Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Bicycle riders

I drive to work some 12kms which takes around 20-30 minutes depending on how good/bad things are. Since March this year, i decided to ride to work for various reason...

- Exercise
- Less stress with stop-go peak hour traffic
- Faster
- Saving on fuel

At first I rode my stock Mongose MTB to work. It was good, but it took me about 40 minutes and by the time I got there, I was sweaty and needed a shower before I could sit down at my desk.

After a week of doing that, I decided to invest in an electric assist conversion kit. The conversion kit has cost me around $1000 all up - but has been well worth it.

Now I can travel to work in about 15-20minutes (yes, faster than car!) and be fresh when I get there. I'm still getting the exercise as I try to pedal as fast as I can to keep up with the traffic. The only difference is now I can ride faster and further than if I could do it un-assisted. Top speed without assist is around 35kmph. When I assist I can get it up to 40kmph. If I really push it, I can get up to 45-50kmph - but to go any faster, I will need to upgrade my gears to faster ones. On my 360Ah Li-po batteries, I can get around 20km unassisted and up to 50km with assistance.

When I stop at lights, other cyclist pull up and question my bike. Some of the 'elitist' cyclist give me a funny look. Others are really intrigued.

Anyway here's a picture of my ride:

OK, here's a question.

I ride a cheapie Kmart bike (Schwinn) that cost $300. I wasn't prepared to pay a grand or two for the cheapest from a bike shop.

Would it make a significant (>10-20%) difference to my performance in terms of average speed if I was to ride a more expensive bike? A lighter frame surely could not make any difference since my weight is the vast majority of the load carried anyway. So do the gears, wheels make that much difference?
I would go for a good frame that is comfortable. You see guys who weigh 100kg and have carbon everything because of the weight saving factor :eek::confused:
Good wheels and groupset do make a big difference. Look at some of the Giant / Trek / Scott bikes with Shimano 105 groupsets and Mavic Aksium wheels (minimum). Can pick up a good bike for $1200. As you get more into it (and you will) then start spending money on the upgrades. The other thing is find yourself a group to ride with. It is amazing how much you will improve and how your level of motivation lifts.
Originally posted by Fimmwolf...
Have also ridden into a couple of car doors as they have been flung open at the last second.

Reminds me of a great stack I had when riding through the city of Melbourne and up the inside of traffic in Flinders Street near the station. I consider myself a very defensive rider because as most cyclists know you have to be as we always usually come off second best when involved in an accident.

Anyway creeping up the inside of stationary traffic and the passenger door of a vehicle flung open right in front of me to let someone out at the station. I had nowhere to go, not even a gap in between the opening door and the gutter. I hit the door and myself and the bike went up in the air and came crashing down. A bit of bark off my hands and both front levers ($700 worth) smashed.

I get very aggro when someone threatens my welfare on the bike by stupid or careless actions and I was ready to 'Go Off'

The girl who got out of the car lent over me to see if I was alright and in doing so exposed a beautiful firm looking cleavage and also happened to be very attractive but I didn't notice that at first.

I mean if she was fat and ugly I would have gone off, but what can you do??

Needless to say I got her phone number, she paid for the damage but there was no 'Happy Ending'

Can't blame a bloke for trying!

Anyway to you Johnno, you're in the mecca of cycling country in Tassie. I don't know what they have in the water over there but there have been many great cyclists to come out of Tassie. If you're looking at getting a new bike, one of the best ways would be through the trading post second hand as you will pick up something good at half its new value.

Regards CB
Originally posted by Nyden...
I trust you know how that sounds? Yuck

Sorry Nyden, no intention to offend, merely taking the p##s out of myself for what would probably be a similar reaction most blokey blokes would have in that situation.
I bought a 21-spd Gemini Randoneur 15 yrs ago (cost: $700), and have since done 6 Big NSW Bike Rides, 9 Gong Rides, 20 organised rides in Sydney, and countless of other rides privately. All for the loss of only 3 flat tyres. One of the best investment I've ever made. :)

And there's nothing wrong with wearing lycra. I wear them to the gym too. Their light material with the sweat-absorbing padding, beats wearing any other types of shorts on the score of comfort.
After a week of doing that, I decided to invest in an electric assist conversion kit. The conversion kit has cost me around $1000 all up - but has been well worth it.

Are there any special shops to buy conversion, or are there any shops that sell electric assist bikes or you have to buy components from different shops and do it up yourself?
Nice thread and nice timing since I have just packed up shop in Melbourne and gone bush. I have moved to the mighty Victorian Alps, Mount Beauty to be precise, to kick start the cycling career :)cool::D). Well to get out of the city and enjoy life a bit more.

I spent my youth racing bikes and training and not much else. Certainly not worrying about money. But now I have come full circle, so to speak. I bought a new bike a couple of weeks ago, Specialized Tarmac Pro. Carbon Frame with mostly Shimano Ultegra groupset. Its about 3 Kg lighter than my last "good" bike and it feels like a rocket, for the first couple of km any way.:eek:

Did my first big ride yesterday in more than 10 years. 120 km with two big climbs. Have a look at this wed site if you haven't seen it.
You can search for rides plotted out by other riders in your area or do your own via Google maps. Its pretty trick you even get cool profile maps of your rides, very tour de France.

This is a pic of my bike from yesterdays ride on top of Tawonga Gap and the profile of the ride. also have created a profile of my rides. My handle is Trembling Legs!!


