Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

DDT - DataDot Technology

11 June 2005
Has anybody been following this has been improving of lately.

There datadot technology is being used by more and more car companies world wide for an added security.

From Shaw broking
DDT is an asset identification company. It manufactures microdots using patented processes and technology that can identify assets to improve asset security, and prove asset authenticity and ownership.

In partnership with the CSIRO, DDT has also developed a unique technology for bulk materials, authentication of products and prevention of counterfeiting.

The immediate opportunity is in the automotive industry where introduction of the product has shown a substantial reduction in the incidence of stolen vehicles. This has led the government to grant $1.5m for the development of DDT’s robotic applicator.

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (“NMVTRC”) has also contributed $0.5m towards this project, such is the confidence in the technology.

DDT has the support of the police, insurance companies and the wider community. What it needs now is for a major manufacturer to adopt the technology on an assembly line.

This would substantially lift the annual unit volumes sold and would entice other manufacturers to do likewise.

New Zealand has agreed in principle to make whole of vehicle marking (“WOVM”) mandatory as from 1 January 2007.

Other countries around the world are also considering such a move, providing an obvious growth path for the company.

Yamaha Motor Australia recently announced it would apply DataDotDNA to its entire range of imported products commencing from 1 October 2006.

Nissan SA subsequently announced it would apply DataDotDNA to all new and imported vehicles sold in South Africa and surrounding countries, commencing immediately.

DDT recently reported a $1.43m loss for the year ended 30 June 2006, following a $5.3m loss in FY05.

A capital raising of $7.665m in July has substantially improved the balance sheet which now has cash of $7.9m, total assets of $15.3m and shareholders funds of $7.9m.

This has put the company in good shape to progress its strategy and maintain sufficient working capital for existing operations.


DDT uses laser etching to print a vehicle’s identification number (“VIN”) onto 1mm microdots.

Up to 10,000 dots per vehicle can then be sprayed on the underbody of the vehicle to identify all major components of the vehicle.

The dots are detectable and readable using simple, low cost readers for identifying vehicles and parts. In this way, thieves cannot find and remove all the dots, thus providing a significant deterrent to stealing such a marked vehicle and diverting their interest to unmarked vehicles instead.

Those that are stolen can be easily identified creating a further disincentive.

The NMVTRC recently said that in the 12 months to 31 March 2006, 76,589 vehicle thefts were reported in Australia.

Although this was down 7% on the pcp and the 6th consecutive year of declines, much more can be done to reduce the problem further.

The substantial reduction in the incidence of stolen vehicles that are marked with DataDotDNA - up to 92% in some models – has the government and the wider community very interested in the technology.

The robotic applicator that DDT has developed is ready to be deployed in a manufacturer’s assembly line. Such a deal would provide a quantum step forward for the business both in terms of volume and credibility.


The joint venture with the CSIRO, called DatatraceDNA, is a similar concept of asset identification and authentication.

Its application, however, is potentially much wider than DataDotDNA including paper, inks, paints, explosives, plastics, fabrics, certain metals, adhesives, cement and some timbers.

The system employs unique luminescent marker materials that are integrated into the composition of a wide variety of products.

Once incorporated, DatatraceDNA works like an invisible chemical barcode that remains in the product for at least 25 years and cannot be destroyed.

When the marker is illuminated, a unique emission spectrum can be detected by a hand-held reader, enabling the product to be verified in the field.

The global market for counterfeit, knockoff and unauthorised additional production is massive and growing.

For example, a study by LEK Consulting concluded that US movie studios were losing about US$6.1bn annually in global wholesale revenue to piracy.

The US Chamber of Commerce this year said the counterfeiting industry will grow from US$500bn to US$2,000bn in the next 20 years.

If DatatraceDNA can develop its sophisticated products to a commercial level, the potential for this part of DDT’s business is large.
News today that Datadot are in bed with Microsoft to authenticate cd's etc in the attack on piracy... Added to last weeks news of testing with explosives, this should mean some positive movement for the sp.

Still looking for news on the Kiwi's mandatory vehicle marking although waiting for movement from government departments is a depressing passtime.

I hold as I think Datadots are a good idea with tentacles in a lot of industries but there are a few competing substitutes and lets face it, Datadots don't actually prevent the lowlife stealing your car.

