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Religion---where's all the money go??

Ok. Some simple investigation by going to the major church web sites..

Archdiocese of Sydney would donate $50,000 to a special appeal initiated by Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne to support the victims of the bushfires and to help in the reconstruction effort.

Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania, the SHARE Victorian Bushfire Appeal has been set up to support victims and groups providing direct relief.

The Uniting Church today released $50,000 from its National Disaster Fund to enable the church in Victoria to provide for immediate emergency relief

The 17 churches, which together form the Melbourne City of Churches network, will unite informally this weekend to hold a special commemorative walk and service in the Fitzroy Gardens this Sunday 15 February 2009 to show solidarity in sorrow and support for the victims and survivors of the recent Victorian bushfires.

Priest pleads guilty to embezzling $1.2m

Oh.. sorry, skip that last one.

And perhaps the others didn't put out a media release?
The Uniting Church today released $50,000 from its National Disaster Fund to enable the church in Victoria to provide for immediate emergency relief

Token efforts.

What a laugh. "released $50,000 from its National Disaster Fund"

We have 2 National disasters,so whats the fund for?
Release the LOT!

Frankly they should be investing in a good GPS for GOD so he can get his directions right on where to let the heavens unfold.
" A staunch Christian was clinging to the top of a tree during a flash flood.

A boat with 2 men on board approached.

"Quick jump in the water is rising at an alarming rate!"

No No God will save me rescue someone else.

Off they went.

Flood level rises and the guy climbs to the very top of the tree.

A chopper flies overhead with a rope dangling into the top of the tree.

"Hold on to the rope we will pull you aboard"

No No God will save me rescue someone else.

Off flies the chopper.

The water eventually rises and sweeps the man to his death.

In heaven he stands before GOD.

" God why did you for sake me??"

" Well First I sent you a boat--then a chopper-- what more did you need?"
I don't know what makes me angrier - that some churches have distorted the teachings of Jesus into means to feather their own nests, or that the rather vast body of work done by many Christians and churches to aid those who can't help themselves gets dismissed out of hand by those who brush ALL churches into the same stereotyped caricature.

Well I think your anger should be addressed to the former, not the latter.
.....where's all the money go??

It goes to where ever the people that run the organisation want it to go to.
You give it ....they distribute .....

I have seen enormous wealth in religious organisations as well as seeing sizeable poverty.

I don't have an "imaginery friend" directing or influencing me in my life but I have no issue with others that do, as long as it doesn't directly impact on me in a negative manner or have the potential to cause me harm.

But my personal experience is that whenever I have interacted or been associated with religious organisations at some time there has been an approach or invitation to join with them and always there has been a request to assist them in a some financial manner. I always politely say the easiest word in the English language to say ......NO.

I will only give money to non religious, accountable, auditable organisations who I believe have transparent operational practices.....Unfortunately these are in the minority.
Token efforts.

What a laugh. "released $50,000 from its National Disaster Fund"

We have 2 National disasters,so whats the fund for?
Release the LOT!

Frankly they should be investing in a good GPS for GOD so he can get his directions right on where to let the heavens unfold.
Perhaps, Tech, you could address my contention that the churches are private organisations and are without obligation to offer funding to anyone other than their members.

They don't receive tax payer dollars so I can't see why you should expect them to deliver money into the community other than at a level of their choosing.

It is the responsibility of governments to deliver assistance to anyone affected by national disasters. As far as I can tell, this has been happening pretty well.

I understand representatives of the various churches have been out there amongst the fire victims, offering simply someone to talk to in an attempt to share the grief and sadness. This means a lot to many people.

I've always been very clear about my opposition to organised religion, but at the same time anyone with a sense of objectivity would regard some of the comments on this thread as simply nasty in addition to being ill informed.
Here is some American stats about the Catholic church in America as an example, Sure there are always people who are going to rip people off etc etc, but people look at different ways to justify to themselves why they should bash religons of whatever persuasion, sure at times some of the members deserve 'bashing' but by and large the majority do good only.

If anyone disbelieves the stats then they are free to do their own research about whatever groups they want.

"The Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students everyday, at cost to the Church of 10 billion dollars, and a savings on the other hand to the American taxpayer of 18 billion dollars. Needless to say, that Catholic education at this time stands head and shoulders above every other form of education that we have in this country. And the cost is approximately 30% less.

Catholic schools graduate 89% of students. Those graduates in turn go on to graduate studies at the rate of 92%, and all at a cost to the Catholic Church. To the rest of the America it's free.

It costs Catholics at least 30% less to educate students compared to the costs that the public education system pays out for education that cannot compare.

The Catholic Church thas 230 colleges and universities in the United States with an enrollment of 700,000 students.

The Catholic Church has a non profit hospital system of 637 hospitals which account for hospital treatment of 1 out of every 5 people not just Catholics in the, United States today.

The Catholic Church clothes and feeds and houses 1 of 5 indigents in the United States, and no one asks them if they are a Catholic, a Protestant or a Jew; just "come, be fed, here's a sweater for you and a place to sleep at night" at a cost to the Church of 2.3 billion dollars a year. "
" A staunch Christian was clinging to the top of a tree during a flash flood.

A boat with 2 men on board approached.

"Quick jump in the water is rising at an alarming rate!"

