Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

SBM - St Barbara Limited

Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

interesting rise on no news....could it be a pump and dump , now that quarterly report is coming out soon ? happened similarly last quarterly....pog will trak sideways imo until 2H of year , where it will break convincingly thru the 1k oz, prolly $1200
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

pull back to 34 cents fib support likely next few months. equity bull market is consolidating and taking charge. :eek:
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

a further 2 cents and fib says buy imo. lickn me chops barry. can we review now or best to wait for next fib support ?
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

looks like i am getting closer but i think 34 wont hold now. appears an insto is selling. 28 next major stop imo. Anyone agree ? or have thoughts ? i have sold out of blue chips at profit looking to enter this one again? Anyone opinion of this one ?
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

looks like i am getting closer but i think 34 wont hold now. appears an insto is selling. 28 next major stop imo. Anyone agree ? or have thoughts ? i have sold out of blue chips at profit looking to enter this one again? Anyone opinion of this one ?

Maybe, but the chart is fairly reflective of the gold price, with volume steady not a lot of evidence of large selling, but I am srong very often
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

thanks for your input mate. very interesting but im concerned this has been sold down agressively even though other gold stocks have held up well of late. also, lgl announced bad news today. goldies likely to get smashed again tomorrow because of this. i think sbm will reach 35 tomorrow. also, smells like next quarterly is going to contain bad news. sbm is reknown for leaking news before announcements. do you think its time to buy ? if not, what level is good buying level in your opinion ? kindest
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

looks like ive nailed it johnno. the "leakage" still holds true of sbm. Mr Lehany cannot control the troopers imo. thanks though,it worked to myadvantage , as im holding off on purchase. may step big toe in today, depeneding on volume. or may wait to rech 28 cents if it looks weak again. :)
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

anyone provide view on this one now ? worth buying in at current level ? i am looking at buying in now. any assistance welcomed. report due tuesday i believe. kindest.
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

anyone provide view on this one now ? worth buying in at current level ? i am looking at buying in now. any assistance welcomed. report due tuesday i believe. kindest.

What's the hurry? Nothing compelling me to buy from what I can see, other than it's undervalued, even at AU $1250?
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

Hi UncleFestivus, thank you for your input. I so think its undervalued also. Im not sure of your post though. Are you implying its probably a safer bet to wait until tuesday , wednesday for the quarterly report before entering or selling ? i believe you have good knowledge of this stock. I would appreciate your view. For what it is worth, the HC site has a post indicating production will be significantly down. Do you think this has merit. kindest.
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

Please accept my apologies for the extra post. I forgot to mention that the reason I would like to buy is the quarterly is due this week. One would think its good to buy before announcement ? or possibly not should it be negative result as some suggest? if quarterly is below expectations then this will crash down to 23-24 cents imo.
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

Please accept my apologies for the extra post. I forgot to mention that the reason I would like to buy is the quarterly is due this week. One would think its good to buy before announcement ? or possibly not should it be negative result as some suggest? if quarterly is below expectations then this will crash down to 23-24 cents imo. thoughts re: Unclefestivus' comments are as follows:

He says there is no rush for the following reasons:
Negative Qtly - Price will most likely fall, meaning you will possibly be down on your initial position

Positive Qtly - Most likely it could be expected and would not ignite a massive run in the sp. Plus it will give YOU the chance to read the report and make a decision based on what YOU think the value of SBM is.

He may also be referring to the fact that gold has fallen quite a bit from its lofty highs in both USD and AUD even if there was to be a gain gold seems to be trending south atm so the reversal in the SP will be momentarily...

But we will let UF answer it...just my 2 cents and DNH

Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

thank you. i will wait for quarterly and make up my mind. someone on HC advised its going to be terrible, he has a source. sbm seems to be hexed he thinks , production down significantly. might keep to the blue chips for now.
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

someone on HC advised its going to be terrible, he has a source. sbm seems to be hexed he thinks , production down significantly.

oldskool, who/what's HC?

RSI hit 30% (lowest since 6 Aug 08) and looking to bounce. Key support at 27/28c imo.



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Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

My 2c worth too ;)

If the HotCopper poster knows something of this nature then he/she is inside trading and should be reported :D ha ha fat chance of that happening!

I am patiently waiting again on this one because of

- gold is trending down,
- general market may be topping?
- any general market sell off may take goldies down with it

The proviso is that there may be some action in the gold price coming up, see gold thread....wait for the fact???
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

Thank you for provision of inputguys. It confirms my thoughts exactly. I think its best to wait until quarterly.
PS>dont like the chances of inside trading. lol. pog should bounce as the bear market rally has become toppy now. Most markets are up 20-30% in a space of 6 weeks. This is not healthy. Someone has to burp and let out the air somewhat imo. :)
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

:D gotta love hotcopper :D

for what its worth i too will also be looking around the 25- 28 area once this lil bounce is over , maybe wrong and miss a nice entry , but happy to be proven wrong . also when i say 25-28 that is merely a band that intrests me DOES NOT mean it is a guranteed entry area , just means that it will be high on my watchlist to watch the action from thereabouts to see if it fits my criteria

on a fundamental basis as uncle festivus has mentioned they still making cash currently
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

I liked what the CEO said this morning and think his warning on production failing to meet expectations has been missread. There appears little doubt that this is the primary focus of his new position. We will soon see if he is up to it.

Sounded like worth a punt at this price. After the shakeout could see the longer term support bringing back the buyers this afternoon so loaded up some more at 27cents. Stop at 26cents with the close of .28
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

Explod...I thought it had more to do with the costs involved in extracting the gold (from memory most were up around the 950 - 1050 per oz mark).

With gold not knowing which way it will go, rising AUD (presently) and AUD Gold price at 1260 people are perhaps nervous that production will not only fail to meet expectation...but any fall in production will lead to increases on the production costs.

Just my 1 + 1 cents :2twocents
Re: SBM - St. Barbara Mines

Explod...I thought it had more to do with the costs involved in extracting the gold (from memory most were up around the 950 - 1050 per oz mark).

With gold not knowing which way it will go, rising AUD (presently) and AUD Gold price at 1260 people are perhaps nervous that production will not only fail to meet expectation...but any fall in production will lead to increases on the production costs.

Just my 1 + 1 cents :2twocents

From memory also, I thought the average was much less than that. Each to his own of course but I think AU gold will soon be back to 1500 plus.

When time permits I will recheck it and post.

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