Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

Your more patient than I am rumpole.

He will not say anything new that we don't know already.

I am not sure about that!

He has had a few days, and because he is so imaginable, I think he will come up with a few more twists and turns. Anything to make the process more complex, to prevent the so called law courts to resolve the fiasco.
I have decided to just accept, his actions, the politics and finally how it will be dealt with to be just a joke. That joke of course is on the Australian people, not just the voter, because any 10 year old will tell you the whole process is corrupt.

dutchie has got it covered in his post! 219
The union members should ask Bob Ellis for the money that went to other union officials that didn't get into Parliament.
Spoofing would be hard to prove I imagine. Good luck with that Craig...
This was raised on Radio National Breakfast this morning and they had a tech expert in to discuss it. He said the calls would still end up on Craig Thomson's phone bill which would discredit the notion that he hadn't made the calls.

Does anyone know what time on Monday Mr Thomson will be informing the parliament of how badly done by he is?
This was raised on Radio National Breakfast this morning and they had a tech expert in to discuss it. He said the calls would still end up on Craig Thomson's phone bill which would discredit the notion that he hadn't made the calls.

Does anyone know what time on Monday Mr Thomson will be informing the parliament of how badly done by he is?

I believe it will be high noon for him on Monday.

or as we knew it in the old days, the gallows hour;)

It's not beyond the bounds of possibility (is it?), given that Thomson would have been listening to Gillard and Co make self-righteous speeches at the ACTU conference as to how disgusted they are (Thomson would be under no delusion who is being referred to), that he's going to drop a bombshell and quit Parliament altogether so as to force the election?

He's got his pension entitlements, the ALP would rather set dobermanns on him than pre-select him for Dobell, so what does he have to lose?

Quitting would allow him to go underground, and lessen the chance of a criminal conviction interfering with his retirement funds.

If he's mad enough to say "someone set me up", it would take less madness to quit.
If he's mad enough to say "someone set me up", it would take less madness to quit.

Might be best for Labor if he did, rather than having the stench hang around until the next election. Labor would need to find the most popular candidate (or a tame independent perhaps), they could and pull out all the stops in a by-election, cross their fingers and hope.

The line would be "we gave Thomson a chance to explain himself but he didn't so we won't tolerate him in the party...blah blah ".

Desperate but it might work.
It's not beyond the bounds of possibility (is it?), given that Thomson would have been listening to Gillard and Co make self-righteous speeches at the ACTU conference as to how disgusted they are (Thomson would be under no delusion who is being referred to), that he's going to drop a bombshell and quit Parliament altogether so as to force the election?

He's got his pension entitlements, the ALP would rather set dobermanns on him than pre-select him for Dobell, so what does he have to lose?

Quitting would allow him to go underground, and lessen the chance of a criminal conviction interfering with his retirement funds.

If he's mad enough to say "someone set me up", it would take less madness to quit.
Julia Gillard's comments are for public consumption, not Craig Thomson's. If he quits now, he'll have Labor on his back in addition to everybody else.

Pre-selection is where Labor will be quietly encouraging him to go underground I would imagine. I'm quietly hoping he drops a bomshell on Monday, but not expecting it.
And Mr Burns, do you, unlike Ruby think that Mr Thompson is entitled to some pastoral care? JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!!! :D

Please do not twist my words Brad. I did not say Craig Thompson was not entitled to pastoral care. He is entitled to all the pastoral care he wants. All he has to do is seek it out and avail himself of it.
I don't have rigid political views Julia, I just try to see both sides.

If anyone here denies that some businesses use prostitutes as a business expense to entertain clients they have their heads in the sand. No one has answered whether they as shareholders would approve if it increased company profits. It's a simple question. Morals vs money, which side would you be on ? Or would a blind eye be turned ?

Rumpole, what happens in other businesses is not really relevant to this thread. The fact that other people in other businesses indulge in similar behaviour does not make it right. This thread is about Craig Thompson.
Indeed. Well as tainted as Thomson is, it wouldn't stop the Opposition accepting his vote in a no-confidence motion, according to Joe Hockey

Oh, the hypocrisy !!!


Nonsense. If his vote could help to destroy the illegitimate Labor government, then it would be stupidity to reject it. Here in Qld. only 23% of electors support the Gillard government. Why should we be denied an opportunity to turf her and her gang out just because you and your ilk want to retain Thomson in parliament till the end of term.
Nonsense. If his vote could help to destroy the illegitimate Labor government, then it would be stupidity to reject it. Here in Qld. only 23% of electors support the Gillard government. Why should we be denied an opportunity to turf her and her gang out just because you and your ilk want to retain Thomson in parliament till the end of term.

In that case you obviously don't think Thomson's vote is tainted, and there is no reason why Gillard shouldn't accept it if the Opposition would ?