Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Prince Harry - Paki Slur

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
My contacts at the Palace tell me that "Granny" is backing Prince Harry in his latest stoush with the British Media and Political Correctness.

His relationship with the person he allegedly "slurred", a Cadet at Sandhurst with him from Pakistan, is best exemplified by these few lines from Henry V by Shakespeare

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

And it is this crass jealousy of the comradeship of arms that is at the root of the pursuit of Prince Harry, a fine young man, doing a fine job for his country, and the Coalition of the Willing.

I woke up to this news this morning and I have to say, I was shocked! I had no idea that Paki was considered a slur in these parts. I assumed 'Paki' is to Pakistani as 'Aussie' is to Australian or 'Swede' is to Swedish. I swear I've heard Tony Greig or Richie Benaud et al use the term countless times commentating the cricket. I guess you learn something new every day.
My contacts at the Palace tell me that "Granny" is backing Prince Harry in his latest stoush with the British Media and Political Correctness.

His relationship with the person he allegedly "slurred", a Cadet at Sandhurst with him from Pakistan, is best exemplified by these few lines from Henry V by Shakespeare

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

And it is this crass jealousy of the comradeship of arms that is at the root of the pursuit of Prince Harry, a fine young man, doing a fine job for his country, and the Coalition of the Willing.

gg, it's always a bit difficult to discern how much of your comments are tongue in cheek. In this case, I admit to some confusion.
Prince Harry "a fine young man".? Have to say I've not seen too much evidence of anything other than a lust for partying and drinking.
He seems to lurch from one scrape to another. Remember the Nazi uniform?
I'm sure you won't mind telling us just why he's such a fine young man.
I woke up to this news this morning and I have to say, I was shocked! I had no idea that Paki was considered a slur in these parts. I assumed 'Paki' is to Pakistani as 'Aussie' is to Australian or 'Swede' is to Swedish. I swear I've heard Tony Greig or Richie Benaud et al use the term countless times commentating the cricket. I guess you learn something new every day.

It's all about context I would have thought.

In the context of male squaddie "mateship" culture. A slur said in good humour is actually a term of endearment. Blokes have the most awful names for each other in all male settings. We can't hold hand and hug each other, so we call each other names in good humour.

Maybe it's an Anglo trait that women and other cultures don't understand, I don't know.

Storm in a teacup.
cant even use the saying " call a spade a spade" these days ,have to call it a shovel!.....personally found his comments as shown on tv to be used in a caring waytowards his fellow soldier

is "whinging bloody poms" considered offensive too ?
cant even use the saying " call a spade a spade" these days .....personally found his comments as shown on tv to be used in a caring waytowards his fellow soldier

is "whinging bloody poms" considered offensive too ?

I dont read Womens Weekly so I have no idea who Harry is?

But I found this on the net


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Maybe it's an Anglo trait that women and other cultures don't understand, I don't know.
I didn't suggest I didn't understand it. Just asked gg for reasons why Harry is particularly a "fine young man" as distinct from the same as most other young blokes his age.

Storm in a teacup.
Of course it is. Who, frankly, cares?
Bear in mind that other than the Israel/Gaza thing and the ongoing financial stuff, there is little for the media to report. And apparently anything about the Royals sells papers and magazines.

i.e. normal behaviour for males his age....and females too I think.
Yes, but it doesn't qualify him as any more 'fine' than his mates.

cant even use the saying " call a spade a spade" these days ,have to call it a shovel!.....personally found his comments as shown on tv to be used in a caring waytowards his fellow soldier

is "whinging bloody poms" considered offensive too ?

That wasn't directed at you particularly. I have a good mate who is an Muslim Indian and call each other ridiculously insulting and racial names (he has a very Anglo attitude).... all in good humour, but our wives are continuously shocked by it.

Can't do it in public either, I'd be arrested (he wouldn't :cautious:).

That wasn't directed at you particularly. I have a good mate who is an Muslim Indian and call each other ridiculously insulting and racial names (he has a very Anglo attitude).... all in good humour, but our wives are continuously shocked by it.

Can't do it in public either, I'd be arrested (he wouldn't :cautious:).

strange how it works , i too have a bruthha man of a different racial backround , we both address each other on occasion using so called "insulting terms".......

offense can only be taken , not given they say :)
Yeah I can't really see anything particularly controversial about his comments or behaviour in this instance.

He's still really a kid, he's a bit of a tearaway, he's got spirit. I'm not about to canonise the guy like GG seems ready to do. :rolleyes::), though I'd agree he does show some guts by going and immersing himself in full military operations in the middle east. (even if I don't agree with a lot of the reasons for the military efforts being required in the first place).
I am quite proudly an "Aussie" and don't find the term to be at all insulting. I fail to understand how the list Aussie, Kiwi, Canuck, Pom, Paki and Yank can contain both terms of endearment and racial slurs.

It is almost as if the slur is in the political correctness itself.

I woke up to this news this morning and I have to say, I was shocked! I had no idea that Paki was considered a slur in these parts. I assumed 'Paki' is to Pakistani as 'Aussie' is to Australian or 'Swede' is to Swedish. I swear I've heard Tony Greig or Richie Benaud et al use the term countless times commentating the cricket. I guess you learn something new every day.

Hi Doctor J
Some times we live in our little domain. I am surprised to see that you being London based did not know Paki as a slur. Probably you will say Red Neck, Skip, Wog or Niger are not slur either.

If time permits please rent a video called Bending Like Becham and would understand how sensitive the word Paki is to certain Asian population. It is just not the truncated form of Pakistani but the intent and contempt behind the truncation matters the people.

It is similarly the way British used to call Indians as Natives or we in Australia called the Indigeneous people as Aboriginals (turncated form of Abnormal Originals :confused:). World is changing from the Uncle Tom's Cabin days and now we got an Afro American President in USA (Does any one now dare to call him a Negro which was so common only few years back) . Unfortunately Harry who has been groomed with an accepted ex martial relationship environment of his father,s urrounded by paid psychophants, pampered by Queen Elizabeth who unfortunately has no respect for Asians or any one who is not with white skin, has not grown up.
you'll seem to forget that it was his own personal video log, recorded by his personal camera , so how did it find its merry way to the media since it was recorded 3yrs ago? did he hand it over? was it stolen from him?
its no secret about how the royals feel about people of non corporate color no big surprise here - look at at his grand daddy as fine example.
you'll seem to forget that it was his own personal video log, recorded by his personal camera , so how did it find its merry way to the media since it was recorded 3yrs ago? did he hand it over? was it stolen from him?
its no secret about how the royals feel about people of non corporate color no big surprise here - look at at his grand daddy as fine example.

When some one becomes Prince Harry and survives on public fund the privacy is often not respected. Unfortunately the same goes with celebracy. They pay for being public figures.

Even if they are not celebraties no one has any RIGHT to call people names in their private videos or video logs. If I am not too critical how do you feel if I create a private video and utter slangs to you ? When it becomes public then I say oh sorry, it was my private video. Come on do not condone Prince Harry and accept the fact that he made an error and accepted with an apology to avoid any further outcry.
The whole thing is a low grade beatup by a media that should, in it's entirety, be taken out and shot.
you can read it all in this book.
Duke of Hazard: The Wit and Wisdom of Prince Philip

here are his classics
I think it's self evident that Prince Philip is probably racist/xenophobic, but how do we know the Queen is?


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