Our reasons why!
Doobsy (and others) have asked me to explain why we signed up with Storm Financial in the first place.
In late 2006 when our shopping center was on the market, we started to look around for suitable investments that would ensure that any capital we had would not erode away over time. Our two prime objects at that time were (1) to ensure that our assets would be secure and (2) that they would appreciate over time.
We looked at a number of options. Allocated pension plans were considered. So was putting our money in the Bank and just living off the interest. However, with inflation and lack of growth, we thought that these were not viable options in the long term.
Glad you finally answered Frank. Perhaps I should have posted as Doobsy to get you to answer my questions...
I think it is fair to conclude that, based on the above, the reasons you went with Storm were a combination of greed, naivety and gullibility....areas which you have seemed determined to deny any responsibility for in your posts.
Greed- chasing returns that would give you more than the bank or an allocated pension, particularly given that you could have met your income needs by simply putting your money in the bank.
Naivety- having an objective of ensuring your assets were secure, and then double gearing them into the sharemarket.
Gullibility- believing what Storm told you without doing any independent research yourself, and accepting what they told you on face value, even though you obviously did not have any idea of the risks you were taking, or understand the strategy.
I am sure you aren't the only Storm investor who the above applied to. A harsh lesson learned Im afraid.
However, unlike you, there seem to be many other Storm investors taking responsibility for the role they played in their own demise, rather than taking no responsibility at all and placing 100% of the blame with third parties.