Aurora Oil & Gas Limited (“Aurora”) is pleased to provide the following update on operations and production at the Ipanema and Longhorn Areas of Mutual Interest (“AMI”) within the Eagle Ford Shale Sugarkane Gas & Condensate Field, Texas.
Longhorn AMI (AUT 31.9% Working Interest)
Turnbull #4H (25% WI+)
The Turnbull #4H well has now been producing for 30 days and the following production rates have been achieved.
Total Gas Production (mmscf)
Total Condensate Production (bbls)
Average Daily Equivalent Gas Rate (mmscfe/d)*
Average Daily Equivalent Oil Rate (boe/d)*
Turnbull #4H
*The equivalent rates have been calculated to reflect value using a 12:1 conversion ratio for condensate and a 25% uplift on gas equivalent volumes due to the high calorific value of the produced gas.
This well continues to be produced with a limited choke setting. Aurora will provide the market with a further update once data from the first 60 days of production is available.
Sienkiewicz #1H (25% WI+)
The fracture stimulation of the Sienkiewicz #1H is complete with 19 stages having been pumped and this well is presently cleaning up to sales.
Yosko #1H (31.9% WI)
The Yosko #1H well drilled and cased with a total depth of 17,366 ft. This well will be fracture stimulated in due course.
Barboza #1H (32.9% WI)
The Barboza #1H well has spudded and this well is presently at a depth of 4,057ft having run and cemented surface casing. This well straddles the Longhorn and Ipanema AMIs and as a result Aurora holds a blended working interest of 32.9%, this figure is subject to final confirmation by the Operator.
Ipanema AMI (AUT 36.4% Working Interest)
Franke #1H (30% WI+)
The Franke #1H well has now been on production for 30 days and the following production rates have been achieved in that time. This well has a relatively short horizontal section with a total depth of only 15,184ft. The well is being produced with a minimal choke setting and the data below is the average production over the first 30 days.
Total Gas Production (mmscf)
Total Condensate Production (bbls)
Average Daily Equivalent Gas Rate (mmscfe/d)*
Average Daily Equivalent Oil Rate (boe/d)*
Franke #1H
*The equivalent rates have been calculated to reflect value using a 12:1 conversion ratio for condensate and a 25% uplift on gas equivalent volumes due to the high calorific value of the produced gas.
Aurora will provide the market with a further update once data from the first 60 days of production is available.
Foster Unit (WI – 36.4%)
The Foster #1H well, situated in the Ipanema AMI, is presently at a depth of 15,432 ft and is drilling horizontally within the Eagle Ford shale.
Aurora Oil & Gas Limited (“Aurora”) is pleased to provide the following update on operations and production at the Ipanema and Longhorn Areas of Mutual Interest (“AMI”) within the Eagle Ford Shale Sugarkane Gas & Condensate Field, Texas.
Longhorn AMI (AUT 31.9% Working Interest)
Turnbull #4H (25% WI+)
The Turnbull #4H well has now been producing for 30 days and the following production rates have been achieved.
Total Gas Production (mmscf)
Total Condensate Production (bbls)
Average Daily Equivalent Gas Rate (mmscfe/d)*
Average Daily Equivalent Oil Rate (boe/d)*
Turnbull #4H
*The equivalent rates have been calculated to reflect value using a 12:1 conversion ratio for condensate and a 25% uplift on gas equivalent volumes due to the high calorific value of the produced gas.
This well continues to be produced with a limited choke setting. Aurora will provide the market with a further update once data from the first 60 days of production is available.
Sienkiewicz #1H (25% WI+)
The fracture stimulation of the Sienkiewicz #1H is complete with 19 stages having been pumped and this well is presently cleaning up to sales.
Yosko #1H (31.9% WI)
The Yosko #1H well drilled and cased with a total depth of 17,366 ft. This well will be fracture stimulated in due course.
Barboza #1H (32.9% WI)
The Barboza #1H well has spudded and this well is presently at a depth of 4,057ft having run and cemented surface casing. This well straddles the Longhorn and Ipanema AMIs and as a result Aurora holds a blended working interest of 32.9%, this figure is subject to final confirmation by the Operator.
Ipanema AMI (AUT 36.4% Working Interest)
Franke #1H (30% WI+)
The Franke #1H well has now been on production for 30 days and the following production rates have been achieved in that time. This well has a relatively short horizontal section with a total depth of only 15,184ft. The well is being produced with a minimal choke setting and the data below is the average production over the first 30 days.
Total Gas Production (mmscf)
Total Condensate Production (bbls)
Average Daily Equivalent Gas Rate (mmscfe/d)*
Average Daily Equivalent Oil Rate (boe/d)*
Franke #1H
*The equivalent rates have been calculated to reflect value using a 12:1 conversion ratio for condensate and a 25% uplift on gas equivalent volumes due to the high calorific value of the produced gas.
Aurora will provide the market with a further update once data from the first 60 days of production is available.
Foster Unit (WI – 36.4%)
The Foster #1H well, situated in the Ipanema AMI, is presently at a depth of 15,432 ft and is drilling horizontally within the Eagle Ford shale.