Time to buy Datadot?

Microdots are gaining more acceptance, worldwide especially with Car manufacturers here locally and worldwide..The NZ government recently announced that all cars will be mandatory dotted, not surprising since they have between 20,000- 30,000 cars stolen there annually. Mandatory whole of vehicle marking will on the agenda with the European Commission this July..Countries like Mexico and Brazil will be big growth markets...Expect more announcements soon.

The big income earner will be Datatrace which has been developed with the CSIRO has a real solution for a lot of businesses...Dots are placed through the whole bulk product, enabling the companies and consumers to identify their standardized superior products in preference to inferior counterfeit/products.. ORICA have signed a MOU with the company to develop explosives which can be easily identified post blast, enabling agencies to track each device through a register where it was logistically bought..This technology seems to be more cost effective than RFID technology which has been around for a while but is more expensive.The Rfid tag can be tampered with or easily damaged. The shares are holding up, and revenue should start to really ramp up next year with NZ...The next announcement should put it over 40 cents...As a long term share, its a good one, as its in a unique market segment to its own.. Its a wonder the Australian government doesn't make it mandatory for all Cars here here.. This a definite BUY!BUY!

Read below for the many applications Datatrace will have...


DatatraceDNA as the foundation for product security and management in most industries.
The following industries provide broad applications for DatatraceDNA:

Food and Drink
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Coatings and Lacquer
Food and Drink
It's becoming vital for consumers to be confident they are consuming genuine products as counterfeit food and drink has been responsible for numerous deaths all over the world. DatatraceDNA is an inert, non-toxic molecule, ideal for application to food and drink packaging to ensure authenticity.

Paper is a communication medium that we all take for granted but which often conveys highly secure or confidential information. DatatraceDNA can be incorporated into the lacquer or inks used in the printing process to enable proof of authenticity at any stage in production or distribution.

Many consumers aren't aware of the extent of counterfeiting or substitution of glass products designed for specific applications such as car windscreens or high-rise building windows. Poor quality glass being substituted where high quality glass should be used is a genuine threat to safety that can be addressed by the incorporation of DatatraceDNA during the manufacturing process. Any form of glass bottling or packaging can also be treated and verified by DatatraceDNA.

Pharmaceutical Drugs
There are many documented cases of counterfeit drugs causing serious illness and deaths, particularly in developing nations. As a result, the pharmaceutical supply chain must be strengthened to ensure only authentic medications are purchased and consumed. DatatraceDNA can be applied during the pharmaceutical drug manufacturing process and product packaging.

Fabric: Cotton, Wool, Nylon, Polyester and Silk.
Walk through almost any shopping precinct in the world and you will be able to purchase counterfeit copies or grey market over-runs of global fashion and apparel brands. Consumers and even trademark owners have no simple way of knowing whether an expensive fashion item is really genuine. Fashion brands struggling with counterfeiting and over-runs can apply DatatraceDNA to either the fabric or label, simplifying the process of proving authenticity at any stage in the supply chain or at point of sale.

DatatraceDNA provides paint manufacturers the ability to identify different grades of their products to ensure authenticity and correct application. With many products including high value protective paints, substitution by brand and grade is a common and expensive problem. A product failure through use of a counterfeit or lower grade product can lead to large rectification costs and loss of brand reputation. As DatatraceDNA is bound to the molecular structure of the paint, it can be tested at any point in the lifespan of the product, pre or post application, and can also be used to test the homogeneity of a paint mix.

One of the most cost-effective methods of providing product security is to incorporate DatatraceDNA in the lacquer that is applied to packaging or to use DatatraceDNA packing tape. Proving the authenticity of tamper-proof packaging is a strong measure of proof that the contents are also authentic.

Brand name cosmetics have been counterfeited for decades, a problem that is now exaggerated by internet sales and distribution, robbing designers of revenue and damaging brand reputation. DatatraceDNA can be used in the packaging, containers or caps for cosmetics and enables authenticity to be proven instantly at any point in the supply chain.

