Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum



In Memoriam
10 May 2005
The Queensland government has announced it will put fluoride in the water supply from next year.

Quite apart from the moral issue of mass medicating the whole population, I cannot drink fluoridated water for various other health related reasons.

Does anyone know of a filter system which will remove fluoride?

Has anyone successfully fought local or State governments on this issue?

So far I've just come up against the predictable bureaucratic brick wall.

Any input would be appreciated.
The Queensland government has announced it will put fluoride in the water supply from next year.

Quite apart from the moral issue of mass medicating the whole population, I cannot drink fluoridated water for various other health related reasons.

Does anyone know of a filter system which will remove fluoride?

Has anyone successfully fought local or State governments on this issue?

So far I've just come up against the predictable bureaucratic brick wall.

Any input would be appreciated.
:mad: I could go on an extended rant about this...

Try looking as reverse osmosis Julia, not 100% sure but I think it will get rid of flouride... and fits under the sink.
i would like to hear downsides of this. in sydney the water has been fluorided forever and parents etc. tout it as having improved dental health for everyone so its a non-issue here. rant away :)

sydney waters filtration process is here
i would like to hear downsides of this. in sydney the water has been fluorided forever and parents etc. tout it as having improved dental health for everyone so its a non-issue here. rant away :)

sydney waters filtration process is here
The issue is not dental health. :cool:
Thanks, Wayne, at least for a suggestion. Will look into it.

As Wayne has said, the issue is not dental health. If people want to use fluoride to protect their teeth they can easily add it themselves. It is not necessary to mass medicate the whole population so that those of us who cannot drink fluoridated water are deprived of a basic need.
Also it seems pretty stupid to water our gardens and flush our toilets with fluoride.
Thanks, Wayne, at least for a suggestion. Will look into it.

As Wayne has said, the issue is not dental health. If people want to use fluoride to protect their teeth they can easily add it themselves. It is not necessary to mass medicate the whole population so that those of us who cannot drink fluoridated water are deprived of a basic need.
Also it seems pretty stupid to water our gardens and flush our toilets with fluoride.

How do you easily add flourine to your own water?
"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not all time."
- Robert Carton, Ph.D., Toxicologist


Use rainwater (via tank) or bore water if possible.

Fluoride Stupidy and Population Control

Sodium fluoride, a hazardous-waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum, is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas. It's historically been quite expensive to properly dispose of, until some aluminum industries with an overabundance of the stuff sold the public on the terrifically insane but highly profitable idea of buying it at a 20,000% markup, injecting it into our water supplies, and then DRINKING it.

Let's begin at the beginning: The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany's Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride's supposed effect on children's teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission. (Ref. book: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin.)

Fluoride is a Deadly Poison

Millions of Americans drink water spiked with a sodium fluoride solution. A chemical cousin of sodium, fluorine is not as toxic as "Hex" . . . but toxic enough, in high concentrations, to be used as a standard roach and rat killer and a deadly pesticide.

If anyone really wants to consume toxic fluoride then they can buy flouride tablets and add to their water.

Why do people who don't want fluoride have to have it? It is undemocratic, imo.

Who is going to benefit from the QLD government spend of $35 million?

(Adolph Hitler)

PS: Check out the internet for more information.
No flouride in the water here in Japan and have a look at everyone's teeth! Bloody disgusting..

you beat me to it Bling Bling

How do you easily add flourine to your own water?

All you need to do is make sure your kids brush with fluoride toothpaste or give them fluoride drops/tablets if you are concerned. I am with Julia we shouldn't be mass medicated and some dentists will tell you fluoride actually mottles teeth of adults as it is only "beneficial" in kids teeth. For those that are chemically sensitive particularly to fluoride they can suffer all sorts of side effects from having to drink, bathe and have their food subjected to fluoridated water.
Oh and I also read that reverse osmosis is the way to rid it from drinking water. Won't help you in terms of showering etc though.

Fluoride Stupidy and Population Control


That's what the Queensland population gets for voting out the conservatives. You will all believe the adds next time.

(Give me a break, there all sorts of minerals in water and the anti fluoride argument is always so poorly promoted and usually supported by the same people who say we shouldn't be protected against German Measles and Whooping Cough.)
I believe we have yet to outsmart nature and so I find the answer to most questions related to food, drink and health by simply asking myself what nature would have intended, and that is the way to go. I am convinced that eventually we will find there is no need to make it any more complicated than that. Tooth decay in modern society is related to diet (sugar etc) and lifestyle, it is not caused by a lack of poison in the water we drink. A friend of mine put together the attached excellent one page information leaflet:-


  • 12 Reasons.pdf
    115 KB · Views: 236
I'm not sure how to remove it from the water, but there's a fairly easy way to settle the debate about whether or not it has improved dental health.

I'm pretty sure that Tas was the first state to add it to water supplies since fluoride is a by-product of Bell Bay so it was easily available.

And Brisbane hasn't, at least until now, had flouride in the water.

So can anyone find some proper statistics on dental health in Tas and Qld 50 years ago versus now? To support the pro-fluoride argument, tooth decay ought to have fallen significantly in Tas relative to Qld over that time.

If you wanted to avoid it then tank water would seem the easy option assuming you own the property. :2twocents
If people want to use fluoride to protect their teeth they can easily add it themselves. It is not necessary to mass medicate the whole population so that those of us who cannot drink fluoridated water are deprived of a basic need.
Also it seems pretty stupid to water our gardens and flush our toilets with fluoride.

I saw few programs on TV regarding fluoride in town water.
Apparently dentists association in QLD were behind the push for fluoride in town water as tooth decay was of beyond alarming proportions.

True, all because of laziness, fad power drinks highly enamel corrosive, general consumption of sweet fizzle drinks, coke and even consumption of milk just before bed time coupled with inadequate or total lack of teeth brushing.

I also wander how does it affect car paint?
Excellent and informative post, thanks moneymajics. You have obviously taken the time to do your homework on this subject.

Hope you don't mind me posting another quote from the first article you linked to in your post:

I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years' research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically." - CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.

Wow! If I had any doubts, that all by itself would be enough to make me decide to give fluoridated water a very wide berth.
Can anyone point me to any scientific studies or any other basis beside assertion? At present there only seems to be crackpot argument.