Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Now she has joined the "Bring Corby home" campaign. Is this just another diversion from the day to day incompetence? I can't say this inspires me with confidence.
After reading comments by the media today, Juila Gillard's slogan 'MOOOVING FOOORWARD' seems to have back fired on her. Perhaps she should change her slogan to 'MOOOOVING BACKWARDS'.
After claiming Kevin Rudd's government had lost it's way, she really needs a GPS to find her way. She is completely lost and out of deepth as a Prime Minister. She is a total embarrassment to this great nation of ours.
Excellent article by Paul Kelly in today's "Weekend Australian" on this subject.

FEDERAL Labor appears weak, unconvincing and hostage to its many dilemmas.

THE Gillard government, deft at tactics, is losing its policy authority in the nation and facing a relentless haemorrhage in political support with repeated exposures of its inability to shape events or outcomes.

Labor is in serious difficulty, a fact more apparent the greater the distance from Canberra. The government looks out of its depth, weak and devoid of strategic purpose. So overwhelming are these early signs they demand an urgent rethink of Labor's policy and messages.

In June Julia Gillard explained Kevin Rudd's removal by saying the government had "lost its way", but Labor's risk is that of changing jockeys but failing to get back on track. If this perception takes hold, the government will be finished.

This week the Commonwealth Bank dismissed Wayne Swan with abject contempt in its near doubling of the Reserve Bank's official interest rate rise. Gillard returned to Australia after her bizarre Asian visit that disastrously enshrined the highly dubious East Timor processing centre as the centrepiece of our regional diplomacy. President Barack Obama, in response to the mid-term election defeat, announced he would not proceed with "cap and trade" legislation, but would look for "other means" to confront climate change, thereby undermining Gillard's push to price carbon.
Noco, looks like the latest buzz word is "dialogue". 38 sec youtube clip:
Haven't watched the Utube clip but have already noticed that this is her latest buzzword. It's what she says when she cannot make a clear response to a question. Just assures the questioner that she is having an ongoing dialogue.

So reassuring.

She is simply way, way out of her depth and the whole government is floundering woefully.
Love to be a fly on the wall at the Ausmin talks today,
as the gradual '..OMG..', and ' isn't Rudd or Stephen Smith the PM..' looks creep across the faces of Clinton, Gates and the US aides.

Would like to be more charitable to the PM, but have given up waiting for a straight answer to a straight question. As they probably will too.
Haven't watched the Utube clip but have already noticed that this is her latest buzzword. It's what she says when she cannot make a clear response to a question. Just assures the questioner that she is having an ongoing dialogue.

So reassuring.

She is simply way, way out of her depth and the whole government is floundering woefully.

From Andrew Bolts blog.

Andrew Bolt asked Julia about the veracity of her promise to return the budget to surplus by 2012/13 and this was her reply:

(giggle) “Well Andrew, me and Wayne are carefully and methodically having dialogue with each other, conversations, dialogue, carefully and methodically, as we plan to return the budget to 2012/13, in 3 years time, 3 years early. We’re not just cobbling together some plan, like Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey, we’re talking to the Australian people, we’re facilitating, we’re putting together a plan, it’s no secret. We’re looking at measures, having dialogue, conversations and Wayne will announce our ideas and strategies to the Australian people in good time. We won’t be rushed by Tony Abbott’s populist slogans, we’re determined to work in a methodical and responsible way, talking to the Australian peole, having dialogue, talking to the treasury, carefully and methodically. That’s my vision for Australia, I love this country, I am passionate about education. My parents are immigrants. Tim and I care very much. Methodical and responsible Andrew. No slogans, no Tony Abbott, no delays, no idea. Sorry, wha was the question”?
Would like to be more charitable to the PM, but have given up waiting for a straight answer to a straight question. As they probably will too.

This woman is not deserving of any charity. She must have known that she was ill-equipped to assume the responsibility of being PM. It is depressing that the Labor Party and the electors would ever conceive that Gillard could be a successful leader of this country. She is obviously not leadership material.

The country will now be stumbling about in the dark for three years, courtesy of a few bitter and twisted independents.
The Gillard government has reaffirmed its commitment to returning the budget to surplus 2012/13.

This is despite falling revenues (projected) from the rising AUD

On this issue Labor sinks or swims and / or the conservatives for ever bite their tongues (unlikely)
The Gillard government has reaffirmed its commitment to returning the budget to surplus 2012/13.

This is despite falling revenues (projected) from the rising AUD

On this issue Labor sinks or swims and / or the conservatives for ever bite their tongues (unlikely)

IFocus, I'm sure you still believe in Santa Clause and the fairy God Mother if you believe anything Joolya says.
From Andrew Bolts blog.

