Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Noisy Neighbors

12 May 2008
I live in a very peaceful part of Brisbane, well, I used to!

My new neighbour loves to ride his bloody noisy trail-bike in circles around his property, hour after hour. (The properties out my way are all around 1 acre in size.)

Going and having a friendly chat seems like the starting point.

Hmmm, . . . . if they are thoughtless enough to behave in this fashion in the first instance, it might just open a can of worms.

1] has anyone experienced noisy neighbours? please describe experience, solution, outcome.

2] for others, any sensible suggestions for solving the problem?

the couple on the floor above us kept banging on loudly all night, so i went upstairs and asked if i could join them.
they said yes.

I live in a very peaceful part of Brisbane, well, I used to!

My new neighbour loves to ride his bloody noisy trail-bike in circles around his property, hour after hour. (The properties out my way are all around 1 acre in size.)

Going and having a friendly chat seems like the starting point.

Hmmm, . . . . if they are thoughtless enough to behave in this fashion in the first instance, it might just open a can of worms.

1] has anyone experienced noisy neighbours? please describe experience, solution, outcome.

2] for others, any sensible suggestions for solving the problem?



do not discuss it with them, you would have played your cards then

try yoga, music, relaxation, mowing the lawn at 7am or similar,

smile, be friendly, try and get them to feel guilty about it and maybe they may stop

Next door neighbour's dog keeps barking at night.

Tonight I am going to take the dog from their backyard and put him in ours and see how they like it. :D
I used to fix that late night music by taking out their fuses until it stopped , the dopes were then stuffed :D

P.S. don't get caught doing it ;)
First thing to do is find out what others in the area think. It would be good to have them on your side but important to know if they're not.

As for the actual issue, the trail bike thing might wear off after a while if it's a new thing for them and they get sick of it. Give it a few weeks and see what happens.
My new neighbour loves to ride his bloody noisy trail-bike in circles around his property, hour after hour. (The properties out my way are all around 1 acre in size.)

Do they ride their bikes at sensible hours? Talk to them, bring a cake or something to get things on the good side. :)
Its Neigh BLOODY BOURS not Neighbors. Harbour not harbor, humour not humor.

Spellin is atroshus recent in dis forum, sintacks offal two.

I used to fix that late night music by taking out their fuses until it stopped , the dopes were then stuffed :D

P.S. don't get caught doing it ;)
Far more fun if you just turn off the hot water... :D

Much less chance of getting caught doing it too.
My new neighbour loves to ride his bloody noisy trail-bike in circles around his property, hour after hour. (The properties out my way are all around 1 acre in size.)

Going and having a friendly chat seems like the starting point.


I would invite you new neighbour over for a BBQ, throw on 2 huge steaks!

Tell him you have run out of beer, hand him the tongs, and head down to the bottlo... " Back in a jiff ole mate"

(Head over to his place, find the bike, and chuck it in the dam! On the way back, grab a slab out of the fridge!)

And you are good to go.... Hopefully he hasn't burn't your steak! :eek:
Next door neighbour's dog keeps barking at night.

Tonight I am going to take the dog from their backyard and put him in ours and see how they like it. :D

F`ing hilarious.

To James in reference to noisy bikes.

It reminded me of when I was in my youth and rode my KX 80 around in the bush behind houses.Did not think about the noise issue and looking back it would have peeved them.Did not do so intentionally.
Needless to say I do think of other people more these days.


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James, if the neighbours are of an age where they will do this, then they probably don't realise they are causing you any problem. They are most likely simply being thoughtless.

I like Smurf's suggestion of finding out what others in your neighbourhood think.
If they are unbothered by it, and you were to approach the bike riding neighbours with your discomfort, you could possibly find yourself 'on the outer' with everyone.

If the neighbours agree with you or at least are neutral, I'd go over in a friendly fashion to see the new neighbour, get chatting, suggest they come over for a drink some time, and then when a suitable opportunity comes up in the conversation ask if they could limit the bike riding. Offer some times when it won't bother you as much. Perhaps preface your comment by saying something like "I can see you're having a great time with your trail bike - must be a lot of fun," so that you don't appear to be just a spoilsport.

