Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Destructive asylum seekers - gone too far?

3 February 2011
I watched in disappointment the news coverage of the riots in Villawood and I have to say my reaction was "right, round them all up and deport the lot of them!". I have a real problem with uninvited guests coming to my country, wrecking the accommodation I provide for them out of my tax dollars, and expecting me to remain sympathetic to their cause, irrespective of the circumstances.
I know there is a huge debate around the reasons they're here in the first place. I know I can expect outrage from our more crazed humanitarians, but I'm keeping it simple here; just send them back, I don't want them here. They're not demonstrating to me that they will become good citizens, so deport them.
It doesn't fix the underlying problem I know, but I've had enough of this unacceptable behaviour.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

It's not a matter of deporting them. The process is much simpler. We don't allow people with criminal records as immigrants. They have now earned criminal records for arson and vandalism.They should go back on the next plane.

The only snag is that the countries they come from do not want them back..and who can blame them. They are well rid of trouble makers.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

It's not a matter of deporting them. The process is much simpler. We don't allow people with criminal records as immigrants. They have now earned criminal records for arson and vandalism.They should go back on the next plane.

The only snag is that the countries they come from do not want them back..and who can blame them. They are well rid of trouble makers.

True, they have no case now. Get rid of the law breakers asap.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

I can't believe they're still sitting on the roof.
Where's the water cannon gone?

Next plane out.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

I watched in disappointment the news coverage of the riots in Villawood and I have to say my reaction was "right, round them all up and deport the lot of them!". I have a real problem with uninvited guests coming to my country, wrecking the accommodation I provide for them out of my tax dollars, and expecting me to remain sympathetic to their cause, irrespective of the circumstances.
I know there is a huge debate around the reasons they're here in the first place. I know I can expect outrage from our more crazed humanitarians, but I'm keeping it simple here; just send them back, I don't want them here. They're not demonstrating to me that they will become good citizens, so deport them.
It doesn't fix the underlying problem I know, but I've had enough of this unacceptable behaviour.

I'll drink to that Greg. This stupid government of ours has only themselves to blame, just like all the other stupid decisions they have made. Perhaps we should deport JU-LIAR back to Wales and promote Kevin 11 to the UN. Problem solved!!!
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

True, they have no case now. Get rid of the law breakers asap.

Agree, but also divert future boats back to Nauru or back to Indonesia.

Unfortunately, these criminal types that are coming in by boat are going to make it even more difficult for genuine refugees to come here.

And it's hard to believe that criminals can come here by boat without documentation and yet genuine, lawabiding people are made to wait in overseas refugee camps.

I think it's time the genuine ones were given a fair go rather than gambling with these boat arrivals where many may simply be using loopholes in our refugee policies and defrauding the Aussie tax payer.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

I watched in disappointment the news coverage of the riots in Villawood and I have to say my reaction was "right, round them all up and deport the lot of them!". I have a real problem with uninvited guests coming to my country, wrecking the accommodation I provide for them out of my tax dollars, and expecting me to remain sympathetic to their cause, irrespective of the circumstances.
I know there is a huge debate around the reasons they're here in the first place. I know I can expect outrage from our more crazed humanitarians, but I'm keeping it simple here; just send them back, I don't want them here. They're not demonstrating to me that they will become good citizens, so deport them.

Exactly. There should be no question about this.

How can they complain about the conditions in the detention centerers that they get for free, after what they tolerated in those boats, err floating junk heaps, that they paid money for the 'privilege' of being on.

It doesn't fix the underlying problem I know, but I've had enough of this unacceptable behavior.

I think if they were immediately deported the message would get out that bad behavior will earn a fast trip back to whence they came.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

ok i'll bite.

How long have they been there now? 4,5 years? Holed up in what is essentially a prison.

Either ship them out or let them stay. You cant just keep a human being in "detention" indefinitely and say HERP DERP WE ARE PROCESSING UR CLAIM
Some absolute rubbish govt ideas..
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

ok i'll bite.

How long have they been there now? 4,5 years? Holed up in what is essentially a prison.

Either ship them out or let them stay. You cant just keep a human being in "detention" indefinitely and say HERP DERP WE ARE PROCESSING UR CLAIM
Some absolute rubbish govt ideas..

Where did you get the 4.5 years from? From what I have read they have been there 20 months and their claims for asylum have been rejected.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

Still dont give em the right to burn the joint down
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

I came home from work this morning to the smell of smoke through my house and the sight of a huge pall of smoke to the south, . My taxes going up in flames,cannot believe that people feel sorry for these cretins.Sorry for the rant.Al
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

Still dont give em the right to burn the joint down

Oh I totally agree. The previous poster was implying that these poor refugees had been locked up for 4.5 years and so they were justified in what they did. I think it's a good idea to get your facts right when making claims like this.

In my opinion the way this government is handling this issue is a total disaster and the sooner we are rid of this pathetic government, the better!
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

Don't want to be picky but I do believe that the word ASYLUM only has one "S" in it.

Have been waiting for someone to pick it up. Could not help myself any longer.

ASS Y LUM is something completely different altogether. Look at the title of this thread for clarification. :eek:
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

Oh I totally agree. The previous poster was implying that these poor refugees had been locked up for 4.5 years and so they were justified in what they did. I think it's a good idea to get your facts right when making claims like this.

