Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

I hate it when the market falls. Everyone is much less grumpy when its going up. :)

happy as a pig in poo here m8 . crashnburn BHP i say .....

just here cos was getting a bit nauseous listening to burnsie and co acting as fluffers for malcom turnbull

just needed to poinnt out that liberals LOST the election just in case they forgot :D
happy as a pig in poo here m8 . crashnburn BHP i say .....

just here cos was getting a bit nauseous listening to burnsie and co acting as fluffers for malcom turnbull

just needed to poinnt out that liberals LOST the election just in case they forgot :D

No nun.......... the Australian public lost the election.

I've learned from experience that anyone who doesnt conform to my view IS a Labor voter, I see them quite often picking through the trash in the rear lane behind my "Club"

Nun you didnt receive one benefit ??? You are even stupider than the average Labor voter, who always lines up for the freebies before a trip to the dole office then down to the pokies, then buy a slab of beer go home bash the wife then go to the lane behind my Club for dinner.

Do you eat there ?:D
disgruntled, carping, whinging, vindictive, right-wing malcontent? - time for a visit to the thesaurus don't you think?

.....and judging by the way you've made such acute observations based on a single post? also time to re-think whatever method you use to discern facts and observations. I-Ching was it? Crystal ball? Astrology?

You've certainly chosen the right handle Fishy! Good to see you didn't call yourself 'Lightbulb'...that would have been false advertising.;):D
Agreed. Turnbull came across as human and had a sense of humour.

Gillard should go back to pushing the tea trolley at Labor conferences. And please, Julia, stop trying to look hip with that makeover, it's getting embarrasing.

I was going to say something similar. I think quite a few people, particularly the younger crowd, are influenced by personality. Mal is a wanker, but there's life there. Rudd, Gillard - dull as door knobs. I wouldn't be surprised if they were really aliens taking human form.
No nun.......... the Australian public lost the election.

I've learned from experience that anyone who doesnt conform to my view IS a Labor voter, I see them quite often picking through the trash in the rear lane behind my "Club"

Nun you didnt receive one benefit ??? You are even stupider than the average Labor voter, who always lines up for the freebies before a trip to the dole office then down to the pokies, then buy a slab of beer go home bash the wife then go to the lane behind my Club for dinner.

Do you eat there ?:D


my ribs my ribs

now get back to work before i inform the " work for the dole scheme" you abusing the sytem
my ribs my ribs
now get back to work before i inform the " work for the dole sheme" you abusing the sytem

I might go to my Club for a spot of lunch and a brandy but I'll have to wait till security clears away all the Labor voting beggars out the front, it's pathetic really they've put their entire dole through the pokies by lunchtime, as long as they were my machines I don't suppose I should complain:D
I might go to my Club for a spot of lunch and a brandy but I'll have to wait till security clears away all the Labor voting beggars out the front, it's pathetic really they've put their entire dole through the pokies by lunchtime, as long as they were my machines I don't suppose I should complain:D

Smithers...take the Bentley, go down to the gates and make sure my estate which is encumbered by a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th mortgage at the McQuarrie Bank oops forgot the caveat and the bill of sale for the missuses Lambo, is safe from those purile money wasters that are Labor voters.:D
Smithers...take the Bentley, go down to the gates and make sure my estate which is encumbered by a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th mortgage at the McQuarrie Bank oops forgot the caveat and the bill of sale for the missuses Lambo, is safe from those purile money wasters that are Labor voters.:D

No problem I own the bank too.
Now get off my property before I release the hounds whoops sorry they're out:D
Turnbull was excellent on Q and A last night, Gillard was boring repetative and robotic.

Labor have the attitude, never answer the question just take the opportunuty to rant over the same old BS hoping it will stick.

Interestingly the audience all young people didnt seem to like Gillard one bit.

There's hope for our young yet.

The education revolution got a serve, one guy saying he wrote a thesis on something or other and even though he cant spell he got high praise for it.

Education BS election spin more to the point.

Yes Mr. Burns, I too thought Malcolm handled the situation very well; he appeared cool,calm and collected and at times quite jovial.

