Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Thought for the day

(as posted elsewhere)
we could end up with Homer Simpson for president yet .... ;)

Introduction to politics.
Homer for President.

Homer Simpson's Campaign Platform

A friend to one, a friend to all. (Except Flanders.)

There is nothing to fear except fear itself. Oh... and fear of the voices... the constant voices telling me to do things...

I promise there will be fewer nuclear disasters with me as your President than with me as your nuclear safety inspector.

I will fill the pot holes, help the pot heads and eat the pot pies.

I will put a man on Mars within the decade. That man will be Flanders. And he will not return.

No big government, just big waist sizes.

Children are the future. That's why they must be stopped today.

I will make the trains run on time. On second thought, coal might be better. I will make the trains run on coal.

I will legalize the hunting of sisters-in-law.

Repeal all taxes... make Sweden pay for everything.


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My favourite mixed metaphor comes from my late grandfather. "in one ear and gathers no moss".
bit like (but at the same time nothing like lol)
sit on the fence and keep your ear to the ground ;)

"ideas go in one ear and no theories operate in a vacuum"?
"It’s as easy as falling off a piece of cake. " lol
"These hemorrhoids are a real pain in the neck". :confused:
":D It’s time to grab the bull by the tail and look him in the eye."

one for Kevin07 lol
"He’s a little green behind the ears".
"He’s burning the midnight oil from both ends."
The fan is gonna hit the roof.
I have a lot of black sheep in my closet.

plenty more ...
We could stand here and talk until the cows turn blue.
You could have knocked me over with a fender.
He was watching me like I was a hawk.
I’ll get it by hook or ladder.
He’s a wolf in cheap clothing.
They’re diabolically opposed.
He received a decease and desist order.
I wouldn’t eat that with a ten-foot pole.
Take a flying hike.
I shot the wind out of his saddle.
He’s not the one with his ass in a noose.
A loose tongue spoils the broth.
It’s all moth-eared.
I can read him like the back of my book.
From now on, I’m watching everything you do with a fine-tuned comb.
It’s as easy as falling off a piece of cake.
He’s like a duck out of water.
It’s time to grab the bull by the tail and look him in the eye.
I wouldn’t be caught dead there with a ten-foot pole.
I hope he gets his curve ball straightened out.
It’s time to step up to the plate and lay your cards on the table.

You can’t change the spots on an old dog.
It sticks out like a sore throat.
It’s like looking for a needle in a hayride.
People are dying like hotcakes.
You can’t go in there cold turkey with egg on your face.
We have to get all our ducks on the same page.
I'm sweating like a bullet.
She’s suffering from a detached rectum.:eek:
etc retina lol
...looking in the distance it didn't seem far, I kept looking in the distance and now cannot see far, left it too long, it's not that far, but now I'm unable to see.
The magic trick: You are invited to come and see our Uranium production sites and they are as we say "all for peaceful means" and you will find it to be so!
You who visit us, and can afford it, the rich, will be absolved from your sins. If you are poor and can't afford it, hard luck, it's off to purgatory for you.