I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again,
Why should the taxpayer bail out storm clients who where more than happy to claim huge interest cost deductions on double geared portfolios during the good times. As far as I’m concerned this type of aggressive strategy is a burden to our tax system, why should the taxpayer now cough up bailout?
There are more important things to worry about like hospitals, welfare , public transport ect. These are the areas that need cash injections.
Of course CUTZ your so right.... Of course we should forget the individuals...
After all the banking system has not burdoned the tax system in anyway, SUBPRIME MORTGAGES have nothing to do at all with the situation the world economy is in, and the hugely obscene salaries that CBA and MACQUARIE heads took on the back of these type of investments are ethically and morally correct... Its fine for them to have done what they have and have taxpayer dollar secure them, not to mention that they will after this help continue to take these obscene salaries and bonuses....
Your absolutley rite to feel that tax money should be spent only to help the corporations, why should it be spent on the indviduals who tried to be self funded retirees and not burdone the system, just because they have been self sufficient for the last ten years does not entitle them to not have to pay tax..
I also agree Whole heartedly with companies like RIO/BHP recieving 500mill a year in taxpayer funded fuel subsidies for onsite machinery, and also feel that its fine for them to continue to recieve it even after they sacked 7000 Australian employees over the last 12 months..
Hmmmm... Now that I have read that not sure if I do agree...
Appears to me that with majority of people thinking like this it may not be long before the world is controlled soley by corporations, and not government...
I also agree with the 10bill spent to stimulate the economy, I mean of course the people who got it deserved it, and in no way would it have been better spent on infrustructure, And I am sure that 10bill spent on renewable resource projects would have created ZERO jobs for people who are losing them daily to move into... And would also have had no effect on the Carbon scheme we are trying to get off the ground...
I mean that 10bill that was poured in, in no way helped prop up the massive corporations that are ailing, and cutting jobs, and are the bulk of the reason the economy is stuffed.... The only reason the economy is up to SH*T is because of these greedy self funded retirees who have lost everything..(everything been on average 2mill, which encompasses there house, retirement fund, and investment)
And it has nothng to do with what banks around the country and world have done...
I feel the best course of action would be that these people lose everything incuding their homes, then rely soley on govenrment handouts over the next 15-25years of their remaining days on this earth...