Can any Stormer who was in that position - out of debt and with enough real estate rental income to give you a comfortable lifestyle for the rest of your days - throw any light on what possessed you to put it all at risk to attain more wealth that you didn't need?
I would bet that they didn't know that they didn't need it. From the comments from a number of the ex-Storm clients and the contents of the submissions to Parliament, EC and crew put the fear of running out of money in retirement in front of anything else. Convince people that they do not and will not have sufficient funds, whatever their assets levels, to be able to retire, convince them that the age pension will disappear, convince them that they will not be self-funded retires, convince them that you are the expert and they know little about investing. Play on the emotions and you have got them.
And, boy, did these people get taken for a ride. Just think about it. $100,000 borrowed at 10% is $10,000. $7,000 fee taken from the $100k. The remaining $93k would have to return $17k (18.3%) in the first year (before tax considerations) just to break even. That's credit card territory but bamboozle tyro's with numbers and those "small" issues disappear.