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you very lucky trembling legs, i have been on 3 mountain biking trips around mt beauty over the years,

we normally get a cabin at tawonga caravan park (on the river), mt beauty is probably still the "spiritual home" of mountain biking and have enjoyed when the comps have been on there,

i came off the mtb bike going down a track off tawonga gap, where you took photo

lovely place, all the best

Hey TH, awesome post! Love the mapping site and the profile looks great - scary last big climb:eek: Sometimes I wish that I lived on the mainland as the potential routes here are a bit limited, well that's IMO anyway. Not enough roads to go around.
I don't do anything too serious, but try and get out there at least once in a weekend for a bit of a ride around. It's a great way to see some awesome scenery, and get to know the ins and out's of your local area. Usually discover something new you never knew was there.

My bike is a GT mtb, is starting to look a bit haggard these days after a lot of use. Might be time to buy another. Mainly road, but get out there for a bit of bit of bush bashing now and then.

Some great cycling areas on both the Goldcoast (beachside or forest), and up in Brisbane. Really like riding along the awesome beaches up here along the Gold Coast. Can be a bit dangerous up here though, the yokals aren't too bright on the roads.

Worst stack I had was in Melbourne down Camberwell Rd, where I came off at about 50km/hr after really hiking it down a hill and a woman just had to grab a car space by slamming on the brakes. Ambo, the works. Was in hospital for a couple of weeks, fractured skull (with helmet!), fractured elbow, etc, face was buffed up like a balloon - still got the scars. Pretty lucky there I think.

I've also run over a couple of dogs too :eek:
I ride to work on weekdays. It is 10km round trip. Have never done group riding, is it any fun?

I try to avoid main roads as car drivers are too stupid to trust (I know when I am driving I join them). I fell off my bike recently when during a rainy day a car tried to overtake me on a slippery road. Bruised my right hand, still hurts.

Was about to be run over by an underground cop (he was in a hurry), a fortnight ago. He chased me up and told me to wear protective equipment and put all the light show, so other people can see me properly. My lights need new batteries I guess :eek:.

Also there is a bloody bird which always tries to attack me when I am crossing a golf course (near royal park station) - quite annoying. It does that to all the riders on that strip.
Spent 3 years riding for a division 3 pro team in France in the late 90's. Have done Sun Tour, Commonwealth Bank Race (now no longer...), Tour of Tasmania, etc.

I currently ride a Cannondale System 6 with campag chorus- probably the best bike i've ever had! I normally only ride on weekends- about 70-80kms a time, but am going to try and ride a bit more this summer- work off some of the stress this market is causing me :)
Spent 3 years riding for a division 3 pro team in France in the late 90's. Have done Sun Tour, Commonwealth Bank Race (now no longer...), Tour of Tasmania, etc.

I currently ride a Cannondale System 6 with campag chorus- probably the best bike i've ever had! I normally only ride on weekends- about 70-80kms a time, but am going to try and ride a bit more this summer- work off some of the stress this market is causing me :)

Wow, we have a pro on the boards! Sounds like you're a gun bas. Tell mne, how much did your bike cost? I'm always astounded at how much the top bikes set you back - couldn't cope riding something that was worth more than my car!! Maybe coz I stack regularly - can't get bike insurance can you?
I ride a cheapie Kmart bike (Schwinn) that cost $300. I wasn't prepared to pay a grand or two for the cheapest from a bike shop.
Mate I ride a Schwinn, My dad gave it to me about 7-8 yrs ago, I ride to work most days, It hasn't missed a beat, just a little chain lube borrowed from my motor bike and she's sweet. Cheaper the better IMO unless your competing. "It's not the bike, It's the rider" or something like that.
The back tyre is buckled (from all my off road work LOL), it touches the breaks on every rotation. :eek:
Anyway mate, don't give up on your Schwinn, a bit of lube in the cables, grease your chain and she goes sweet... all for under $300.
Ive started riding a bit as part of rehab from knee surgery. I live in Riverhills in Brisbane, too bad i dont live in RiverFlat as the hills make riding anywhere pretty slow. Ive only got a 6km circuit i ride at the moment, hoping to build up to ride a bit further down the track. My average speed so far is only 15-20km, max speed of 54kph down one of the hills.
Are there any special shops to buy conversion, or are there any shops that sell electric assist bikes or you have to buy components from different shops and do it up yourself?

hi happy,

i'm sure most reputable bike shops will be able to get either kitted conversions (wheel/motor, battery and mounting accessories) or a fully built ebike to order.

i'm a tinker and like to do everything myself, so i ended up buying the motor/wheel from, the batteries from a chinese battery company (yung-tong) and designed my own lithum charger.

just reading above about having a stack and getting injured... i confess that my ebike is 500w - well above the 200w legal limit. although i'm not going to be pulled over by the police for riding too fast... my concern is that if i do stack it with another motor vechile on the road and get into a serious injury... im not sure if i'd be able to claim 3rd party if they found that my 500w bike was not registered and infact illegal...
Wow, we have a pro on the boards! Sounds like you're a gun bas. Tell mne, how much did your bike cost? I'm always astounded at how much the top bikes set you back - couldn't cope riding something that was worth more than my car!! Maybe coz I stack regularly - can't get bike insurance can you?

I actually got given the frame, but i think that it sells for about $8k as a complete bike.

Sounds like a lot but that is about average amongst the keen riders these days. My boss rides the Ferrari edition Colnago, which would retail for $20k+!!!

And yes, some household policies allow to have named items insured outside the house (similar to what you do with expensive jewellery).

Here is a ****ty phone cam pic:



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I actually got given the frame, but i think that it sells for about $8k as a complete bike.

Sounds like a lot but that is about average amongst the keen riders these days. My boss rides the Ferrari edition Colnago, which would retail for $20k+!!!

And yes, some household policies allow to have named items insured outside the house (similar to what you do with expensive jewellery).

Here is a ****ty phone cam pic:

Hey bas,
Do you need an $8k+ bike just to keep up with the other riders?

Nice bike!


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