If this fails, then you can approach your local court house for Justice Dept mediation. This process is voluntary so he may not agree if he has already failed to recognise your initial approach.

Then, at least in Qld, you are left with court action. Very expensive indeed and something most people can well do without in terms of stress.

Just one suggestion in a very general sense: If, when someone moves into your neighbourhood, you call on them the day they move in, with a cake, flask of hot soup, et al, offer of a hot shower if their water is not yet hot, this can be the basis of a mutually pleasant relationship for the future.

Good luck. Keep us posted.
:D is a noisy neighbour

we are people too

and no james it will not help talking to people like us :D

buy a harley

buy a bigger stereo

cut loose brother !

Talk to them first, they will have no idea how it can be annoying as for them it is so much fun


at the end of the day you can complain to the police and they can have their bike confiscated. There was some change to the legislation about 2 years ago where doing exactly what they are doing was made illegal. I objected to the legislation at the time but alas it went through regardless.

I used to ride my YZ125 along with my brother on his RM80 around our parents 5 acres on a track we had built 4 days a week back in the late '70's.
There are a few approaches you can go here:

Go and have a chat with the local council. There are, or should be, limitations to the activities, such as trail bike riding, in, on and around residential properties.

There should also be noise restricitions and noise level resitrictions, this is the one that gets barking dogs, however could be applied in this case under something like environment protection. Fill in a diary for a few weeks of the dates, times, how long and where the motorbike is being riden. Then go to the coucils environment protection or local laws unit and have a chat to them. They may approach the fellow on the bike while keeping you anonymous. (It is a breach of privacy to reveal you)

A neighbourly thing you could do would be to graba sixer of frothy and go and chat with the fellow, maybe do a bit of research first and find out where other motorbike enthusiasts from the area go for their hobby.

If all that fails you could, as some have been previously suggested, steal his bike and ride it in your yard and see how he likes the noise, turn off his hot water (following on from that, i like turning all the water to the property off at the front gate, he'll go to flush the morning bog and wont be able to!!) invite him for a bbq and let him cook it, buy a bike your self and join him, go over there and randomly take a part out of his bike so it wont start or just introduce the bike to Mr. Crowbar...

Good luck with that


I objected to the legislation at the time but alas it went through regardless.

I used to ride my YZ125 along with my brother on his RM80 around our parents 5 acres on a track we had built 4 days a week back in the late '70's.

I understand your objection. To outright stop the behaviour is going a bit far. But there needs to be legislation detailing acceptable levels of noise and riding time in residential areas.

surely these bikes can be made a lot quiter, or is the noise part of the fun??
If all that fails you could, as some have been previously suggested, steal his bike and ride it in your yard and see how he likes the noise, turn off his hot water (following on from that, i like turning all the water to the property off at the front gate, he'll go to flush the morning bog and wont be able to!!) invite him for a bbq and let him cook it, buy a bike your self and join him, go over there and randomly take a part out of his bike so it wont start or just introduce the bike to Mr. Crowbar...

Good luck with that


You left out the final (joking) deterent ... that being a couple barrels of shotty pellets in the gum trees overhead.
Just one suggestion in a very general sense: If, when someone moves into your neighbourhood, you call on them the day they move in, with a cake, flask of hot soup, et al, offer of a hot shower if their water is not yet hot, this can be the basis of a mutually pleasant relationship for the future.

Good luck. Keep us posted.

Sorry Julia, but my new neighbour offered that id think WTF? Unless it was a hot chick :D maybe best not to get quite so personal. Or you could go the other way and offer them a nap in your bed, the condom you used last nite, take the jocks you're wearing off and see if they want to borrow them, maybe they'd like to crap in your toilet or several other inappropriate things.....

You left out the final (joking) deterent ... that being a couple barrels of shotty pellets in the gum trees overhead.

Now you're talking!
Sorry Julia, but if my new neighbour offered that i`d think WTF? Unless it was a hot chick :D maybe best not to get quite so personal. Or you could go the other way and offer them a nap in your bed, the condom you used last nite, take the jocks you're wearing off and see if they want to borrow them, maybe they'd like to crap in your toilet or several other inappropriate things.....

I thougt the shower offer was a bit over the top too.Though as you typed, a hot chick would get a definite offer.

The other offers are very funny too. :p: