As a retiree I have been re-balancing my portfolio and moving from managed funds to direct shares.
I think my portfolio needs a further high-dividend / lower [not zero....] risk stock. I already have enough, maybe too many, finance stocks: hence the non-finance request in the thread title.
I have considered:
TCL: I've had this before [before the slump] and the growth decline concerned me. However it may be better value in this climate?
The only other one I've looked at is TLS which I've never had.
There may be better stocks of the nature that I am interested in.
Opinions / suggestions for research would be very much welcomed. {Other retirees may also be interested or able to contibute}.
As a retiree I have been re-balancing my portfolio and moving from managed funds to direct shares.
I think my portfolio needs a further high-dividend / lower [not zero....] risk stock. I already have enough, maybe too many, finance stocks: hence the non-finance request in the thread title.
I have considered:
TCL: I've had this before [before the slump] and the growth decline concerned me. However it may be better value in this climate?
The only other one I've looked at is TLS which I've never had.
There may be better stocks of the nature that I am interested in.
Opinions / suggestions for research would be very much welcomed. {Other retirees may also be interested or able to contibute}.