Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Prince Harry - Paki Slur

Hi Doctor J
pampered by Queen Elizabeth who unfortunately has no respect for Asians or any one who is not with white skin, has not grown up.

I would have said that Queen Elizabeth has throughout her life demonstrated respect for people of all colours. She has rarely been heard to criticise anyone. I have no way of knowing, but I wouldn't have thought she 'pampered' her children at all.
I cant see anything racist about the term 'Paki'. To me its just like the term 'Aussie'.

I called someone 'Asian' once, a girl said "Dont be racist". I was like "Huh? How's that being racist?? If anything you are being racist because you assume being called 'asian' is bad"
So let me get this right ................ its ok for an australian pakistani to call an englishman a pom , and its ok for an english pakistani to call an australian an ozzy , and its ok for an african american to call another african american the N word ...............BUT its not ok to call a pakistani a paki ...........mmmmmmmmmmmm

there goes my shovel being called a spade hey
Being of Burmese heritage , am i allowed to call myself an asian curry munching bogan ?

or should i take offence to that
Even if they are not celebraties no one has any RIGHT to call people names in their private videos or video logs.

spoken like a true member of the thought police. our society is so lucky we have people like you to tell us all how to think, act and behave. :rolleyes:

If I am not too critical how do you feel if I create a private video and utter slangs to you ?

i wouldn't care, i'd just think you are a douchebag. and if you said it to my face i'd punch your lights out. you see i don't need pansies like you with your pissweak watery attitudes to stand up for me, and i object to you and your ilk jamming your nieve deluded rainbow ideologies down my throat. i'll respect who i want to respect and i'll hate who i want to hate, and if you don't like it, you can go get stuffed.

spoken like a true member of the thought police. our society is so lucky we have people like you to tell us all how to think, act and behave. :rolleyes:

i wouldn't care, i'd just think you are a douchebag. and if you said it to my face i'd punch your lights out. you see i don't need pansies like you with your pissweak watery attitudes to stand up for me, and i object to you and your ilk jamming your nieve deluded rainbow ideologies down my throat. i'll respect who i want to respect and i'll hate who i want to hate, and if you don't like it, you can go get stuffed.


ROFLMAO!!!..hahahahahahah......u tellim luv!
I cant see anything racist about the term 'Paki'. To me its just like the term 'Aussie'.

I called someone 'Asian' once, a girl said "Dont be racist". I was like "Huh? How's that being racist?? If anything you are being racist because you assume being called 'asian' is bad"

Paki is a very racist term in Europe/England, it is meant to date back from when England had massive amounts of South Asian immigration and alot of xenophobia around outsiders. Paki was one of the really insulting terms used. In Australia it is not widely known.

At my uni in Sydney, I had some Pakistani friends, they all use the term Paki, and started a Facebook group called Paki's in Australia. They received hate mail and abuse from Pakistani's in Europe calling them racist and asking them to remove the group.
They had no idea it was a racist term, and considered it the same as Aussie is to Australia.

On a online cricket game I play, there was plenty of heated discussion because the Australians kept using the word Paki when Australia were playing Pakistan, and the English and Pakistani forum moderators kept banning users for being rascist. None of the Australians using the word knew it was considered rascist at all.
Taken from artivcle in SMH:
The apology had little effect. The British Equality and Human Rights Commission and a Muslim youth organisation, the Ramadhan Foundation, condemned Harry. Soon prominent politicians joined in the criticism - including the Conservative Party leader, David Cameron, and Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Well all I can say is ..... what a bunch of woozes. And they can take that as an insult, because that is what is intended!
yeah it seems like european minorities keep falling over themselves to see who can be the most offended, while the government / bureaucracy compete to see who can grovel, i mean apologise, the most sincerely.

it's sickening.
I would have said that Queen Elizabeth has throughout her life demonstrated respect for people of all colours. She has rarely been heard to criticise anyone. I have no way of knowing, but I wouldn't have thought she 'pampered' her children at all.

If I may bring your attention to the racist behaviour of Prince Philip at various occasions. How many times Queen Elizabeth has said any thing about it with her role as the Queen first and then as the better half of Prince Philip. That is in a way her tacit supporting act for racism shown by Prince Phillip.

Have we seen anything came out from Queen Elizabeth as the Granny or the Queen? Yes, some apology has come and that should end the debate considering a mistake was done and been apologised.

The issue in this forum has erupted as people suddenly started using tinted glasses and started justifying actions by Prince Harry as nothing has happened.

How many people have ever called Prince Harry as POM? What can be accepted between common people unfortunately in a formal protocol is not acceptable. Can we write the word CRXP or SXIT in formal way? No. But we all say that in some other form all the time.
As some one a bit left I like Harry, maybe its because we are both white and of fine Protestant extraction, his phone call to Grandma was a great show of humor cracked me up thought I even heard GG mentioned.

Thoughtful of him to remember the corgies

The Paki thing was perhaps inappropriate but he is a trained solder for Christ sake trained to kill as only the Brits can with century's of experience.

As GG has said already hes a fine young man proud and determine to serve in harms way.........I wonder how many of his critics do so?
Hi Doctor J
Some times we live in our little domain. I am surprised to see that you being London based did not know Paki as a slur. Probably you will say Red Neck, Skip, Wog or Niger are not slur either.
We all live in our particular domain. I don't pretend to know what words are considered offensive everwhere in the world. Saying that, I don't get the similarities between Paki/Pakistan and the words you've raised - I'm quite well travelled and I'm not familiar with Wogistan etc.
If time permits please rent a video called Bending Like Becham and would understand how sensitive the word Paki is to certain Asian population. It is just not the truncated form of Pakistani but the intent and contempt behind the truncation matters the people.
Forgive my language, but this is what gives me the sh!ts about this sort of discussion. How can one assume the 'intent' and 'contempt' behind the word, particularly in the absence of context. I suspect one's propensity to be offended by such things is more reflective on the mindset of the individual being offended than the person saying it.
It is similarly the way British used to call Indians as Natives or we in Australia called the Indigeneous people as Aboriginals (turncated form of Abnormal Originals ).
This is exactly my point above. People tend to assign meaning where there isn't any. Aboriginal is from the latin roots 'ab' (from) and 'origo' (origin/beginning). Your words above are yours alone.
I suspect one's propensity to be offended by such things is more reflective on the mindset of the individual being offended than the person saying it.

Exactly, and I think it is about time we stopped apologising for offending the sensitivities of these clowns who cry "racist" when what they are doing is trying to cover up their own bigotry.
If I may bring your attention to the racist behaviour of Prince Philip at various occasions. How many times Queen Elizabeth has said any thing about it with her role as the Queen first and then as the better half of Prince Philip. That is in a way her tacit supporting act for racism shown by Prince Phillip.

Have we seen anything came out from Queen Elizabeth as the Granny or the Queen? Yes, some apology has come and that should end the debate considering a mistake was done and been apologised.
Miner, your English indicates that perhaps English is not your first language.
Perhaps you are projecting your own sensitivities on to other people.