Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Forum

21 September 2008
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch . Not waisting your every minute responding to comments on opinions of people who you do not know.
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch . Not waisting your every minute responding to comments on opinions of people who you do not know.
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.

Nice to have you aboard the ship of opinions and discussion. I actually agree with your opinion and thought I would take some of my valuable time to discuss your topic of choice.

I may just do what you feel is more important. If you get a chance pop on over to the youtube thread and have a laugh at some cats running on a treadmill, and there is even a dog harassing a cat.

There is a good thread on outliers going on in the trading strategies section and if you give some input I may just read it. But seriously your thoughts are good advice.

I'd agree apart from the presents bit. If there's one thing I don't like about Christmas, it's the ridiculous pressure to buy needless tat and the overall commercialism of it all.

You might learn something on an internet forum. Time spent in the shops buying pointless things that won't be used anyway is completely wasted in every way.:2twocents
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch . Not waisting your every minute responding to comments on opinions of people who you do not know.
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.

Thanks for your concerns, personally my broken leg which is healing rapidly keeps me from pursueing my normal weekend pleasures .... Im going off the beers too ..... crazy stuff.

And theres far too much consumerism , I think consumerism and debt has got the world in a bit of a pickle it seems ...

I look foward to your response :)
Here ya go seasprite, my opinion.

It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch.

The novelty of drinking pith and talking sh!te (socialising :confused:) wore off for me years ago.Had a few with the neighbours last night and it`s always the same, blah blah blah and we all fall down.I did give/get a nice hug though.:)

This forum in particular I try to keep the communication solid and constructive with a touch of larrikinism

I must be past it now I suppose.
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch . Not waisting your every minute responding to comments on opinions of people who you do not know.
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.
If you want to help the RSPCA there is a thread started by Julia and you may like to read it.
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch . Not waisting your every minute responding to comments on opinions of people who you do not know.
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.

If you are into actresses Chops has just posted his favourite girlie even with a youtube embedded player to polish it off. Check it out. I don't go much for her as I am a Gwynneth Paltrow admirer and just love her long white hair and come to bed and play with me eyes.
Yeah man shes like completely para about it too.

She like gets organic lentil beans couriered to her sets and stuff.
Shes like a vegan who will only eat organically grown tofu.
Her hubby is now ripping off Joe Satriani riffs too!
Well thats what the rags are saying.
She like gets organic lentil beans couriered to her sets and stuff.
Shes like a vegan who will only eat organically grown tofu.
Her hubby is now ripping off Joe Satriani riffs too!
Well thats what the rags are saying.
It sounds unbelievably similar in parts.

But Coldplay are one of the most uncreative bands going, and it's been known within the industry for ages that they just rip stuff off. I thought it was pretty common knowledge really... :confused:

I doubt he will win, even though he has a very good point. Otherwise you know, Guthrie's estate could sue Dylan, even though people wouldn't like to think about that... and Leadbelly's estate could probably sue Guthrie and about 80% of bands going...

I'm pretty sure some Australian bands have been taken to court about this exact same thing. And the results are that it's pretty much open slather - you can steal what you want, which I think stinks.
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch . Not waisting your every minute responding to comments on opinions of people who you do not know.
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.


Maybe more than half!

Maybe even the majority.....
The irony of this thread is killing me.

:D is it classed as "irony " or hypocrisy ? I never could grasp the english language and its uses :D

rather intresting either way

P.s seasprite

i really would love to go out and do all those things you mentioned but i am currently in casurina prison doin time for drinking too many beers with my nephews/sons/friends etc etc and this is my only communication with the outside world

is that ironic ?
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , you should be out shopping for xmas presents for family members . sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters , nieces and newphews , brothers /sisters or drinking cold beers with people who you don't know but can physically touch . Not waisting your every minute responding to comments on opinions of people who you do not know.
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.
Most of the World do not believe in Christmas in anyway. Also, most are not in the fortunate position to be able to buy for others, perhaps they are starving to death or being hacked to pieces by aggressors, whilst you waste your money on presents people mostly don't need.
Keep drinking the cold beers m8.
maybe half the people who read this . Should spend more time with family and real friends during the weekend instead of hanging onto every word of opinions of others who you don't honestly know. It's almost christmas , . . . .
I look forward to responding to those who disagree on Monday.

ahhhh seasprite, i bet you've at least snuck a look over this weekend at the interest your thread is generating. c'mon own up.

The novelty of drinking pith and talking sh!te (socialising :confused:) wore off for me years ago . . . . it`s always the same, blah blah blah and we all fall down.

I must be past it now I suppose.

i can relate Wysiwyg. although i never got into it, so never got past it. i'm a terrible chatter as a rule and always have to consciously think of things i "should" be saying in order to fulfill my social obligations. what a chore, i just dont go to parties any more. and probably why i dont post much at forums like this one, cos not much to say. (although i'm speaking now arent i. good 9.46am and i've met my targets for the day)
Hey guys ...i have a great idea ........... why not hold a carols by candelight here in the forums! that way we can still reply to threads like this and keep up the jolly ole xmas spirit

wow man we can even invite our friends/sons/nephews neihbours to sing along too and kill lots of birds with one stone!
Last Saturday ... lunch with old school mate and his wife and kids.
Sunday ... B'day party for the little ones.
Monday night ... visit wifes grandparents/relatives
Tuesday night ... Xmas beers with old work friends.
Friday afternoon Xmas shopping with family
Friday night .... Xmas beers withother mates.
Yesterday morning ... kids ballet concert
Yesterday afternoon ... put up Xmas tree.
Last night ... takeaway in front of the telly with family.
This morning ... putting up Xmas lights.
In an hour ... shopping for Xmas presents.
This afternoon ... Afternoon tea with other old friends.

Being able to post garbage on forums in between ... priceless. :D
But Coldplay are one of the most uncreative bands going, and it's been known within the industry for ages that they just rip stuff off. I thought it was pretty common knowledge really... :confused:
Coldplay. One of only two bands that are enough to make me change the station when they're played on the radio. :2twocents