Andrew Bolt asked Julia about the veracity of her promise to return the budget to surplus by 2012/13 and this was her reply:

(giggle) “Well Andrew, me and Wayne are carefully and methodically having dialogue with each other, conversations, dialogue, carefully and methodically, as we plan to return the budget to 2012/13, in 3 years time, 3 years early. We’re not just cobbling together some plan, like Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey, we’re talking to the Australian people, we’re facilitating, we’re putting together a plan, it’s no secret. We’re looking at measures, having dialogue, conversations and Wayne will announce our ideas and strategies to the Australian people in good time. We won’t be rushed by Tony Abbott’s populist slogans, we’re determined to work in a methodical and responsible way, talking to the Australian peole, having dialogue, talking to the treasury, carefully and methodically. That’s my vision for Australia, I love this country, I am passionate about education. My parents are immigrants. Tim and I care very much. Methodical and responsible Andrew. No slogans, no Tony Abbott, no delays, no idea. Sorry, what was the question”?
"Me and Wayne"??? Could we get the PM some lessons in grammar just for a start?

Did she really say that? Andrew Bolt hasn't, um, paraphrased her comments?
If she did, then we are in even more dire straits than I'd imagined.

The Gillard government has reaffirmed its commitment to returning the budget to surplus 2012/13.

This is despite falling revenues (projected) from the rising AUD

On this issue Labor sinks or swims and / or the conservatives for ever bite their tongues (unlikely)
Do you think they can do it, IFocus?

A decent start would be to cease the stimulus remaining in the BER program.
So crazy that they are continuing to stimulate the economy, while the Reserve is obliged to increase rates to rein it in, and even worse, while the government is sticking it to the banks for raising rates!!!

Can't they, fergawdsake, see how utterly illogical their overall position is!
IFocus, I'm sure you still believe in Santa Clause and the fairy God Mother if you believe anything Joolya says.

Silly me I thought Julia WAS the fairy godmother and what would Christmas be like without a santa.
I'll probably fall foul of the Mods with this suggestion.

I was thinking a Poll on this thread could resolve the issue once and for all?

Q. Who do you think would make the best PM?

- Julia Gillard
- Lady Gaga
- Leigh Sales
- Bob Katter

All cool choices, and with cult followings. I think the result would be unpredictable.
Fortunately for me, I don't know how to do create polls.
"Me and Wayne"??? Could we get the PM some lessons in grammar just for a start?

Did she really say that? Andrew Bolt hasn't, um, paraphrased her comments?
If she did, then we are in even more dire straits than I'd imagined.

Noco should stick to the facts instead of reciting some infantile cult member of the Andrew Bolt fan club (probably "boy lightning" himself).
Noco should stick to the facts instead of reciting some infantile cult member of the Andrew Bolt fan club (probably "boy lightning" himself).

The scary thing Macquack is that the question had to be asked - "Did she actually say that?":D

Unfortunately it sounds exactly like an answer she would have given!! :banghead:

Do you think they can do it, IFocus?

Its a case of they have to not if

A decent start would be to cease the stimulus remaining in the BER program.

I hear this often but to do so will seriously hurt a number of business's / people. Projects have a certain lead time to completion once started contracts signed etc its not quite like just turning off a tap.

So crazy that they are continuing to stimulate the economy, while the Reserve is obliged to increase rates to rein it in, and even worse, while the government is sticking it to the banks for raising rates!!!

I suspect the biggest impact is commodity prices / exports and the BER actually helps the bottom end of the 2 speed economy that we currently have unlike the mining boom
I hear this often but to do so will seriously hurt a number of business's / people. Projects have a certain lead time to completion once started contracts signed etc its not quite like just turning off a tap.
I understand that, but I gather they have many millions still not spent.
Are you saying it would be impossible for this amount not to go ahead?
Surely if construction hasn't begun, perhaps it would be unfortunate for that building company, but in the overall scheme of things, more sensible?

I suspect the biggest impact is commodity prices / exports and the BER actually helps the bottom end of the 2 speed economy that we currently have unlike the mining boom
Did you see Wayne Swan being questioned about this on the 7.30 Report this evening? He was his usual shrill, frenetic self, ignoring the actual substance of Kerry O'Brien's questions, and refusing to acknowledge that some sectors of the Australian society are absolutely not sharing in any economic boom.
...Unfortunately it sounds exactly like an answer she would have given!! :banghead:
To a tee I'd have thought. It's the answer to every question, regardless of subject.

BTW congrats to the Vics on winning Channel Eddie's National IQ Test last night. Only a point in it though, from NSW and ACT. Sorry Smurf but Tassie might have done better. Hilarious that the Sports Fans team in the studio (with Joffa in the gold jacket) streaked home to win.
The federal government is confident that the jobless rate will continue to fall over the next 18 months, despite the surprise spike to 5.4 per cent in October.

"If the labour market tightens too rapidly, this can lead to a wages breakout and higher inflation," NAB Capital chief economist Rob Henderson explained.

Yeah right ...... have they got anything right so far?? Name one thing. Just one.
The federal government is confident that the jobless rate will continue to fall over the next 18 months, despite the surprise spike to 5.4 per cent in October.

"If the labour market tightens too rapidly, this can lead to a wages breakout and higher inflation," NAB Capital chief economist Rob Henderson explained.

Yeah right ...... have they got anything right so far?? Name one thing. Just one.

Uhmm.....Interest rates will go up?