Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Has Kevin Rudd misled parliament?

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Why has Gordon Ramsay's involvement not been mentioned at all?
this is going to be an unpopular post, but here goes.


please put your hand up if you, in any way, feel just a bit silly in constantly posting anti 'current alp government' posts here. whether its your current occupation, wealth, religion or whatever, after the days events dont you feel a little silly. politicians are politicians - whatever side of the chamber they sit - end of story.

note:dont assume my political leanings either.
this is quite hilarious, but i would like to see what happens now... will anyone be resigning :confused:

If I were Rudd, I would keep pursuing Turnball's resignation, b/c other than Turnball, the Liberal Party don't have anyone else who could challenge for the leadership vis-a-vis Rudd.
Costello has perfect timing. lol
Turnbull censured over OzCar affair

Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull was censured in federal parliament on Monday as the controversial OzCar affair dominated the national political debate.

Politicians voted along party lines to censure the opposition leader, who the government says is entangled with a false email at the centre of allegations regarding the taxpayer-funded finance scheme for car dealers
Turnbull has turned a right of citizenry into a three ringed circus where he, as Ringmaster, is managing to call the shots. It is an act of great buffoonery where, as the curtain falls, he will be revealed as the Clown he is.
In the absence of a "fat lady", Joe Hockey is rehearsing his Parliamentary singing engagement tomorrow.
this is going to be an unpopular post, but here goes.


please put your hand up if you, in any way, feel just a bit silly in constantly posting anti 'current alp government' posts here. whether its your current occupation, wealth, religion or whatever, after the days events dont you feel a little silly. politicians are politicians - whatever side of the chamber they sit - end of story.

note:dont assume my political leanings either.

It’s all to do with which side will $hit on you more.

Some of Labors policies are as backward as you can get.
I have interest in the direction of the construction industry. The abcc is about to be abolished, and the unions allowed free reign round constructions sites once again. I remember just how bad it was and the crap that use to go on. It's also a blow for small business. Unfortunately all of this will also hit consumers.

Some of the labs other policies will also make life difficult for business. It's like a step back in time to the bad old days
Just one of the reasons I don't like labor. And thus seperating one politician from another.
Lesson to be learned from this is dont believe what's printed as fact in Australia's most respected newspapers.

They had a photo of the email, everything was said to be on the level, but no, it turns out otherwise.

Turnbull naturally expected this to be true and it wasn't. he should have said "subject to the production of the email and proof of it's authenticity" Rudd should resign etc etc

The whole thing is a farce, BUT Swan probably did mislead Parliament, so resign Swan, hand it over to...........Lindsay Tanner, at least we might get some sense out of him.
well done guys - this does resemble decent discussion and argument, rather then blatant labor bashing. i thought the news website was for that.

please continue.
If I were Rudd, I would keep pursuing Turnball's resignation, b/c other than Turnball, the Liberal Party don't have anyone else who could challenge for the leadership vis-a-vis Rudd.
Costello has perfect timing. lol

LOL something I didn't think about. Would Costello take the reigns if TBull gets turfed?
As it stands the opposition barely puts up a fight over anything. They really need to lift their game.
If I were Rudd, I would keep pursuing Turnball's resignation, b/c other than Turnball, the Liberal Party don't have anyone else who could challenge for the leadership vis-a-vis Rudd.
Costello has perfect timing. lol

What you don't think hockey isn't sitting at the back, licking his lips and it ain't at the pies.
Lesson to be learned from this is dont believe what's printed as fact in Australia's most respected newspapers.

They had a photo of the email, everything was said to be on the level, but no, it turns out otherwise.

Turnbull naturally expected this to be true and it wasn't. he should have said "subject to the production of the email and proof of it's authenticity" Rudd should resign etc etc

The whole thing is a farce, BUT Swan probably did mislead Parliament, so resign Swan, hand it over to...........Lindsay Tanner, at least we might get some sense out of him.

Now exactly why should we be surprised about doubting the authenticity of a document produced to destroy a political opponent?:rolleyes:

It was along time ago (1975) but I believe it was The Australian that produced a front page photo of Whitlam sitting alone with a caption saying how isolated the then Prime Minister was. That was because they had airbrushed out the other present ministers.... neat trick.:)

It was the great artiste Peter Reith who cut and pasted photos sent from the Navy to show that refugees had thrown their children overboard when in fact the navy was rescuing people from a sinking boat ! That juicy piece of calculated disinformation defined that election and was a big factor in the Liberal victory.

And lets not forget the electorate in Sydney last election where Liberal members created false posters purported to be from Labour sympathizers to make Labour look like supporters of Iraq. Unfortunately they were sprung red handed and it was a real ugly look....

So a number of us have very good reason to be skeptical about such "evidence".

