Good on you Prawn. I encourage all to start riding old bicycles, without wearing helmets, and be free and healthy.
The more of us who are on the bikeways the better.
The problem with bikeways locally is they are often useless, okay for MA and PA kettle out for a Sunday toddle but no good for commuting. eg on the one beside the river that goes into the city... I have collected pedestrians who walk 3 abreast, been strung up by idiots walking their dogs on leads stretching across the trail, dinged my bell (no longer do this, too dangerous) and had startled pedestrians turn, and step into my line ! Most pedestrians are oblivious with their ipoods anyway. Not to mention having anti car devices, turning negotiating the cycleways on a bike into some sort of trails event !!! .
Speaking of trails events, this guy is amazing what he can do on a bike ! Was Aunt Lil this good ?
I only race MTB bikes, not road bikes. I ride my road bike often but never in a peleton, they are too dangerous. Cars aren't allowed to follow that closely, either should road bikes... I am not sure why they aren't l booked for following too closely, as any car would be ? I once passed a small peleton on my road bike and copped an earful
I agree that compulsory helmet laws are anathema, but we've had this debate before... I would always wear one but believe it should be individual choice.
Helmets are also why concepts like the mass cycle temporary hire concept that works in France, Spain etc that they are developed in Brisbane are a nonsense, helmets will be their undoing. I think the idiots who ok'd it all think that mainland Europe has compulsory helmet laws like we do here ?