In my opinion the way this government is handling this issue is a total disaster and the sooner we are rid of this pathetic government, the better!
Yet when rigorously questioned on government policy on asylum seekers on "7.30" this evening, the Minister, Chris Bowen, rigidly refused to admit their so called policy is a total mess, or even that - in the face of clear rejection by East Timor - their idea of a regional, um, clearing house, in East Timor is dead in the water.

All so utterly stupid when Nauru is all set up, the Nauruans want the detention centre back again, but this pathetic government refuses to adopt this totally viable alternative because it would look as though they had failed to come up with their own solution and had to fall back on that which so clearly worked when the Libs were in power.

Further, Mr Bowen is talking tough about punishing the people responsible for the riots and arson on both Christmas Island and Villawood, but I wonder how much this will actually translate into action.

He should immediately be either putting those responsible (and they know who they are apparently) on a plane back to their country of origin, or else charging them appropriately so that they will be moved out of the relative comfort of their detention centre into a mainstream prison, then deported when they have served their term.

If the government fails to act, then the outcome is obviously going to be even more people rushing to the lucky country where we reward people for setting our buildings on fire and assaulting our fire service by throwing rooftiles at them.

These are not the people we should even be thinking about letting in to Australia.

Meantime, those who have applied via the UNHCR in a proper fashion continue to be pushed further back while the Dept of Immigration tries to grapple with the current mess.:(:(:(
So true, Julia and others:
Put the ring leaders in jail and give them the choice: either a law suit with appropriate prison sentence, followed by deportation, or immediate deportation back to their country of origin.

But in tonight's TV report on the issue, an "expert" advocate played the whole sordid affair down as "... but you have to understand what drove these poor asylum seekers to riot ..."
So, it's our fault that we take so long establishing their identity - which they deliberately sabotage by destroying their id papers. Yet this "civil libertarian" suggests we release all comers into the community, like we do with people that overstay their visa.
And nobody tells this clown, Hey mate, there is a difference! A visitor that has come with a visa, we know where they come from and who they are! They have assisted our administration in verifying their bona fides. But those backdoor sneakers make that assessment difficult if not impossible, and then they whinge when it takes that much longer.

Yup - Nauru is a good idea. Some compound in Kabul might be even better...
It's hard to believe that anyone can try to excuse this behaviour. If Aussie citizens deliberately set fire to anything, they face criminal charges and possible jail time.

Surely these people should not be given Australian citizenship when they show so little respect for the country that houses, feeds them and a few other cosy perks.

To claim they are mentally unstable is no excuse, IMO. Martin Bryant and Ivan Milat have had to face the full force of the law and both are possibly mentally disturbed individuals. To see those youths on the roof of the building pelting roof tiles at our firemen is beyond belief. They don't seem to give a thought that our firemen and police have families - this is very unAustralian, IMO.
We have asylum seekers rioting (for the second time this month), burning down the detention centre's medical centre, laundry, computer room and kitchen at a cost of millions of dollars and, as far as I understand there are still some of the rioters on the roof with their mobile phones - what a joke!

We have boat loads of asylum seekers arriving practically every week (which almost goes unreported by our media now). We have detention centres being built in practically every state in Australia, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

We have do gooders saying these poor people should be releassed into the community and Greens saying there should be a time limit on the detention of asylum seekers.

How much is this whole issue costing this country a year? All this and this government continues to do the same thing and just throw more money money at the issue.

It seems to be the same recipe for everything they deal with - lets see how much money we can throw at this.

The only reason that they are getting away with spending vast amounts of money is that the spending is covered under our foreign aid spending, which labor has doubled to $4.5 billion per year and is doubling again. Should still give them plenty more to throw away on this issue.
Re: Destructive assylum seekers - gone too far?

Don't want to be picky but I do believe that the word ASYLUM only has one "S" in it.

Have been waiting for someone to pick it up. Could not help myself any longer.

ASS Y LUM is something completely different altogether. Look at the title of this thread for clarification. :eek:

Thanks trainsspotter.

The biggest problem is the image portrayed of OZ on Sat. TV when you broadcast shows like Home and Away the viewers assume the place is the land of milk and honey and forget about meeting the 69,00000000 virgins and want to go to OZ.
Home and Away could not be further from the real truth and it sucks them in.
They don't know that OZ has the highest amount of debt per person, biggest house's and a 12 speed economy and most are supported by B/cards and OZ people are spending 60% more than they earn on cards.

Here in the Philippines were the average wage is 1.2K PA they don't know you need to earn that much each week to just keep out of poverty.

OZ is shown as a land only they can dream of as they go around collect cardboard. tins or pushing a banana trolley just to make money for food for the day why wouldn't they want to try and come over even what they have in a D. center is luxury to a dirt floor they share with the chickens.
We have boat loads of asylum seekers arriving practically every week (which almost goes unreported by our media now). We have detention centres being built in practically every state in Australia, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

I believe you will find that more illegals have and will come through our airports than arrive via boats. Personally I wouldn't have the guts to travel to Oz by boat given the quality of the vessels used. Far easier to do a runner through air travel.