In the circumstances I think Turnball should resign. Given the recent history of the Liberal party in manufacturing evidence he should have had rock solid proof that the email was legit (or at the very least unable to be proven a lie...) before he put his nuts on the line.

The fact is that Rudd is very tough and seems relatively clean. It would have been foreseeable that attacking Ruddd's fundamental integrity had to be absolutely provable or the counter attack would be ferocious. It's a big call saying the PM is a liar and discovering your evidence has been faked by (probably) your own team. (Does anyone here suggest this was just a very clever Labour ruse to give Turnball enough rope to hang himself ? Why not . It makes as much sense as many other comments...)
Turntable probably won't even have to resign. I'm sure Obama, GW Bush, Rubin, Geithner and/or Henry Paulson will be on the blower to Rudd lauding the fact that he's an ex-Goldman Sucks Alumni alike and just too valuable to be marched out at this stage of proceedings.

The bigger picture for this scandal is the OZCar bailout package. Which of course is very similar to the many US Treasury policies at present. It's really not that dissimilar.

I agree 100% with son of baglimit here. A lot of the resident ALP-bashers refuse to acknowledge the distinction between industrial capital and finance capital. They are two completely different things. But even though it was finance capital that was hugely to blame for this mess, they just insist on bashing the ALP, the Unions & the battlers without even a mutter about the orgy of incompetent finance capitalists who invented the Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction as Buffett would put it.

Oh well if US hegemonic economic thinking has hoodwinked all the dyed-in the wool ALP-haters in Australia , to believe that the marriage of finance capital and industrial capital are not the cause of this, then of course how could any knowledge of economics and/or the fascism that results from it make them realize that there will be no recovery anytime soon. Because the bankers refuse to accept that it is them and not the factory owners or the people that work in them that are the real problem that created this mess.

The only problem is that Labor in Australia, UK & the Dem's in the US have been rewarding the same bankers for this Global Financial Disaster with advisory government jobs ie. Treasury, restacking the SEC and all with taxpayers dollars. That's the only way they can keep the loans intact with third-world communists and cheap labour generating despot overlords.

I bet Obama would be willing to give Turntable a job. He did a good job at valuing the **** over at HIH before it collapsed.

Anyway, what would I know. Not as much as the former chief economist at the IMF and current MIT Economics Professor.

May 2009

“By marrying government capital—taxpayer capital—with private-sector capital and providing financing, you can enable those investors to then go after those assets at a price that makes sense for the investors and at a price that makes sense for the banks.” Kashkari didn’t mention anything about what makes sense for the third group involved: the taxpayers.

Recovery? Ask the taxpayers? :mad:
In the circumstances I think Turnball should resign. Given the recent history of the Liberal party in manufacturing evidence he should have had rock solid proof that the email was legit (or at the very least unable to be proven a lie...) before he put his nuts on the line.

The fact is that Rudd is very tough and seems relatively clean. It would have been foreseeable that attacking Ruddd's fundamental integrity had to be absolutely provable or the counter attack would be ferocious. It's a big call saying the PM is a liar and discovering your evidence has been faked by (probably) your own team. (Does anyone here suggest this was just a very clever Labour ruse to give Turnball enough rope to hang himself ? Why not . It makes as much sense as many other comments...)

I agree with you
I, for one, am sick to death of Turnball's games and he shouldnt be allowed to continuousily get away with it..
How dare he order all this?
Who the hell is he?

He has to learn a lesson that he cant keep accusing people and wasting a week of this sort of rubbish...
I knew already this was going to be a waste of taxpayers money and time..

Havent they got a country to run?
(Does anyone here suggest this was just a very clever Labour ruse to give Turnball enough rope to hang himself ? Why not . It makes as much sense as many other comments...)
That possibility has crossed my mind.
I concede gloating rights to the lefties. The Coalition front bench are clearly outmatched when it comes to gutter fighting.
Now exactly why should we be surprised about doubting the authenticity of a document produced to destroy a political opponent?:rolleyes:

I'm suprised and disappointed that this story got a run without proof, I don't believe a lot in the media but the printed media has to maintain it's credibility or die.
I concede gloating rights to the lefties. The Coalition front bench are clearly outmatched when it comes to gutter fighting.

I don't see what the lefties should be gloating about either. There should be no taxpayer dollars going into bailing out car dealerships.

There are many more deserved things the taxpayers dollars could be spent on.

I don't see how the righties can gloat either it wasn't Costello or Turntable and his buddies that made our banks relatively safe in this environment. It was the foundation of the four pillars rule and the maintenance of solid lending rules under the Corps law by Keating that kept our banks safe from the meltdown.

Hopefully this won't turn into yet another famous ASF one-eyed idealogues thread. :2twocents
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