When ever Gillard was asked an uncomfortable question, she would bring out that stupid "girlish giggle".

I was impressed with Mitchel Grady who suggested to Gillard that get over the UTEGATE AFFAIR and the false E-Mail and get on with fixing HEATH and Eduducation.
He asked Gillard what has happened to the Education Revolution which she talks about so much.
Gillard replied with, "we are spending $14.7 billion on education; we have built a new Gymnasium for this school and a new Library for that school"
Turnbull interjected with and don't forget the JULIA GILLARD MEMORIAL HALL.

Mitchell Gray said "that's all very well, but what about teaching kids Literaracy amd Numeracy and the provision of better teaches".

Giggle, giggle........... oh we are doing that too.

IMHO Malcolm will survive, because Andrew Robb has no chance; he would be a poor replacement.
Yes Mr. Burns, I too thought Malcolm handled the situation very well; he appeared cool,calm and collected and at times quite jovial.

When ever Gillard was asked an uncomfortable question, she would bring out that stupid "girlish giggle".

I was impressed with Mitchel Grady who suggested to Gillard that get over the UTEGATE AFFAIR and the false E-Mail and get on with fixing HEATH and Eduducation.
He asked Gillard what has happened to the Education Revolution which she talks about so much.
Gillard replied with, "we are spending $14.7 billion on education; we have built a new Gymnasium for this school and a new Library for that school"
Turnbull interjected with and don't forget the JULIA GILLARD MEMORIAL HALL.

Mitchell Gray said "that's all very well, but what about teaching kids Literaracy amd Numeracy and the provision of better teaches".

Giggle, giggle........... oh we are doing that too.

IMHO Malcolm will survive, because Andrew Robb has no chance; he would be a poor replacement.

Hear, Hear noco / Mr Burns- good comments

I also noted that Julia now has KRudds spin down to a tee. He must have been coaching her lately to speak fluent waffle!:)

He was excellent, he would excell in politics if he felt he should sacrifice himself.
He certainly made Gillard look inadequate.
Agree, Mr Burns and Noco. A terrific kid. The girl representing young Labor was pretty and articulate enough, but already she has been indoctrinated into mouthing the party platitudes.
IMHO Malcolm will survive, because Andrew Robb has no chance; he would be a poor replacement.

I was of the opinion that after his failed attempt to get Rudd he should fall on his sword. But now think that with a bit of work he could be the right stuff. With the right coaching and good spin doctoring, he could he could be converted into a political animal, just as nasty as Rudd.

But he needs an urgent makeover and a thick hide before the jackals destroy him


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Talk about point scoring! Krudd and the goose are persisting in their attempt to discredit Turnbull over a faked E-Mail by stating Turnbull has no character or good judgement to be the alternative Prime Minister and should resign. How ironical is that when they themselves have shown bad judgement on several occassions and lacked the character expected of politicians. It certainly appears the Labor Party would dearly love to politically assassinate Turnbull at all costs.

The man (Turnbull) made a mistake. How often have you heard Gillard defend several Labor politicians including Rudd himself that they made errors of judgement and she (Gillard) states, "Giggle, Giggle" we all make mistakes or, he or she had a bad day, lets get over it, and move on to the more important issues like Health, the Education Revolution????? and jobs, jobs,jobs. Mark Abib is a tipical example, and one would have no doubt he got the rough end of the pineapple over his explanation of the 50,000 Rudd Green jobs. Have not seen him on TV interviews since. Looks like he has gone into smoke. I wonder if they have sent to Siberia!

Labor now wants an Senate Privalige's Committee enquiry into the fake E-Mail, however according to the Insiders program this morning, Labor may change it's mind for fear of what dirt may come out against them.

Turnbull has no real challenger and I believe he will survive this week contrary to what the media are trying to hype up, once again, in trying to gain headlines.

The one thing I would like to see Turnbull do is "CAN" this stupid ETS scheme as Barnaby Joyce said this morning " it is nothing more than a Tax Grab, it will cost thousands of jobs, it will send work overseas, it will add $75 TO THE COST PER HEAD OF CATTLE and do absolutely nothing to reduce Green House Emmissions".