Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

30% wage rise to politicians

I confess I haven't read the entire thread, but this came up in discussion today at work, and it was an overwhelming consensus that our politicians deserve to get this increase.

Of course they do:rolleyes:



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I confess I haven't read the entire thread, but this came up in discussion today at work, and it was an overwhelming consensus that our politicians deserve to get this increase.

They would deserve the increase if their pays weren't so heavily back-ended with perks and pensions once they quit. If they just got a salary and nothing else (aside from the usual super) then sure, pay them 500k a year, but untill ALL the perks are gone, why should they be earning 6 figures?
Of course they do:rolleyes:

The overwhelming argument in favour was that we'd all want 10x our wage if we had to put up with randoms around Australia subjecting us to constant public criticism on a daily basis.

If you compare their income to many CEOs of our major institutions, who've also managed to achieve very little - I'd say its a fair income.
The overwhelming argument in favour was that we'd all want 10x our wage if we had to put up with randoms around Australia subjecting us to constant public criticism on a daily basis.

If you compare their income to many CEOs of our major institutions, who've also managed to achieve very little - I'd say its a fair income.
Would you have the same opinion if their incomes were based on the results of their presumed activities? Why on earth should they earn more for taking Australia into an economically and socially depressed position?

And, if you're so enthusiastic about them getting such a pay rise, are you taking into account all the post-retirement perks as Prawn so properly points out?

If you are looking for a pay rise in your job, are you not expected to have provided clear evidence of good performance first?
Would you have the same opinion if their incomes were based on the results of their presumed activities? Why on earth should they earn more for taking Australia into an economically and socially depressed position?

And, if you're so enthusiastic about them getting such a pay rise, are you taking into account all the post-retirement perks as Prawn so properly points out?

If you are looking for a pay rise in your job, are you not expected to have provided clear evidence of good performance first?

What we need to do, and what I can't be fagged doing now, is to pull out a spreadsheet of all the under performing blue chip companies in Australia and compare their profits to the CEO's incomes over the past year/decade.

I think you are living in a bubble if you think running a country is any different.

I will put this question back to you:

What do you think is a fair income for an under performing leader of our country?
What we need to do, and what I can't be fagged doing now, is to pull out a spreadsheet of all the under performing blue chip companies in Australia and compare their profits to the CEO's incomes over the past year/decade.

I think you are living in a bubble if you think running a country is any different.

I will put this question back to you:

What do you think is a fair income for an under performing leader of our country?

I suppose the question is, how much does the member of parliament do and how much is done by the public servants.
Wayne Swan knew about as much about treasury, as my ar$e knew about snipe shooting.
Not his fault but how many of these politicians, that are voted in from say a musical background, have any idea about finances or pink batts.
Don't really see why people are blaming Gillard specifically. Abbott is more than happy about this. In reality they are both just as bad as one another.
The proposed rise will mean Julia Gillard is paid more than Mr Obama.

Let's remember that she has almost nothing in expenses - accommodation, meals, travel all paid for. No pesky rises in electricity bills as a result of the carbon tax to worry her.

Why does that bother you that much?

I honestly don't understand why you spend the time bickering and whining, about someone else's good fortune. I think you have to give our prime minister's the benefit of the doubt. AFAIC She has earnt her position, she has spent considerable time getting to where she is now, and has fought many battles. I think it's a wonderful achievement for a woman to become our first prime minister.

So freaken what if she earns more than you think she's worth.
I honestly don't understand why you spend the time bickering and whining, about someone else's good fortune. I think you have to give our prime minister's the benefit of the doubt. AFAIC She has earnt her position, she has spent considerable time getting to where she is now, and has fought many battles. I think it's a wonderful achievement for a woman to become our first prime minister.
It isn't that I don't think. The problem is that 30% is a massive increase. May mate is bus driver in Sydney, they had to negotiate for over a year to get a 3% wage increase and then they had to give away something to get it. The pigs in the trough cartoon above with the pollies suits them very well. Why does 99% of the population have to fight so hard to get so little while these useless jokers grant themselves 30% increases just like that, for free? Something is not right in this country. Abbott was on TV last night saying "oh we have respect the remuneration tribunals decision" yes of course you do you goose, it's the pigs in the trough the lot of them.
Don't really see why people are blaming Gillard specifically. Abbott is more than happy about this. In reality they are both just as bad as one another.

I agree with you on one point, Abbott could win a lot of credo by publicly raising the hell out of this and declaring he and his party will give 10% back to salvation army or similar

Both main parties in Australia are completely unrelated to australians and votes demonstrate it but our political system with preferences is a nightmare for democracy and we pay the price every day.
I feel entitled to winge when a non elected person so called representative is messing my country and getting personal benefits from the whole deal
I think it's a wonderful achievement for a woman to become our first prime minister.

Might have been wonderful, BUT for one small thing....


She was "installed" by the Greens.

In the eyes of many, she HAS NO MORAL MANDATE.

Funny how some people's memory fades.

Don't really see why people are blaming Gillard specifically. Abbott is more than happy about this. In reality they are both just as bad as one another.

I have been watching and waiting and of course Abbott has been blamed for the pay rise as well. He has to have broad shoulders this fellow, because he has been blamed for "all and sundry" since Labor came into office.

Jokes aside, we will now see the productivity of the Labor party in operation.
That is:: How quick they pay rise will be passed, implemented and processed into the bank account's of the MP'S.
Don't stand too close, as you will get pulled along in the slip stream.
I have been watching and waiting and of course Abbott has been blamed for the pay rise as well.
And so he should be! If he was any kind of decent politician he would have said something like "I think the tribunal has got it wrong this time and we will not be supporting it". But no, he came out and said "we have to respect the tribunals decision" OINK OINK, here little piggy, that's all they are the lot of them, the cartoon above says it all.
They would deserve the increase if their pays weren't so heavily back-ended with perks and pensions once they quit. If they just got a salary and nothing else (aside from the usual super) then sure, pay them 500k a year, but until ALL the perks are gone, why should they be earning 6 figures?


Free flights around the world, massive payouts, massive pensions, the list goes on...
Yes great cartoon- and Mr Abbott aka 'Mr No' has finally found an issue on which he is willing to take a bipartisan approach on. Isnt that refreshing.
I confess I haven't read the entire thread, but this came up in discussion today at work, and it was an overwhelming consensus from about 15 staff who earn between $30 - 70k that our politicians deserve to get this increase.

Personally, $400K sounds fine for a prime minister of our country.

Good to see some balance in this discussion.

There would be many Public Servant department heads who earn more than the PM. Successful self employed business people would also do well both directly and indirectly As for business there seems no limit. On a practical basis how little would you pay politicians to act on our behalf ?

I also think the headline figure of 30% is a misrepresentation.A number of allowances were withdrawn ie study trips O/S. And Parliamentary wages were frozen in 2008 during the last GFC. :2twocents