Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Shooters in national parks


menace to society
15 August 2006
A political alliance between the Upper House Shooters and the Labor Government, which Premier Nathan Rees needs to pass laws, is now officially over.

And the deal-breaker is Government's refusal to support a Shooters' Bill to let hunters shoot in national parks.

"Whatever goodwill was there is now gone," Mr Brown said.

I'm not up to speed on the bill, but this seems like a stupid idea. Who wants to walk around the national park when there are bullets flying? All I can say is good luck fighting the greens on this.
I'm not up to speed on the bill, but this seems like a stupid idea. Who wants to walk around the national park when there are bullets flying? All I can say is good luck fighting the greens on this.

But added risk migh be attractive for some thrill seaking souls.

Imagine compensation should somebody survive unfortunate body contact with stray bullet.
Hey, I agree with the Government on this one. :eek:

Bloody shooters......what type of moron can get satisfaction from blowing the brains out of an innocent and defenceless creature in a National Park.
Isn't the entire purpose of a National Park to protect and conserve the area?

You can't log a National Park. You can't flood it with a dam (well, OK it's been done before but wouldn't likely happen in the future). You can't open cut mine it either. So surely shooting, which is less useful than any of those and likely more toxic (lead), ought not be allowed either.

For once I'll have to agree with the Greens on this one. If we're going to allow shooting then might as well not have National Parks in the first place.
Shooters and fishermen and women have rights too.

You city bound people should not comment on issues beyond basket weaving.

Shooters and fishermen and women have rights too.

You city bound people should not comment on issues beyond basket weaving.


And Aboriginals.

Under the Flora & Fauna legislation species are to be protected, but the indigenous also have the right to hunt native species for tucker.

I'm sure the possums, koalas, wallabies and frogs would appreciate help in getting rid of ferals and cane toads though.

Open-slather hunting? I don't know!
And Aboriginals.

Under the Flora & Fauna legislation species are to be protected, but the indigenous also have the right to hunt native species for tucker.

I'm sure the possums, koalas, wallabies and frogs would appreciate help in getting rid of ferals and cane toads though.

Open-slather hunting? I don't know!

Mate, indigenous people have got more in common with shooters and fisherpeople than all the basket weavers in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.

They often are kin.

Work together.

Play together.

The basket weavers are the problem not the answer.

And Aboriginals.

Under the Flora & Fauna legislation species are to be protected, but the indigenous also have the right to hunt native species for tucker.

I'm sure the possums, koalas, wallabies and frogs would appreciate help in getting rid of ferals and cane toads though.

Open-slather hunting? I don't know!

Sounds good. Get rid of the ferals and maybe a few stray bullets might take out some cans of VB on the way lol
Good evening dumb and stupid PEOPLE.

I read this and thought, what stupid people the people that posted before me,
the dills that will flap their jaws BOFORE knowing what they are even talking about !

I honestly thought my fellow Australia would have had far more brains than to do such a stupid thing.

Now before the dumb and stupid attack me, reread the first post which you all can running in for with your un eductated and dumb comments,

"I'm not up to speed on the bill, but this seems like a stupid idea"

NOT UP TO SPEED ....... ??????
AND it would appear so are the other posters before me.

Sick, maybe sad what people will write without knowing what the bl...dy hell they are even writing about ot the facts of the situation
Mate, indigenous people have got more in common with shooters and fisherpeople than all the basket weavers in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.

They often are kin.

Work together.

Play together.

The basket weavers are the problem not the answer.


Yes, brings back memories of Les Hiddins. Certainly no narrow-minded basket weaver.

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Good evening dumb and stupid PEOPLE.

I read this and thought, what stupid people the people that posted before me,
the dills that will flap their jaws BOFORE knowing what they are even talking about !

I honestly thought my fellow Australia would have had far more brains than to do such a stupid thing.

Now before the dumb and stupid attack me, reread the first post which you all can running in for with your un eductated and dumb comments,

"I'm not up to speed on the bill, but this seems like a stupid idea"

NOT UP TO SPEED ....... ??????
AND it would appear so are the other posters before me.

Sick, maybe sad what people will write without knowing what the bl...dy hell they are even writing about ot the facts of the situation

Lighten up Bazza. Just having a bit of fun.
Good evening dumb and stupid PEOPLE.

I read this and thought, what stupid people the people that posted before me,
the dills that will flap their jaws BOFORE knowing what they are even talking about !

I honestly thought my fellow Australia would have had far more brains than to do such a stupid thing.

Now before the dumb and stupid attack me, reread the first post which you all can running in for with your un eductated and dumb comments,

"I'm not up to speed on the bill, but this seems like a stupid idea"

NOT UP TO SPEED ....... ??????
AND it would appear so are the other posters before me.

