Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Good Samaritan Stories

Every week she goes to Garage sales.
Every week she comes home with all sorts of un wanted toys and amazing stuffed animals.
Most are in new boxes and her haul is generally less than $20 a week.
Week in and week out.
Her husband "used" to get really annoyed about this massive collection filling both shed and room!
But every year off they go (in a truck!) to be given to the many kids in the area who aren't going to have such a great Xmas.100s of gifts.
She does this year in and year out---its a hobby--in my mind a very good one.

Well done honey!
My girls an angel to many.
I'd dropped my son off at work and had all day to amuse myself in a hire car,
a Mitsubishi Outlander AWD. Passing by Hearson Cove, I thought that sounds like the place to be. Carefully, I drove around to the point and took in the view.

On the way back, I thought to cross the shellgrit beach. I had this sinking feeling about 400 metres in. Got out to check, two wheels bogged to the axle. Realising that I had yet to twiddle the 4WD button and the diff. lock, I put the beast in 4WD and tried again. Got out to check, you guessed right, four wheels bogged to the axle.

Looked around not a soul to be seen. The tide was coming in ... I was in deep trouble.
Whilst searching for debris to place under the wheels, a good samaritan passed my way. He drove us to the point, picked up some large flat rocks, then back to the beach.

He gave me some pointers on how to drive out, then we built a road under stricken vehicle. I offered him a reward, but he refused. I have since donated it to my favourite charity, the Fred Hollows Foundation.
Here's one to share.

On Christmas morning, Mum found a smart phone outside a local business while walking her dog.

Took it home and left in on the kitchen table. Phone rang just before lunch and she had a chat to the owner. Relief and gratitude probably best summed up his response. He had business contacts on it, memos, diary planner etc... He was in fear of what the boss would say, had it not been found

He insisted on presenting her with a box of chocolates.
Hey gg,
Have you got a story, where someone else did u a good turn? :)

in the early 70's, I was working in Atlanta Georgia, as a plumber's TA. I was one of only 3 white labourers, in Atlanta at that time, me and 2 mates, we'd gotten AFLCIO workcards and visas through a mate whose ole man was high up in Labor politics and had connections to Teddy.

Anyway we arrived at our first job, having been abused at the union hall because we were white and taking jobs from needy blacks, , and were met by a huge black guy, called Boredriver. He said I was on his pussy list.

We began digging a trench, and I met another Black guy called John. He had fought in WW2 building landing fields in the Philippines, Okinawa and Japan. He was not allowed to be in a combat unit due to his race.

I got to know John, and he asked us all back to his home for a traditional Southern Fried Chicken meal on our first night at that job.

He spoke to Boredriver, and advised him against any desires on me.

John was a most beautiful, assertive, black man of those days. I still keep in contact with his children and grandchildren, all successful in their own way.

We shared many good times, and bad, including a trench falling in, which killed one of our co-workers.

John was a good man.

Is that the Good Samaritan part of your story?

No you bloody basketweaver, it was not getting rooted by Boredriver in a trench on the first day at work, by the kindness of another.

Sometimes I tire of the nouse of intellectual midgets on this site.

Me and a mate were hitchhiking around England when i was 18.... got stuck outsude a place called Bicester.

Hadnt eaten all day and it was p!ssing down with rain, we were soaked through.. no money , no shelter , no dry clothes.

we broke into a garden shed at a property that was on the outskirts of town...

A lady of about 80 came outside to investigate and saw us 2 drowned buggers and we explained we just needed somewhere out of the rain and we were sorry it was her shed we picked but we didnt have much choice.

The ole girl invited us into her house , cooked us food and let us camp up in the spare room.

she was on her own in the house, and the trust and genorisity she showed me that night will forever be etched in my mind.

i went back several years later with some choccys and flowers but alas the ole girl had passed on.

bless ya darlin, you saved 2 lost souls that night.
No you bloody basketweaver, it was not getting rooted by Boredriver in a trench on the first day at work, by the kindness of another.

Sometimes I tire of the nouse of intellectual midgets on this site.


So what was the part alluding to the Good Samaritan of your story?

Claiming to be such an intellectual giant? Maybe you need to be a lot more humble in your approach?
No you bloody basketweaver, it was not getting rooted by Boredriver in a trench on the first day at work, by the kindness of another.

Sometimes I tire of the nouse of intellectual midgets on this site.



Bring it on you bloody coward. It's soft people like you that make people like Julia blog. ;)
You are the one who started the thread.

But I must say well done on the homeless fella receiving the OAM.

A good samaritan no doubt. :iagree:
Wouldn't it be ironic if I have given the gift of sight to a huge black guy, called Boredriver, who said you was on his pussy list.