Pps. And lest I be accused of starry-eyed bias, as a Christian, I don't know what makes me angrier - that some churches have distorted the teachings of Jesus into means to feather their own nests, or that the rather vast body of work done by many Christians and churches to aid those who can't help themselves gets dismissed out of hand by those who brush ALL churches into the same stereotyped caricature.
Well I think your anger should be addressed to the former, not the latter.
Maybe it's the fault of the former for the latter.
My view is that while I personally believe all religion is nothing but a con there are religious groups that do alot of charitable work and put the money collected to good use but there is also the other side of the coin too, groups that waste copious amounts of money.
Like anything else humans get involved in - no matter what the original intentions are, greed eventually gets involved and unfortunately this has happened to alot of churches imo, some of them for centuries.
You can't tar all religious groups with the same brush but it only takes a few bad apples to cast doubts over the whole lot, unfortunately this is human nature.