Sick, maybe sad what people will write without knowing what the bl...dy hell they are even writing about ot the facts of the situation

Make feral cats and dogs endangered species not native australian species. Ban ownership of cats within 100 kms of a National Park. Now that would be a progressive and sensible law.
[B]what type of moron can get satisfaction from blowing the brains out of an innocent and defenceless[/B]

I would love the day, to see you standing there with sh...running down the back of your legs

WITH a 100kg boar deciding if he wants to eat you, just standing there grinding his teeth to make sure they are well sharpened for the job.

TOO much b/s from people who DON'T have a clue on Earth what they are talking about... AGAIN !
ps, where do you think pigs grown and breed, yep, right there in a so called National Park.
[B]what type of moron can get satisfaction from blowing the brains out of an innocent and defenceless[/B]

I would love the day, to see you standing there with sh...running down the back of your legs

WITH a 100kg boar deciding if he wants to eat you, just standing there grinding his teeth to make sure they are well sharpened for the job.

TOO mush b/s from people who DON'T have a clue on Earth what they are talking about... AGAIN !
ps, where do you think pigs grown and breed, yep, right there in a so called National Park.

defenceless? Are you refering to the Sugar-Gliders or the feral cats that feast on them?
[B]what type of moron can get satisfaction from blowing the brains out of an innocent and defenceless[/B]

I would love the day, to see you standing there with sh...running down the back of your legs

WITH a 100kg boar deciding if he wants to eat you, just standing there grinding his teeth to make sure they are well sharpened for the job.

TOO much b/s from people who DON'T have a clue on Earth what they are talking about... AGAIN !
ps, where do you think pigs grown and breed, yep, right there in a so called National Park.

Pigs or no pigs, personally when I go bushwalking in the national parks, last thing I want is a stray bullet in my head from some pissed shooter, or even a sober one. :bigun2:

Of course it's a stupid idea. If you want to shoot:rocketwho, do it on your own land. The NPWS can control ferals via poison and controlled shooting if need be. Most shooters leave the piglets so there are more pigs to come back for later.:mad:
1. I have no problems if professional shooters are contracted to reduce ferals in National Parks or wherever these bloody things may breed. If that involves professional shooters who may be members of the Shooters Party, so be it.

2. I do object that part of the Bill was to allow the Shooters Party to release, for hunting purposes, animals which are not indigenous to this country. These dheads, which includes politicians, have not learnt from history that is exactly why we now have fox problems, wild pigs, feral cats and dogs and the like in National Parks.

A few years ago, visited relatives in Canberra. We went to sight see and ended up at a fire place near a place called (I think) the Cotter Dam. It was winter and we started to warm ourselves by a fire. After awhile, we looked down the hill and we saw these feral cats approaching and starting to circle. They were fcuking ginormous and were not the least bit scared of us.

So yeah, professional shooters can blast the bejesus out them to our and their hearts content. Just keep amateurs and other introduced vermin out of National Parks. Because once introduced animals are released in NSW, they don't know that the NSW/VIC border is that side of Tom Groggin.
Red Goon
AGAIN another dill that hasn't a clue what its talking about
Flapping its jaws wildly !

Pigs or no pigs, personally when I go bushwalking in the national parks, last thing I want is a stray bullet in my head from some

stray bullets.
dill there are no such things, go to a gun shop, if your brave and ask for a packet of stray bullets !

You in your lack of wisdom may not want to know it
Victoria has had shooting to control ferals in the NP's for years, sorry to shock you, when you know so very little about the subject and so far no one has found any of your stray bullets, Canada, US, Africa and so the list goes on,
Some Hunters, they have found your bushwalkers smoking funny stuff... guess that doesn't even count nor does it when they come back to the cars /trucks and drive away !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The NPWS can control ferals via poison and controlled shooting if need be.
They HAVE NOT YET......... so where do you get your openly stupid ideas from ?

Most shooters leave the piglets so there are more pigs to come back for later. Please
for someone who knows bug...all about the subject your making dumb wild claims !
Where and how many.
AND comrade, why didn't you report this to the MPs and Police ?
Myself, I have not heard of anyone, but thats only over better than 50 years but you who knows nothing, bug....all about the shooting sports know all.

I think not, matey, best you go back to the Party and ask them what you should say, before you look even more foolish

Comrade Goon, best you run off away, bye
Feral bush pigs are scary, ( and no I am not referring to overweight females). Escpecially up North they cause real damage to crops and native wildlife alike. They also thrive up there and put a nasty dent in your car if you run over one. Unfortunately a lot of them are infested with nasties so you can not even eat the buggers.

I'm all for getting out the 303 and having a bit of target practice . Done in the past and its bloody good value.