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I figure this Gee 20? will be like the last one Wayne had to attend in a hurry and race back to give us money just another talk no agreeing but agreeing things are bad and agreeing to meet again soon.
I think even a better hypotethical would be..

Will the French walk because of lack of agreement about the unregulated orgy-like behaviour of lenders such as Merill Lynch, Citi, RBS, TSB Lloyd's, Santander, Credit Suisse et al.. ?

Who ultimatley pays for incompetence?
Well someone who has recently graduated is on the dole. But really..

Should Mum & Dads pay for these peoples incompetence?

If the French do walk, WHY? :confused::confused::confused::confused:
I think even a better hypotethical would be..

Will the French walk because of lack of agreement about the unregulated orgy-like behaviour of lenders such as Merill Lynch, Citi, RBS, TSB Lloyd's, Santander, Credit Suisse et al.. ?

Who ultimatley pays for incompetence?
Well someone who has recently graduated is on the dole. But really..

Should Mum & Dads pay for these peoples incompetence?

If the French do walk, WHY? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

I'm watching the masses trying to squash the police at the moment.
I wish the Police all the best but I think given the ridiculous imbalance of the system the people protesting have a right to say something.

How terrible that the BBC or ITV have NO-ONE to go in there and hear a different perspective?

I mean why would they, everything is going to be alright for the next decade right??

The bankers keep they're bonuses.

BAN protests! :D

Live on BBC International now
I'm watching a lunar eclipse on BBC International right now!

Thanks guys

The last sliver of the sun. Wow, how I love the most incredible sight...blah blah blah

Things are starting to get pretty nasty out there now. Police have encircled protesters in the area in front of the bank of england and are keeping them in by using vans and lines of police. Seeing a police baton charge is rather unpleasant.

Protesters are working themselves up into a frenzy and police are getting more and more heavy handed in dealing with it.

Will post photos tonight.
Things are starting to get pretty nasty out there now. Police have encircled protesters in the area in front of the bank of england and are keeping them in by using vans and lines of police. Seeing a police baton charge is rather unpleasant.

Protesters are working themselves up into a frenzy and police are getting more and more heavy handed in dealing with it.

Will post photos tonight.

It would be great to post a realistic depiciton of whats going on. You have a birdseye view? So too speak, right?????
The Bank of England is a km or so away. Police are doing what they can to keep people in that area. Don't have a bird's eye view of festivities, but took photos and movies when I went for a walk at lunch. Unfortunately I got caught in it as police were forced to pull their lines back suddenly. Managed to get out unscatahed, but many press photographers around me weren't quite so lucky.

Apparently they've just sent in the mounted police and dog squads to clear certain areas of protesters and elsewhere, protesters have stormed some RBS offices and are now throwing office equipment out the windows.
The Bank of England is a km or so away. Police are doing what they can to keep people in that area. Don't have a bird's eye view of festivities, but took photos and movies when I went for a walk at lunch. Unfortunately I got caught in it as police were forced to pull their lines back suddenly. Managed to get out unscatahed, but many press photographers around me weren't quite so lucky.

Apparently they've just sent in the mounted police and dog squads to clear certain areas of protesters and elsewhere, protesters have stormed some RBS offices and are now throwing office equipment out the windows.

There couldn't be a better way to "rub the salt in" to the robbed, then to hit them with batons. But it might leave a bad taste in the mouths of some????

Inflation has been promised anyway.

Today is just a rehearsal! IMHO:p:
It should also be said, there are large groups clearly looking for trouble. There are several packs of about 10-20 people dressed head to toe in black and wearing ski masks moving about amongst the crowd.
Looks like the blue tank (or one that looked very similar, I just saw on BBC News) in doc photos was actually a fake one by a bunch of rioters called the "Space Hijackers" who were recently arrested by police!

They had painted it in cop colours and written "Riot Squad" on the side.

I assume their plan was to sneak behind police lines.
Yea, apparently it was a 50 year old Armoured Personnel Carrier done up in police colours.
i'll bet this is on the agenda for discussion at g20...

Hannity, Morris Agree with “Conspiracy People” About New World Order

Kurt Nimmo
March 31, 2009

In the video here, the former Clintonite Dick Morris, who is now a darling of Fox News, tells Sean Hannity the globalists will put the “American economy under international regulation” and “those people who have been yelling, oh, the UN is going to take over… they’ve been crazy, but now they’re right.”

“Those conspiracy people,” Sean Hannity interjects, “had suggested that for years… you’re not wrong.”

It’s the “international regulation of the financial institutions” we have to worry about, warns Dick Morris. It will happen under “IMF control… Remember, the IMF is run by the Europeans and backed by Americans.”

It’s too bad Mr. Morris didn’t give us the rest of the story. The IMF is a loan sharking operation created by the bankers under the Bretton Woods scheme and its primary purpose to date has been to get third world nations into hock so they can be more effectively looted. It is now poised, as Morris eludes, to embark on a far more ambitious bankster scam ”” to initiate something called “global quantitative easing” by printing billions of dollars worth of a global “super-currency,” deceptively billed as a way to address the economic crisis manufactured by the global elite.

“Alistair Darling and senior figures in the US Treasury have been encouraging the Fund to issue hundreds of billions of dollars worth of so-called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in the coming months as part of its campaign to prevent the recession from turning into a global depression,” the Telegraph reported on March 16.

SDRs are now based on four currencies ”” the US dollar, the Japanese yen, the euro and the British pound. They are used largely as a unit of account by the IMF and other international organizations.

Read between the lines and you get to the bottom of the real reason for the issuance of SDRs ”” to push for a world currency. Recall a few days ago Zhou Xiaochuan, China’s central bank’s governor, calling for the IMF to forge a new world reserve currency.
Australians can hold their heads high as PM Kevin Rudd moves towards the meeting this Thursday, yep today. Nicely wedged between Saudi Arabia and China.

Why you may ask? Well, look thee here at the "percentage of debt figures compared to GDP":

Dmitry Medvedev - Russia ****** 6.8%
King Abdullah - Saudi Arabia **** 13.5%
Kevin Rudd - Australia ******** 15.4%
Hu Jintao - China ************ 15.7%
Felipe Calderon - Mexico ******* 20.3%
Kgalema Motlanthe - South Africa * 29.9%
Susilo Yudhoyono - Indonesia *** 30.1%
Lee Myung-Bak - South korea *** 32.7%
Abdullah Gul - Turkey ********* 37.1%
Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva - Mexico * 40.7%
Gordon Brown - United Kingdom ** 47.2%
Christina Fernandez - Argentina ** 51%
Mirek Topolanek - European Union * 58.7%
Barack Obama - United States *** 60.8%
Stephen Harper - Canada ******* 62.3%
Angela Merkel - Germany ******* 62.6%
Nicolas Sarkozy - France ******* 67.0%
Manmohan Singh - India ******** 78.0%
Silvio Berlusconi - Italy ******** 103.7%
Taro Aso - Japan ************ 170.4%