How many people here are multilingual? Did you learn it naturally as you grew up, or much later in your life?
I grew up speaking English as a first language, however some of my relatives speak Italian, and it was also the first language of both my parents, so it is not completely new to me. Uni has just finished for the semester, and i have decided to self-teach as much Italian as possible. I have always thought that it would be cool to fluently speak a second language, and i love the Italian culture and would really love to visit Europe one day, hence my decision to learn
What do you think is the best way to learn a language? Many people claim that immersing oneself in the language is the best method, however i have no plans to go and live in Italy any time soon
I grew up speaking English as a first language, however some of my relatives speak Italian, and it was also the first language of both my parents, so it is not completely new to me. Uni has just finished for the semester, and i have decided to self-teach as much Italian as possible. I have always thought that it would be cool to fluently speak a second language, and i love the Italian culture and would really love to visit Europe one day, hence my decision to learn
What do you think is the best way to learn a language? Many people claim that immersing oneself in the language is the best method, however i have no plans to go and live in Italy any time soon