Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Copy and Paste from a comment from a random in one of the sections on "The Australia" (website).

Sums up how l feel...


This maybe correct in general.
However the vote on Monday is only about people power influencing 103 Caucus members to choose between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.
Regardless of who wins, I think you will see a reshuffle to take on Abbott in the next Federal Election.
And that election maybe sooner than most realize.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

In today's rant Rudd left no doubt that his main strategy is that he is the only one (like St. George) that can slay the dragon, Abbott. He spent more energy in villifying Abbott than on the 'faceless men" or Gillard.

However both Labor sides have now kicked enough home goals that an opposition would have heaps of material at an election to destroy Labor leadership credibility for all time. As Lenore Taylor says;

If Rudd's ''people power'' campaign unexpectedly prevailed, the only problem for the Liberals' federal director, Brian Loughnane, would be choosing which clips to use.
Would he start with Wayne Swan calling Rudd ''dysfunctional'', ''deeply flawed'' and ''erratic'', or go for Julia Gillard openly accusing the leader she served of ''sabotaging'' the 2010 election campaign, lacking the ''discipline'' to stay focused in the tough times, and of leading a government ''paralysed'' by Rudd's ''difficult and chaotic work patterns''? Truly an embarrassment of riches.
But if Gillard wins, as seems most likely, Loughnane can still roll out Rudd explaining that the Labor Party organisation needed reform so it was ''no longer governed by the faceless men''.

Read more:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I had to laugh at Rob Oakeshott on Radio National this morning saying he'd 'be prepared to negotiate with the Coalition if they replaced Mr Abbott with Mr Turnbull". He seemed to quite seriously be suggesting the Coalition would make this change in order to acquire the great esteem and benefit of his possible co-operation.

Clearly he longs for a repeat of his days of maximum focus while he was making up his mind between Abbott and Gillard, prior to the delivery of his 17 minute speech.

The players in the major parties are not the only ones with delusions.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Some interesting bits from Kevin Rudd's Labor Leadership launch,

2.04pm: Kevin Rudd finishes with a scathing attack on Julia Gillard's failures as prime minister, referring specifically to:

•the pre-election commitment on a carbon tax;
•her promise of poker machine reform to Andrew Wilkie'
•the East Timor and Malaysia solutions

He chose his words carefully on the carbon tax, but the meaning is clear.

He also confirmed Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan talked him out of his emissions trading scheme. He also revealed they suggested that the issue be put aside until their was bi-partisan support with Tony abbott (as their was with Malcolm Turnbull as Liberal Leader).

Another comment suggests he would quickly go to the polls in the event that he wins back the Labor leadership on Monday,

1.52pm: Now Mr Rudd has distanced himself from the Greens, which might be interesting in the prism of the current parliament. He

"Labor party doesn't need a Green party to tell it how to protect the environment."
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I think it would be nice if Rudd and Gillard could agree to do what the people want.

Sun Herald Poll;

Who do you want as Prime Minister?
Julia Gillard
8.01% (2289 votes)
Kevin Rudd
39.38% (11256 votes)
Neither. I want an election
52.62% (15040 votes
Total votes: 28585
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It was very hot during Kevin's directions to the media today, perhaps contributing to his inability to gain traction. He holds the media in utter contempt, even though they do as he says.

My contacts tell me that the momentum will stay with Gillard over the weekend.

A prominent Media Person plans to dump on Rudd on Sunday, disclosing his behind the scenes " off the record " white-anting of Julia Gillard's government.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Why team Gillard keeps promoting a price on carbon dioxide as a reform without convincing the electorate is beyond me.

You do understand that carbon based fuels are do understand the ramifications of that in a world with endless growth.


What is out national debt now?

When compared to the other top 20 economy's our national debt is tiny..according to wiki we don't even make the top 20.

Dude its peanuts.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

A prominent Media Person plans to dump on Rudd on Sunday, disclosing his behind the scenes " off the record " white-anting of Julia Gillard's government.


I have just received confirmation that the outing of KRudd is "on".

It will expose his white-anting of the ALP for the last 8 years.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

When compared to the other top 20 economy's our national debt is tiny..according to wiki we don't even make the top 20.

Dude its peanuts.
Yeah well it's the biggest it has ever been, just because everyone else has sent there economy to the $hithole doesn't mean we should do it as well. Going into debt over stupid ideas never ends well.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I have just received confirmation that the outing of KRudd is "on".

It will expose his white-anting of the ALP for the last 8 years.


Well the Labor party have got all barrels loaded, and fired off numerous broadsides.
Why would they be doing that if its a fore gone conclusion.
The Gillard supporters should be leaning back on their chairs with a good chardonnay.
So why are they almost busting "a blood vessel".
After listening to Gillard today I hear she is in demand by numerous companies around the world to "get things done".:banghead::D
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

So how many votes on Monday people. I'll lead off with 37. This time.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Nine NSM has online poll its Gillard by a nose, so who knows with her nose it could be a handicap event to even it up then again maybe Kevvy is on the nose you know!.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It's hard to account for the popularity of this unsavoury, manipulative man. I know Gillard is a liar and a schemer but she has never reached the gutter levels of Rudd. Why people flock around him when he appears in public is a mystery, when he is such an obvious fraud.

Most women in the Caucus can't stand him. I don't think he really likes women.

His family have to work hard to try to maintain the image of the devoted family man. It is all a facade.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

...After listening to Gillard today I hear she is in demand by numerous companies around the world to "get things done".:banghead::D

lol - but would she get done what they require her to get done, or would she go off on her own tangent and do what she wants while thumbing her nose at the company? That seems to be her style.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

It's hard to account for the popularity of this unsavoury, manipulative man. I know Gillard is a liar and a schemer but she has never reached the gutter levels of Rudd. Why people flock around him when he appears in public is a mystery, when he is such an obvious fraud.

Most women in the Caucus can't stand him. I don't think he really likes women.

His family have to work hard to try to maintain the image of the devoted family man. It is all a facade.


A very harsh critique of Herr Rudd, the saviour of the ALP Queensland, the ALP, Australia, The UN, Earth, The Universe, The World, Eternity.
