Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

I only heard this on "PM" radio this evening. You're quite right. Her robotic, wooden delivery is becoming worse. It's just horrible. Doesn't she ever listen to a recording of herself????:banghead:

LOLOLOLOL........... She will obey !!!!!!! Run up a flight of stairs .......... she can't get you !@#*()_@#$%^&*

Mind control at it's best. Trot out the lines that the populace require and retain power. Ask TrotskYfor the information. Ooooopssssssssss....... Lenin is waiting

"The bureaucratization of the party apparatus has developed to unheard-of proportions by means of the method of secretarial selection. There has been created a very broad stratum of party workers, entering into the apparatus of the government of the party, who completely renounce their own party opinion, at least the open expression of it, as though assuming that the secretarial hierarchy is the apparatus which creates party opinion and party decisions. Beneath this stratum, abstaining from their own opinions, there lays the broad mass of the party, before whom every decision stands in the form of a summons or a command."

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ........ and we needed a catastrophic disaster to see this unfold.

Ahem !!!!!!
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Moving forward.. Moving Forward.. Moving Forward...

The way she has carried herself as such a show pony thru all this crisis we are having in Qld... Straight out of Kath & Kim..

Look at mwe Kevy.... Loook at mwee.. Loook at mweeeeeee..


an embarrassment to our nation
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Leftists and chardey chatterers, this is how you treated John Howard.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

I only heard this on "PM" radio this evening. You're quite right. Her robotic, wooden delivery is becoming worse. It's just horrible. Doesn't she ever listen to a recording of herself????:banghead:

It is getting worse. I'm not sure what happened but she used to actually have a little bit of personality when she used to make Abbot look foolish on the Today show but now she is just painful to listen too.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

It is getting worse. I'm not sure what happened but she used to actually have a little bit of personality when she used to make Abbot look foolish on the Today show but now she is just painful to listen too.
I think I was a little too tolerant of her constantly condescending tones, but she longer even gets my attention anymore. I tune out.

Can we get hold of the "faceless men" somehow, to remove her? Or should we just all ignore her and live in hope that she shuts up because no one is listening anymore? ;)
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Please don't be soooo cruel to our beloved Joolya. She is up here in Townsville in gum boots soooper visin' our Army Solegers cleaning up after Cyclone 'Yaris'.
She was last seen scavenge thru the rubble lookin' for votes.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Julia spaceman.jpg

Julia went to Mars and found the Daleks lurking on the far side of Uranus.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Leaf Uralone.

Sheezbin ova X pozid to Marn Fergsinz Inglsh.


Marn speaks beautiful Strine. I heard on the ABC radio the other that Julia Gillard was visiting the "hardestit" areas. I imagine Daleks would have hard mammaries. I suppose she bypassed your neck of the woods except to pose with the troops.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Leftists and chardey chatterers, this is how you treated John Howard.

The thread is certainly lowbrow and I don't recall it getting quite as nasty towards the liaring little rodent :)

But all politicians are fair game
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Leftists and chardey chatterers, this is how you treated John Howard.

Perhaps there is a case for going easy on the Dalek, I mean Jools , because she is a Laaaydeeeee.

Poor Little Johnnie was fair game for every insult known to rat and man.

Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

The latest posts on this thread provided a good laugh this morning.

Scrupulously fair on equal rights Nun, but you don't have to go that far.:eek:
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Those turned on crocodile tears might have earned her some short term support from Labour die hards clinging to hope but to me, James Cameron is lining her up to play a Dalek in Avatar 2.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Those turned on crocodile tears might have earned her some short term support from Labour die hards clinging to hope but to me, James Cameron is lining her up to play a Dalek in Avatar 2.

Really, the crocodile tears were a bit much. She walked woodenly through all the visits to flood affected areas, clutched voters in the obligatory hugs of sympathy, and gave zero impression of being remotely affected.

Since then there has been much media comment about how poorly her performance contrasted with the empathy shown by Anna Bligh, how robotic and unsympathetic she was, and now suddenly today, voila, she is moved to uncontrollable sadness and tears.

What utter bull****. She has realised, belatedly, that she needs to do something to show she has some feeling.
Left me completely cold and I hope the population will not be deluded.
She's not even a decent actress. Her choking voice didn't at all sound like someone gripped by real emotion.

And then we apparently have Mr Abbott who, when asked about the most recent death of a soldier in the Middle East, is reported to have said "**** happens".
If he did say that (and it was reported on ABC Radio), then there is no hope for him.

What a miserable choice we are offered.:(:(
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

What a miserable choice we are offered.:(:(
Yep, thought the same thing today. The cupboard is bare.

Too much money in the corporate field and more satisfaction working for the UN or Red Cross. We're left with the dregs.

Limit corporate pay, increase politicians base salaries, take away their life time golden retirement parachutes, and stop the 'i' political trend!
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Those turned on crocodile tears might have earned her some short term support from Labour die hards clinging to hope but to me, James Cameron is lining her up to play a Dalek in Avatar 2.

I believe her role will be a Whinging Left Wing Ding Bat in his next feature.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

What utter bull****. She has realised, belatedly, that she needs to do something to show she has some feeling.
Left me completely cold and I hope the population will not be deluded.
She's not even a decent actress. Her choking voice didn't at all sound like someone gripped by real emotion.

Fake Fake Fake. Labor politicians only start blubbering when they feel sorry for themselves, not for others. Natural emotions do not figure in Labor's indoctrination manual. You would be more likely to see a Dalek cry than Gillard.