No No God will save me rescue someone else.

Off they went.

Flood level rises and the guy climbs to the very top of the tree.

A chopper flies overhead with a rope dangling into the top of the tree.

"Hold on to the rope we will pull you aboard"

No No God will save me rescue someone else.

Off flies the chopper.

The water eventually rises and sweeps the man to his death.

In heaven he stands before GOD.

" God why did you for sake me??"

" Well First I sent you a boat--then a chopper-- what more did you need?"


LOL im actually stuck for words for once

actually i lied

apart from the fact that this post is showing total intolerance to someones beliefs , it also shows a primary school sense of humour

hi tech
apart from the fact that this post is showing total intolerance to someones beliefs , it also shows a primary school sense of humour

I don't see the intolerance in it - the Christian was trying to do the right thing, God was trying to help. Maybe its making fun a little like an Irish joke but it was a "staunch" Christian, but I may not see the angle your coming from.

Did you hear the one where a Jew, Muslim and Christian were walking in the desert? - maybe later.
Perhaps, Tech, you could address my contention that the churches are private organisations and are without obligation to offer funding to anyone other than their members.

They don't receive tax payer dollars so I can't see why you should expect them to deliver money into the community other than at a level of their choosing.

It is the responsibility of governments to deliver assistance to anyone affected by national disasters. As far as I can tell, this has been happening pretty well.

I understand representatives of the various churches have been out there amongst the fire victims, offering simply someone to talk to in an attempt to share the grief and sadness. This means a lot to many people.

I've always been very clear about my opposition to organised religion, but at the same time anyone with a sense of objectivity would regard some of the comments on this thread as simply nasty in addition to being ill informed.

A very balanced, objective post.

Assuming many church going christians have already given directly to the disaster fund, why should their church give any more. That would be donating twice (two times more than some).
Some of these comments definitely are nasty, cowardly and ill informed. I dare anyone to bash Muslims as much as you try to bash Christians. Muslims wouldn't stand the type of nonsense that some of you are posting on this thread - you could pay with your life!!

I belong to a denomination who have been influential in sending 38 trained counsellors to Victoria to help the grieving. We took up a special offering this morning (ie that is above the normal offering) for the bush fire victims. I hear that every single congregation within our movement is going to do the same. On top of that, our movement is going to release a huge amount of money from funds which were originally designated for other causes.

In our church, the accounts are audited by independant qualified accountants. Every member gets a copy of the financial statements and can ask as many questions as they like at our annual meeting.

How about getting some objective information before you make such biased, prejudiced comments!! Yes, there are some shockers within the church but the vast majority of members are decent people who, with the help of Jesus, are living good lives.
How much money is needed? Where is all this money going? How is this money distributed? Can I physically help in anyway without relying on the middle man?

Lastly, if I donate some money to a person in my individual capacity, do I have to get a receipt, to show the tax office?

Seems like a good thread to ask these questions.

P.S. My hats off to all the people who have donated, or helped, or felt, or even prayed for the victims of this national disaster.
My kids go to a Catholic school.

When we have events (like to get new carpet for our school, the old carpet was 20 years old and very worn) we always donate 10% to charities.

We recently had a BBQ and raised $6,000 for the fires. Not bad for a small school.

St Vincent de Paul is contributing heaps like the Salvos but keep a lower profile, go and visit a store and ask them.

I think a few of you should get your facts straight and your hate redirected.
Try going to a church sometime if you think their money isn't accounted for.

I know the local church of mine shows their books (actually it presents it every year for the congregation to see in an annual report style format) - how much it receives in donations (most small local churches receive about $80000-90000 a year - of course this fluctuates widely on the community they are servicing). Expenditures on maintenance of the local buildings (churches, halls, community group rooms), charity, and the priesthood buildings take up most of the money.

I think that if people want to support these things with their own money then fair enough. Just because they don't give everything away doesn't mean that they are "bad" institutions. Their members have certain beliefs and they are willing to pay to keep their beliefs alive - just like you are and just like everyone does.
For thous that are believers can some of you run me through your thinking on one of the problems I have with the Christian religion.

The MASSIVE collection of wealth for the sake of collecting it. The huge "investment" in church buildings for the sole reason of making their religion grand. I just cannot reconcile the teachings of a humble god/ caring religion with the disgraceful waste of community resources and money. With gold lined alters and some of the most extravagant and grand buildings yet at the same time the most under used and non-productive building made since the pyramids. These things take money, resources & labour out of their communities while the communities they were built in go without. And they continue to suck $$ from the people that they are meant to serve for centuries. How many millions could of been feed and housed in the 2000 years of wasteful church building? Is that what YOUR god wanted?? Paganistic churches??:confused:

We go nuts when a pollie refurbishes their digs but thank god when something like this is built Whats the diff?? :confused:


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Yes go to Europe and see the paintings in side some of the Church's worth millions of dollars, and people out side begging.
Love it.

Just question anything to do with Religion and it only takes a second to find emotive words like---Hate--Pay with your life---appearing.

I'm with T/H.
Flick on the TV and see the likes of Benny Hinn---

Or some of the posters here would have you Pay with your life because you don't follow their view or dare question their representatives of their God.

Religion and Politics gets em everytime.