Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Little Thieves

28 August 2022
On the TV news tonight 2 1st people, school age children, about 7 and 8 years of age, in Broome running amuck.
Caught out breaking and entering and causing damage to a house that is up for sale, then decided to swim in the home swimming pool.
Would appear a tradie working there dished out tough love to these little shytes and cable tied their wrists together.
Then on the ACA programme tonight, the mother bellyaching how badly her darlings were being treated.
Questions not asked were,
Why were they not in school,
breaking and entering is that ok,
damaging someone else's property,
breaking into the swimming pool.
are the parents going to be asked to repair the damage?
What if the sods had drowned, probably the owners fault.
Would appear that the bloke who apprehended them is in all sorts of strife.
Got off lightly I reckon.
Had my fill of this sort of thing over the years.
At the risk of stirring up that hornets net...

Bloke should be praised for taking the initiative in doing what he thought was right and proper, instead of chasing them off so they could repeat the offences.

Seen it too many times here too. One rule for us and a different rule for the indigenous mob i.e., must wait for the Aboriginal Liaison Officier.

Also, I cannot bring myself to call them 1st Nation because there is evidence that they were "colonizers" too thus, cannot or shouldn't be referred to as 1st.

Rhetorical question but should or could we be referred to as the 1st white people on this great land of ours?
At the risk of stirring up that hornets net...

Bloke should be praised for taking the initiative in doing what he thought was right and proper, instead of chasing them off so they could repeat the offences.

Seen it too many times here too. One rule for us and a different rule for the indigenous mob i.e., must wait for the Aboriginal Liaison Officier.

Also, I cannot bring myself to call them 1st Nation because there is evidence that they were "colonizers" too thus, cannot or shouldn't be referred to as 1st.

Rhetorical question but should or could we be referred to as the 1st white people on this great land of ours?
@CratonTotally agree with all you have posted. !st people right up my leftnostrel. Should just be called lazy bar**ards and layabouts with an outstretched hand,
All the pearl clutchers on talkback radio here in Perth have gone freaking nuts over the Guy zip tying their hands.

And this is why we have a problem

Police quash social media video of damage at Broome house where children were restrained by cable ties​

  • In short: Vision of a Broome property with damage to doors and windows was posted on Facebook on Thursday.
  • The post insinuated the footage was taken at the house where a man allegedly cable tied three young children who entered the property.
  • But police say there was no vandalism, either on Tuesday or in the days since, and the vision posted was old.

The failure here is leftist policy.
Policy should be in place to punish offenders regardless of race. It's a failure of family services, law enforcement, parenting, government policy. It also fails the aboriginal community because you are allowing their kids to have no structure at all. They eventually grow up to be these lost individuals who then repeat the cycle.

The insane policies need to stop. It's harming an entire race of people that then runs rampant through their communities. If there was little in the way of repercussions society would turn to anarchy. Disadvantaged or not, you are doing a disservice to Aboriginals by not setting structure.

It's happened to black communities in the US and its specifically because of Democrat policy. It feeds the private prison systems and keeps a Democrat voting public confined to their electorate. It also keeps the victim factory going.

Police quash social media video of damage at Broome house where children were restrained by cable ties​

  • In short: Vision of a Broome property with damage to doors and windows was posted on Facebook on Thursday.
  • The post insinuated the footage was taken at the house where a man allegedly cable tied three young children who entered the property.
  • But police say there was no vandalism, either on Tuesday or in the days since, and the vision posted was old.

Don't believe a word of no damage. Its ingrained in these lot to wreck anything and everything.
The failure here is leftist policy.
Policy should be in place to punish offenders regardless of race. It's a failure of family services, law enforcement, parenting, government policy. It also fails the aboriginal community because you are allowing their kids to have no structure at all. They eventually grow up to be these lost individuals who then repeat the cycle.

The insane policies need to stop. It's harming an entire race of people that then runs rampant through their communities. If there was little in the way of repercussions society would turn to anarchy. Disadvantaged or not, you are doing a disservice to Aboriginals by not setting structure.

It's happened to black communities in the US and its specifically because of Democrat policy. It feeds the private prison systems and keeps a Democrat voting public confined to their electorate. It also keeps the victim factory going.

Repeating Jacinta Prices mantra is great for a political career but will never actual do any good at least it hasn't for 200 or more years.

The failure here is lack on funding and targeting to sort out the family dysfunction which is generational and will take generations now to sort out.

The kids behaviour is very much a symptom.

Running the political culture wars argument just leads to more failure which is now baked in.
Repeating Jacinta Prices mantra is great for a political career but will never actual do any good at least it hasn't for 200 or more years.

The failure here is lack on funding and targeting to sort out the family dysfunction which is generational and will take generations now to sort out.

The kids behaviour is very much a symptom.

Running the political culture wars argument just leads to more failure which is now baked in.
The money just keeps disappearing into a black hole, no pun intended.
The money just keeps disappearing into a black hole, no pun intended.

