Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


as it has been previously stated, sick days arent usually paid out when leaving a job
i have worked up these hours, just as i have accrued holiday leave, they are mine, not donated for some charitable cause
its one thing to abuse the situation continually, but if i dont 'feel' like going to work why should i?
at one job im in the position where my work wont be picked up by someone else, it will amount to more for me if im abscent therefor my presence (or lack of) will not affect fellow employees
at the other job, i am not paid leave
anyway in saying this, i have had on average a week leave each year mainly because i choose to work 2 jobs - 13 day fortnights and become exhausted
i dont have to lie to my employer about the situation and have no problem with others using their time off either
Look after your staff and they will look after you.
Can't argue with that one. Works both ways of course - there's always some way for staff to retaliate against a dud boss.

Smart bosses remove the reasons why anyone would want to do it in the first place. Dumb ones spend their days devising complex systems to try and prevent it - and in most situations those systems can't possibly work beyond ensuring some minimum level to which all staff will quickly descend.

An example that comes to mind is a fairly large employer that requries their staff to phone in before taking any break, for example to go to the toilet. It works in a sense but their competitors get the better staff and are doing quite nicely as a result, the employer with this system having become the employer of last resort in that industry. A great way to wreck your business in the long term when you end up with staff who work for you only because nobody else wants to employ them.
Hey Tyson..

It kinda amuses me that you are calling in others for the alleged 'rort' of a basic work place entitlement, yet the rort that is immediately obvious (to me at least) is that you can fleece a customer for 50 - 60% profit..

Whatever happened to the honest 20% markup.. :)

You must contract to Defence..:)



For starters I don't think many businesses would survive on 20% markup,

My aspects of my business are quite labour intensive, and alot of costs are fixed. I operate on a gross profit of about 60% as you said, however you have to take Wages, rent, and all other costs out of that gross profit which means that we only operate on a net profit of about 12.5%.

It's like when you go to a Cafe' and buy a latte',... the actual Latte' costs about 50c but they sell it for $4.00 does that mean they are ripping you off, No because of all the other high fixed costs the actual profit at the end of the month would probally be about 10%.

As a rule of thumb the actual costs of the goods sold only makes up about 40% of the purchase price which means gross profit of 60%,.... however wages is another 25%, rent is about 15%, Advertising 5%, plus Insurance, transport, Loan interest, equipment replacement and maitaince, office supplies, if they are a franchise they have franchise fees, accouting fees, Gas and electric, phone bill, etc etc etc.... So only about 10% remains as company profit.
i have worked up these hours, just as i have accrued holiday leave, they are mine,

Sick days are only there as insurance, they are not the same as annual leave.

What your saying is like saying that because you have paid your insurance for a few years without making a claim it's ok to burn out your car so as to get a new one.
Sick days are only there as insurance, they are not the same as annual leave.

What your saying is like saying that because you have paid your insurance for a few years without making a claim it's ok to burn out your car so as to get a new one.

true true...i think rule of thumb is 30-40% of your allowed sick days can be taken...
That is why when you accept a job - the pay is quoted as a 'package' with salary, sickies, holiday, loading, long service, etc all bundled into one number... This is a KNOWN cost to the business and should be fully budgeted against... whether the worker is actually sick or not... it shouldn't be costing the business anymore or less....:2twocents

actually, having just typed that... it may cost businesses indirectly - as the worker that is not there to pull their weight which means inefficiencies at the workplace and hence a potential loss...
That is why when you accept a job - the pay is quoted as a 'package' with salary, sickies, holiday, loading, long service, etc all bundled into one number... This is a KNOWN cost to the business and should be fully budgeted against... whether the worker is actually sick or not... it shouldn't be costing the business anymore or less....:2twocents

actually, having just typed that... it may cost businesses indirectly - as the worker that is not there to pull their weight which means inefficiencies at the workplace and hence a potential loss...

next thing people will want maternity leave when they aren't pregnant,..... "It's my entitlement" they will say.

