Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

CommSec Web Trading Platform - FAQ and Tips

Re: CommSec Questions

Comsec research is still down as of 6.30 sunday, I dont think I could possibly be any more frustrated with comsec at the moment.

I also had that -100% loss on my position statement a few days ago too.
Re: CommSec Questions

Just a quick question. last thursday i sold a share at a loss and made some small gains on friday, monday and tuesday which would not have covered the costs completely but they are yet to take out the money from my account. :confused:

i had called on the friday to the setup protrader and just asked to confirm with them that the money would be taken out on tuesday and they confirmed with me

not sure if i should call or not b/c i'd prefer not to pay, haha :p: :D

Comsec data

Not sure where to put this, so please move it if it is not the appropriate thread. I am a lowly Comsec user, not the protrader type just the basic setup. For the last 45 mins prices have not been updating. For Example the XAO has been stuck on 6227.4 for the last 45 mins. Anyone else notice this?
Re: Brokerage/platforms terrible in Oz

Not sure where to put this, so please move it if it is not the appropriate thread. I am a lowly Comsec user, not the protrader type just the basic setup. For the last 45 mins prices have not been updating. For Example the XAO has been stuck on 6227.4 for the last 45 mins. Anyone else notice this?

Yes, and due to a recent penalty fee dispute I will be transferring my holdings over to my Etrade acct asap. I have Comsec & Etrade, and Etrade is a clear winner, despite it's faults, which seem to have been rectified over time.
Re: Brokerage/platforms terrible in Oz

Yes, and due to a recent penalty fee dispute I will be transferring my holdings over to my Etrade acct asap. I have Comsec & Etrade, and Etrade is a clear winner, despite it's faults, which seem to have been rectified over time.

Prices seem to have recovered on Comsec in the last 10 minutes. At least they seem to be changing. E-trade could be a plan, I only need the basics.
Re: CommSec Questions

When your settlement date arrives, the money will then be debited from your nominated account. Settlement date is 3 days from date of purchase (open market days)

And if you sell the shares you brought within those 3 days, then the settlement date will be 3 days from the date u sold them, and comsec will just add / deduct the total amount and either credit or debit your account whether or not you made money on the shares or lost money.


Sorry for ressurecting a dead thread, but how do I nominate an account to be used for trading? I'm a new trader, signed up for the commsec cash management thing and have the funds necessary in my Commonwealth investment account - Is this where the money is drawn from?
I am also new to trading and hope I am in the right place. What do you all think of CommSecIRESS? Is it ok or is there a better platform?:eek:
Re: Comsec data

Not sure where to put this, so please move it if it is not the appropriate thread. I am a lowly Comsec user, not the protrader type just the basic setup. For the last 45 mins prices have not been updating. For Example the XAO has been stuck on 6227.4 for the last 45 mins. Anyone else notice this?

Whenever I had this problem with the basic Commsec a/c display, I was usually able to fix it by clearing out the cookies and saved files in the internet setup for Internet Explorer.
G'Day Everyone,

I been procrastinating about which phone to get which works with both IB and Commsec, I’m swayed towards blackberry/nokia E71, I'm just unsure if those work with the Commsec mobile platform, is anyone using anything else other than iPhone to access Commsec?
I'm pretty sure the iPhone is the only mobile device that you can use comsec on... i havnt heard that its available on anything else unfortunately
Hi new user here.

I have it set up so each time I BUY/SELL I am emailed a notice.

My first question is do I have to print and keep every BUY/SELL notice for annual tax purposes?

Second question is can I access them on the internet through my comsec profile some how? or do I have to request them through the bank?

I know I SHOULD have them all in my email inbox but a few of them have gone missing. (might have accidentally deleted them)

Cheers, Kieran
My first question is do I have to print and keep every BUY/SELL notice for annual tax purposes?
No you don`t. I use portfolio management software to record and started with Topshare Portfolio Manager which is strictly for ASX and now have upgraded to Stator AFM which encompasses Shares, Shares Margin, Warrants, Share CFD's, Futures, Index CFD's, Index, FX CFD`s, FX, Options, Managed Funds and Trust Units.

If you don`t record, then as previous poster suggests the electronic records are kept by your broker. Of course a financial year trade summary would still be needed for taxation purposes.
silveranger Thanks alot. perfect :)

"Of course a financial year trade summary would still be needed for taxation purposes."

In reply to the above statement i'm still very new to all this as you can tell. Having never had to deal with trading when doing my tax can you please explain the above. :)

Thanks in advance!
I used ezy manager portfolio management software - will not work on vista or w7

lucky I am with Interactive brokers

their reporting is extremely comprehensive so nothing else is needed by my accountant

[and I save all the time filing the paperwork and entering everything into the old software]

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