Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Re: Gillard's Speech

I voted liberal for the first time in my life with this government. I tell you what sort of idiot and ignoramus GILLARD is. She is a founding member of Emily's list which is a group dedicated to the butchering of babies via abortion. Now whist I am genrally against abortion I have no problems in accepting that abortion should be available in certain circumstances, but how anyone n their right mind can think its their right to abort a baby up till birth is an indication of the total lack of decency she possesses.

When someone has that sort of thinking it tells you that she has lost her way.

I can tell you now that labour is no longer what it was and it is suffering for it and it will be many many years before they ever have a chance of regaining my vote as it will take many years for labour to revert back to the everyday person party that it once was.
Re: Gillard's Speech

I voted liberal for the first time in my life with this government. I tell you what sort of idiot and ignoramus GILLARD is. She is a founding member of Emily's list which is a group dedicated to the butchering of babies via abortion. Now whist I am genrally against abortion I have no problems in accepting that abortion should be available in certain circumstances, but how anyone n their right mind can think its their right to abort a baby up till birth is an indication of the total lack of decency she possesses.

When someone has that sort of thinking it tells you that she has lost her way.

I can tell you now that labour is no longer what it was and it is suffering for it and it will be many many years before they ever have a chance of regaining my vote as it will take many years for labour to revert back to the everyday person party that it once was.

Could not agree more.

I think Julia Gillards Labor Party is heading for a bigger "MELTDOWN" than what's happening in Japan.

At least we have plenty of cooling water at the moment.

Re: Gillard's Speech

Hyperbowl? Please explain? Negosiate. Taliband.

There's a new language paradigm at work here.
Whilst I agree that it is tradition for an Australian Prime Minister to attend a Royal Wedding, one could not be forgiven in declaring our current Prime Minister a hypocrite in the first degree for the following reasons:-

a) She is a self confessed athiest who will be attending a church royal wedding.

b) She does not believe in marriage.

c) She does not believe in the monarchy as head of Australia.

d) She is a devout Republican.

If she had any principles at all, I believe she should have sent a replacement to attend this all important occassion. The Govenor General or even the Foreign Minister would have been better suited.
Ms Gillard and the patch work goobermint are certainly not inspiring the confidence of foreign capital, that much is certain!
She certainly inspired Interest from the North Korean guards. They were fascinated by her long nose and red hair.


One just cannot believe Julia Gillard, and for that matter Swan, has the gall to continue in office after a poll showing only 28% of voters consder the Governments budget is good in the National interest.

The waste and the blowout cost on every project undertaken by the Labor Government does not inspire the majority of voters in this country and Tony Abbott is right in demanding a fresh election. Gillard and Swan should seek a mandate for their crazy carbon dioxide tax at the next election before it is implimented on a Gillard lie.
Some interesting budget stats.

Projected surpluses for 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014-15 are all wafer thin.

The tax cuts in the three prior budgets were all Coalition, literally.

Abbott attacks the budget "cuts" which are not cuts but deferrals (Abbottliar) then calls for tougher measures..............and he will let the budget go though?

I hope you enjoyed those Coalition income tax cuts, because under Labor you won't get any at least before 2015/16, even with China booming.

I hope you enjoyed those Coalition income tax cuts, because under Labor you won't get any at least before 2015/16, even with China booming.

The last tax cuts were......well stupid.
Have to agree with you Ifocus, seems stupid for the labor government to give tax cuts when running a deficit. Then scream poverty and tough budgets when the economy is supposedly booming.
Thats what is so disappointing after having years of a government that runs a tight ship and reduces taxes as surpluses kick in. Now we have a government that wastes ridiculous amounts of money and don't have any fiscal nous to turn it around.
Have to agree with you Ifocus, seems stupid for the labor government to give tax cuts when running a deficit. Then scream poverty and tough budgets when the economy is supposedly booming.
Thats what is so disappointing after having years of a government that runs a tight ship and reduces taxes as surpluses kick in. Now we have a government that wastes ridiculous amounts of money and don't have any fiscal nous to turn it around.
Aye, this is the 'change' people wanted when they voted out Howard. Pretty much every awefull thing that I assumed the new labor mob would do - they have actually done.
Sure, Australia can vote in a good government again. The government could have the best economic policies and most capable management of the country.
And next election they will be voted out. It will be 'time for a change'. And the labor government will wreck things beautifully again.
And the cycle will repeat.

The world is a piece of ----

I'll explain it in a little more detail.

The tax cuts during the 3 budgets of the Rudd government originated from Peter Costello as part of the 2007 election campaign. Labor adopted them as part of their "me too" campaign strategy to get elected in 2007.

If those tax cuts were stupid as Coalition policy, they were equally stupid as Labor policy.
Gillard is a bit like Billy McMahon.

A joke.

And she has her Sonia, First Bloke.
