Not really Mr B
A Buy & Hold investor using the State Street ASX-200 ETF (STW) has a total return of -1.96% (incl. divs) since May 2006, an annualized return of -0.348%.
Radge - Jan 2012.V
What makes you assume a buy and hold investor would want to just mimic the index? If they did they could just buy an ETF and never look at this or any other investing site again.
Most investors who are looking at things from an income investing approach would be discerning on what stock they bought and at what price they paid.
Just had my SMSF accounts finalised last week, 23.4% for the 2010/11 FY. My TradeSim backtesting says that I should be getting just over 28% if I took every trade.
Hit and run and give back the minimum is the only way to get results, takes time and work but if you are not prepared for that then you may as well just hand it over to someone else to look after, its buy and hold regardless of who is doing it and in a good year you may get double digit results.
Just my![]()
Wrong! That is NOT the only way to approach the market – it may be a legitimate way but it is not the ONLY WAY. I prefer stock selection based on a value investing approach and it also works just fine. I have also had my SMSF accounts finalised – this year’s return was 64.48%, last year was 44.06%. (Happy to submit the accounts to a moderator for verification)
I have found in the market its best not to dismiss anything out of hand and it is of little use to go looking for confirming evidence of pre-conceived ideas, which is what your post in this thread seemed to be doing.
Learning from each other rather than proclaiming our approach as the ONLY way and everything else as misguided seems a more productive approach.
I think that what those who do invest for income would like to Mr Burns to know, is NOT that it doesn't work as you have been implying. but that it can't be achieved without research, skill and market volatility(which has size of capital implications)