They more outsourcing to chinese manufactures the better I say, When I first started my business I was doing 100% manufacturing in house,... Now about 30% is outsourced and arrives ready made from china,.... I can see that figure increasing.
That is why when you accept a job - the pay is quoted as a 'package' with salary, sickies, holiday, loading, long service, etc all bundled into one number... This is a KNOWN cost to the business and should be fully budgeted against... whether the worker is actually sick or not....

I suppose you could say the same for car insurance, It is fully within your right to make a claim should your car be written off because the insurance company has budgeted to allow enough money for a certain amount of vehicles to be replaced each year,....

However if every single person with insurance intentionally wrote there car off and made a claim to there full entitlement every year, then the system would break down...
I remember when holiday pay extra loading came in. As an employer I thought it was unfair that I had to pay an employee more per day when he was on holidays than when he was at work. It was going to make a dent into a slender profit. I decided to balance the books. I looked at my most inefficient employees and found that some were in the habit of a lot of sickies and often on the busiest of days. I decided that if I had to manage without them on a busy day that I could certainly do without them on slow days. In business there is a certain point where profitability can disappear if sympathy takes over. Guess who went off or went on to casual rates and irregular work.
I don't believe that would be the case,... Hang overs are not really that contagious.

I don't think there is a difference between having a sicky(fake) and taking $100 from the till.

You can't generalise the population of Australia. They're there to be used if needed. I don't condone taking a sickie, but if your sick your sick! Most people usually get the flu once a year and if its not the flu it could be just a cold of some sort.

I work as a Personal Trainer in a gym where all staff are have a lot of contact with members of the public and dirty equipment (equipment never stays no matter how much we clean). A lot of people get sick due to this, and i assume that goes with a lot of jobs where sickness can spread through offices like wildfire. For example our managers sit in a closed office all day with limited contact with the general population - our receptionist come into contact with everyone that comes in.

A lot of people who run their own business are not subjected to the same amount of contact as others people who are employees (though thats not saying the employers don't come into contact with the general population.

If I was feeling like **** and worn out and I didn't put anyone else out by me taking a sickie i would take it because i know i will return the next day revived. Unfortunately i cannot do this in my present job as i have clients.

However I think it is unfair for those people who must take 10 days per year sick leave because its there.
You can't generalise the population of Australia. They're there to be used if needed. I don't condone taking a sickie, but if your sick your sick! Most people usually get the flu once a year and if its not the flu it could be just a cold of some sort.


you got me wrong, I have no problem with staff taking sick leave as needed.
That is different to "throwing a sicky'.My comments only relate to people having days off just because they feel like it, or because they have a hang over or it's a long weekend, or because it's stock take etc.etc
you got me wrong, I have no problem with staff taking sick leave as needed.
That is different to "throwing a sicky'.My comments only relate to people having days off just because they feel like it, or because they have a hang over or it's a long weekend, or because it's stock take etc.etc

Ya, thats just lazy.
I doubt it.

again you got me wrong, that comment was in jest. I was trying to point out how ridicules it is when people seem to think they have entitlements even though it is not in the spirit of the reason that right was granted.

Have no problem with granting days off to staff, most staff just take them from there leave book or make it up with extra hours, But if they want or need a day off there is nothing worse than them waiting till the last minute and call in sick, Or call in sick because of somthing stupid like a hang over.
This is 2008 not 1988, and people can easily leave and find a better job somewhere else, so why should people put up with this kind of work environment when they can do less work, get paid more and have the same entitlements? Give your staff a reason to stay, be loyal, and I'm sure you won't have a problem with 'sickies', but until then, be prepared to lose more money in lost productivity and lost sales. :2twocents

This should be every employees over-riding ambition, IMO.
I have worked in an environment where you get paid out for unused sickies and when you dont get paid for unused sickies and I can tell you I never took a sickie when I got paid out for unused sickies and took all my sickies when I didnt get paid out.

My reasoning is simple. In my experience the difference in pay from being a casual employee (no entitlements) and fulltime employee (entitlements) over the course of the year in the same job is negligible once all entitlements received. Casuals get a higher hourly rate to cover entitlements. By not taking my owed sickes I am working for less money in the same job.

I was given the option in a few of my jobs to go from casual to full-time. Why would I decide to work for less. Job security aside.

Sickies are factored into your wage. If you dont want me to take them dont take money off me if I dont use them.