The chemical industry plays a critical role in our daily lives and many government agencies are now actively working on ways to closely monitor the origin and use of chemicals. DatatraceDNA is ideal for chemical manufacturers who need to ensure their products are traceable and verifiable from the moment they are created and through the life of their application. Blend homogeneity can also be tested by using DatatraceDNA in the mixing process.

Cement and Concrete
In cement and concrete construction, DatatraceDNA can be used to determine the position of specific concrete batches within a structure along with the original manufacturer and the grade applied. As a result, verification can be performed to determine if the correct concrete has been used in any given part of a structure for the lifetime of the concrete. Concrete manufacturers can also use DatatraceDNA to determine concrete mix homogeneity has been achieved during the mixing process, leading to huge gains in safer, more efficient manufacturing and construction.

Timber is graded according to factors affecting appearance and strength, but close timber grades are often impossible to tell apart and these materials can be easily diverted, miscounted and replaced with inferior timber. Suppliers and builders who believe they have used correct grade timber can carry product liability for products that have been switched without detection.

Applying DatatraceDNA using lacquer enables millers and builders to monitor authenticity, ownership and quality at each step of the sales and construction process.

As with other materials, DatatraceDNA can be used to identify the origin or grade of adhesives. This is important in mission critical applications such as aircraft and motor vehicle manufacture.

The identity of the adhesive is read with the hand-held digital field reader and can occur while the adhesive is in either an unhardened or hardened state.

Polymers: Plastics and Removable Media.
One third of all music discs sold worldwide are counterfeit with an estimated global value $US4.6 billion and software piracy is estimated to be $US12 billion annually. DatatraceDNA can infuse the polymer substrate of removable digital media such as CDs and DVDs to authenticate the ownership of intellectual property and copyright.

The same approach can be taken with any form of plastic, allowing for mobile counterfeit detection in transit or at the point of sale. Mixing homogeneity is also possible when applying DatatraceDNA during polymer batch manufacturing.

Coatings and Lacquer
DatatraceDNA is easily incorporated into the manufacture of coatings and lacquers, enabling verification of the coating and the product it has been applied to at any stage.

A secondary use for DatatraceDNA in this industry is to manage homogeneity in the mixing process, using our digital hand held reader to verify optimum mixing. Bulk material manufacturers will appreciate the efficiency of having a scientific method for determining when homogeneous mixing has occurred.

Public concern about national security and anti-terrorist protection has intensified demand for high-level tracking and verification of explosive materials. DatatraceDNA allows materials capable of being used in explosives to be closely monitored at all stages of their production, distribution, warehousing and use.

As explosive materials bearing DatatraceDNA have a permanent verifiable identity, their movement can be cross-referenced with all personnel who handle them in the supply chain. This information enables very precise security and stocktaking processes, including after the explosives have been used. Homogeneity of mixing can also be applied to explosives manufacture, leading to increased safety and production efficiency.

Microdots provide an excellent overt form of authentication. To be absolutely confident of the veracity of microdots DatatraceDNA can be incorporated in the adhesive that carries the microdots, providing an irrefutable method for proving authenticity.
DDT is a Long Term Speculative Buy..They need growth and Revenue, and some big announcements to get this thing going? HAs anyone got any research info?
Interesting to note that Taiwan has passed Mandatory Datadotting WOVM (whole of vehicle marking) as of October 1. In the Annual report the Board states that they are confident in capturing a significant market share of that market. Doing research of this market they have 4 major manufacturers, which produces over 450,000 cars a year.. Good market..Their AGM in November should be interesting..2008 could be a very interesting year. Shares are very low given that there are only 142 million

Im not a advisor.

I don't think the Taiwan ruling will make a huge difference. It's not a "Whole of Vehicle Marking" so there are a lot of cheaper alternatives to Microdots. But it took effect on 01 Oct and it's a start

The big win will be when NZ finally makes Whole of Vehicle Marking compulsory (March '08). Then we might see the figures start looking better.... Might even start the trend in Aus given that the Kiwi's drive a lot of Aussie built machines. Perhaps Ford and Holden will consider another robot on the production line....

I keep a few DDT in the bottom drawer.
Interesting to see the major electricity utilities now protecting their assets and expensive copper wiring which thieves have been targeting recently, with the increase in Copper wiring prices. Alinta in Melbourne are using datadots for security protection as well as the major utilities in Canada..

