we are not deceiving any one.
While you are standing inline at the spring maybe you can strike up a conversation with some wealthy wheel chair bound USA old boiler and get a few phone numbers just in case Mrs.GG the 4th does a runner I would tend to look for gold plated Wheelchairs fitted with 48V power, DVD player and usb connections if the tyres look like retreads there is a good chance she may know Bernie Madeoff so steer clear.
As a certain US bank wants to close the Vatican account due money laundering you make be able to pick a bit of part time work doing some forensic accounting there or work as a butler.

Disconnect the battery lead of the RL and if you are not back by 2013 I will write a poison pen letter and eat it.
Good luck.
GG any chance you cans slip by Lourdes and pickup a few gallons of that magic elixir and send it to the Philippines as they are 98% Christians and have a strong belief in Faith Healers as well which I am sure you know from your religious studies. I will split the profits after expenses have been taken out.

Good luck.

Thank you Glen,

I will catch up on my return.

Just a thought GG maybe you can go to Xmas Island and catch an empty boat going back to get more imports I daresay you will not have to wait long to find a returning boat and be overseas in no time..​
Have a good break GG look forward to your return and more insightful posts about basket weavers.

The conservative thread posting will be poorer for your departure.

Remember the answer is 42.
Have a good break GG look forward to your return and more insightful posts about basket weavers.

The conservative thread posting will be poorer for your departure.

Remember the answer is 42.

Thanks IFocus,

The sisters have a Ford Prefect which I am looking forward to driving.

I appreciate your take from the left, and I have always held that people of passion have more in common than the motley muppets who in actual fact decide who gets elected.

I look forward to your first post on my return,

"GG Sends Europe broke"

Take care mate.


If I knew you in person we would have many memorable beers together. That feeling is genuine.

Having said that, always remember, this is just the internet, and not important.

Shut the door on the way out.

If I knew you in person we would have many memorable beers together. That feeling is genuine.

Having said that, always remember, this is just the internet, and not important.

Shut the door on the way out.


+1 mate.

May I re-open upon my inevitable return?

Some day we shall all have to have an ASF get together in the Ross Island Hotel.

Entry will be by the chant.

" Open the bloody door, Damien "

What are you going to do if there's an election in your absence ?

Thanks Doc,

This thought has preoccupied my mind, and I have a contingency in place, a number in fact.

1. Go to the local embassy and vote.

2. Contact my client Capt.Emad for advice.

3. Go back to 1

4. Go back to 2.

2. Is probably the best, as I am sure the good Captain will have had a few voting papers up his sleeve as he was golf carted through Sydney Airport on his way north again.

As my old deceased mate Mayor Daley told me one wintry night in Chicago, vote soon and vote often.

Stay well and keep your patients well in my absence Doc. I enjoy your medical input and posts.

Stay well all.

ASF is addictive, so I'll not post until I leave Monday night, for the nunnery in Europe, but observe.

Then log out and silencio until December.

Stay well all.

Go fot it GG.:)

DOES anyone really believe Barry Humphries that this is his "farewell tour"? Nellie Melba's farewells stretched over four years. Surely Edna would want to trump that.