Agree Rump no transparency add to that the cost of locking people / kids up

"The Department of Justice's annual report for 2022-23 shows the daily cost of detention per young person was $2,184 – up from $1,361 the year before. By comparison, the daily cost of managing a young person in the community was just $130, down slightly from $139 the year before.24 Oct 2023."

Surely there is benefit in tackling the issue at the front of the problem using solutions which are known ironically those trying to do that get slagged off.
Repeating Jacinta Prices mantra is great for a political career but will never actual do any good at least it hasn't for 200 or more years.

The failure here is lack on funding and targeting to sort out the family dysfunction which is generational and will take generations now to sort out.

The kids behaviour is very much a symptom.

Running the political culture wars argument just leads to more failure which is now baked in.
It's the truth leftist need to take a big ownership. The funding argument is bs.
These are 7yo that have learnt to break and enter then getting reinforced that they are the victims. Their formative years are already severely hampered.

What happens as soon as they turn into adults?
Straight to jail and another lost generation and deadsht parent to repeat the cycle.
They were literally brought up to think that criminal activity and violence is ok and then they get caught up in the system and hammered for it.

I have actually dealt with this with Maori kids. Dealing with leftist do gooders is the bane of black existence. This feel Good bs, everyone else's problem, poor darlings, attitude is destroying aboriginals.
It's the truth leftist need to take a big ownership. The funding argument is bs.
These are 7yo that have learnt to break and enter then getting reinforced that they are the victims. Their formative years are already severely hampered.

What happens as soon as they turn into adults?
Straight to jail and another lost generation and deadsht parent to repeat the cycle.
They were literally brought up to think that criminal activity and violence is ok and then they get caught up in the system and hammered for it.

I have actually dealt with this with Maori kids. Dealing with leftist do gooders is the bane of black existence. This feel Good bs, everyone else's problem, poor darlings, attitude is destroying aboriginals.

Recon you need to go up into WA NW get a grip on reality or the unreality of what's going on running the political blame war is dumb.

It affects those that are actually having a go working in the area hence they don't tend to last too long.

The 7 year olds are definitely victims of dysfunctional families.
Recon you need to go up into WA NW get a grip on reality or the unreality of what's going on running the political blame war is dumb.

It affects those that are actually having a go working in the area hence they don't tend to last too long.

The 7 year olds are definitely victims of dysfunctional families.

I agree with you, I have witnessed this in families of various coloured skin, it is not exclusively a black coloured thing but it seems to be rife in families that feel/are entitled to free money.

I am not sure how we fix it, I have read a number of books that suggest remedies, some argue tough love, others view them as poor victims.

Like you, I have been to a number of communities, some I felt quite safe and others I felt rather nervous, I have never had a problem but if looks could kill I was in trouble.

I am not sure how to fix it but I do think it starts with accountability of funding, if we have leaders of the community misusing funds or setting bad examples then it will never improve
I'm not arguing for tough love either.
But without structure, rule of law, instilling family/tribal values all together then you won't get change. It needs to be installed young. You need strong figures to clear it up.

Recon you need to go up into WA NW get a grip on reality or the unreality of what's going on running the political blame war is dumb.

It affects those that are actually having a go working in the area hence they don't tend to last too long.

The 7 year olds are definitely victims of dysfunctional families.
Heard this sht before. How's it going so far?
Alice Springs is ******* lost. The law targets adults when it's too late.
It's extremely political and not calling it out is a big part of the entitlement problem.
And yet you routinely call out Mundine and price

Not so much Mundine as he has had a red hot go at creating change with a bit of success however some of his stuff is hypocritical and he has done very well from the so called industry.

Price on the other hand is full on just lock them up finger pointing, blaming, saying what every white conservative in Australia wants to hear (which is just painful to listen to) playing continual politics which Price is entitled and and I guess must do to survive in the Nats.

In the Alice, Price won't talk to the local mob in fact I believe Price won't talk to any of the land councils, almost anywhere she goes in remote NT areas Price has to have minders.

Both are very much Aboriginal elites but I think out of the two Mundine is the only one that represents Aboriginal interests.
Not so much Mundine as he has had a red hot go at creating change with a bit of success however some of his stuff is hypocritical and he has done very well from the so called industry.

Price on the other hand is full on just lock them up finger pointing, blaming, saying what every white conservative in Australia wants to hear (which is just painful to listen to) playing continual politics which Price is entitled and and I guess must do to survive in the Nats.

In the Alice, Price won't talk to the local mob in fact I believe Price won't talk to any of the land councils, almost anywhere she goes in remote NT areas Price has to have minders.

Both are very much Aboriginal elites but I think out of the two Mundine is the only one that represents Aboriginal interests.
You won't get change in the current environment. List is way to long.

I shouldn't have said leftist policies, but rather this woke infiltration.