It will be interesting to see their strategy in the next year..Down but certainly not out...

DDT - Datadot getting a real spanking now..almost into the realms of the unbelievable,
trading at around 5 cents today, an all time low and a Market cap of less than 8 million.

Bargain or goner? :dunno:


  • DDT2years.JPG
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No posts for a while just wondering peoples opinion on fridays movement and news? pretty interesting stuff
No posts for a while just wondering peoples opinion on fridays movement and news? pretty interesting stuff

Unashamably bought with the herd so I am wondering how real this technology is beyond the motor industry, which by itself might be enough. How real is this seed stuff? Even if practical, what about competitors, patent protection? The company looks to be run on a shoestring.

I wonder whether DDT technology has the potential to replace bar coding? If so, the world is it's oyster, assuming they have strong patent applications.

Otherwise on a smaller scale, I wonder if it could have application not only in security but with specific product tracking, e.g. medical devices, in lieu of serial numbers for batch control (in case of recalls)? Be interested if anyone has insight into this aspect.

This is a real punt and I wonder whether it's just a one release wonder?

Cool for cats? :rolleyes:
Unashamably bought with the herd so I am wondering how real this technology is :rolleyes:

Your a herd trader....nice :rolleyes: takes all sorts i suppose.

DDT has been around since 2004 with proven technology and an industry leader, actually
turned a profit last u care. :holysheep:
Your a herd trader....nice :rolleyes: takes all sorts i suppose.

DDT has been around since 2004 with proven technology and an industry leader, actually
turned a profit last u care. :holysheep:

Hey steady on fella. Liked what I read quickly on friday after hearing somehting from one of my mates a few weeks ago on the technology. Every now and then will look at something running as can afford to :) and no shame getting on board later than others.

If you want an EPS no brainer then look at BLY unless you think mining exploration is still in the doldrums and/or can't do the maths on the dilution.
Your a herd trader....nice :rolleyes: takes all sorts i suppose.

DDT has been around since 2004 with proven technology and an industry leader, actually
turned a profit last u care. :holysheep:

Bit harsh on Donga there buddy!

Isn't "market value" determined by the herd?

Although the accepted legal definition of "market value" refers to the value agreed between a willing BUT NOT ANXIOUS buyer and a willing BUT NOT ANXIOUS seller. So I guess in that regard the value determined by the herd would not amount to "market value" in a pure definitional sense given that some degree of anxiousness exists in a herd siituation. Would make for an interesting test case!
Bit harsh on Donga there buddy!

Isn't "market value" determined by the herd?

Thanks Peanut. I trust So Cynical didn't mean much by it, some people don't come across well in writing.

Fact is I bought almost on impulse, though did spend a little time looking into the company. Not really a lot there, and co-incidentally have very small premises around the corner from where I'm based. But then there is the famous photograph of Gates and his crew in the early days. Let's hope these guys can convert their dots into dough.
Gday all,

Has anybody heard any positive or upcoming news on DDT??

It has been very quiet the past month and just slowly sliding downward on the SP.

Holding a few in the bottom draw as well

while I don't necessarily expect a repeat of Jan 22nd, there is some "movement at the station".
After a quick trade earlier this month (3rd to 9th), I've bought back in again as the long-term Moving Average looks like holding support at 4.3c.

I owned a Subaru Outback that uses datadot tech. I bought the car in 2006.

This seems to be an awesome technology that could protect valuable products from theft...
Can't understand why a patchy profit track record and such a small market valuation (i.e. 20 million-ish).. I would imagine that the patent itself could be worth more that 20 mil.

Insight anyone?
i reakon it has a lot to do with their marketing strategy, or lack thereof.
i work with a computer company and only recently found out you can buy datadots in a spraycan, spray whatever you want and then register the specific datadot in the can against your name. isn't that expensive either.
im sure if there was more public knowledge about this then it would become much more widespread. should be an optional extra with every car, laptop, ipad, phone etc that gets sold IMO
Thanks for the info...

Yeah ... agree that they certainly unable to capitalise their awesome tech commercially...
Will check out the strategy of the new management. If this has better external alignment with the market place, may buy in the cheap...
Seems like security liquidity is also an issue here...